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200 years of fashion history in Guatemala - Free Press

The 200 years of history through architecture and art, contains the historical collection of two centuries in Guatemala City, in commemoration of the Bicentennial of Independence.The general coordinator of this research project at the University of Isthmus, was the dean of the Faculty of the architect Ana María Cruz de García and the Executive and Editor coordinator was the architect Stefanie Marroquín.For the elaboration of this document, professionals from the subject of the Faculty of Architecture and Design participated.

A book extract is summarized below, pointing in parentheses the page number.

The author María del Rosario Monzón de Schlesinger and the editor Stefanie Marroquin of the chapter entitled La Fashgood taste and accommodated life.This is how its function ceased to be only fashion and began to reflect the social, political, economic and cultural changes of society.(267)

In the years after Guatemala's independence, male and female fashion followed the trends established in Spain.The Spanish man and the Creole wore panties to the knee on white socks, shirts with chest flights, vests to the waist and jackets of the prevailing types.(272)

200 años de historia de la moda en Guatemala – Prensa Libre

The taste for carrying out leisure activities such as sport by high classes caused an accelerated fashion development for the high demand for more flexible clothing.Feminist movements had appeared since the early nineteenth century.Some of them proposed “reformist” costumes as a reaction to the excesses of fashion that limited the mobility of women, oppressed under the adjusted corset and the immense ‘cage’ or crinoline.(278)

Despite the clear influences of abroad in the field of style and fashion, climatic differences between North America, Europe and Guatemala were drastic, which encouraged Guatemalans to use textiles that were cooler, lighter and accessible.The most used textiles at this time were cotton, chiffon, tulle, velvet, silk, satén and crepe crepe fabric.(280)

Fashion is transformed into this period into an industry dominated by women, who were responsible for marking a trend and thus showing the economic success of their husbands or family.The pants will be a garment that will be introduced in the women's closet.(281)

During the interwar period of the twentieth century, the fashion world was led by women designers highlighting Chanel and Madeleine Vionnet.Throughout the 1940s, men wore short leather or cardigans jackets with a vija neck.The jackets of the old days (in suits and coats of tomorrow with tail) were used only for formal occasions.(286)

Fashion in the 70s revolutionized all the standards and beauty standards that had previously established themselves.With the hippie movement the original and colorful garments and garments will be the trend.(p.291) ethnic clothing such as kimono, tunic, Arab blouses, African, oriental or Mexican.(292)

For the 1990s until today, clothing became a reflection of the personality and individuality of each person, one more way of expressing themselves.(294)