12 09
17 things that some men hate of being men who have made us reflect

"If I go to the park with my son: 'poor man, he has to be with her children while the lady is in the house.Must be exhausted '.If I go to Super with the baby: 'Oh, how good you do this for your wife'.

If I go to the doctor to a consultation or vaccine: people random tell me that I do not know what I am talking about, or that I think that my son is special, that you cannot trust the medical information that I give because I am not your mother or thatI have to say to my wife that...'.

They are not bad;They are simply unpleasant.The other part that I don't like is that my friends make fun of me.Or, when there is an argument, they throw me in face that I have no job and that therefore I am not a real man.The idea of the 'status quo' that the man must kill himself working and that only the woman is suitable to be in the house bothers me.

17 Cosas que algunos hombres odian de ser hombres que nos han hecho reflexionar

I know how to change a diaper.If I am happy.Yes, it was my decision to be a house master.No, I don't care not to be able to do what I want with my friends all the time.Yes, I know how to take care of children's medical problems;And no, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world ".
