Keep Calm and Kill Zombies.A poster, as a summary of an idea, continues to be one of the most powerful messages in history.Capable not only of serving finally to be done, but of transforming and lasting until it is part of the culture of our time.In 1939, and as a message of mood against the Nazis, the British government printed specimens worth three million euros today, with a simple Keep Calm and Carry on: keep calm and move on.Elegant typography according to the visibility that was imposed in the London Metro, and an attractive background color.That sentenced them to remain forever in the war deposits, because to which delusional official had it occurred to him to choose as the main color of the Russian communists?It was those times.
No one saw publicly, that poster until 2000.When a second -hand library north of England decided to print five hundred copies.The owner had found one inside a book box, bought at an auction.His clients worshiped him, and they continually asked for a reproduction.A journalist from The Guardian revealed his story and origin, popularizing him.For 2007, fifty thousand copies had been sold, although its global diffusion occurred from the 2008 crisis, when it began to be distributed in memes and t -shirts originating in the United States.Adding behind the Keep Calm anything that occurred to the artist because, indeed, those bankruptcy times could, like those of World War II, make you lose your nerves.
But the messages that last and of which groups appropriate until they are part of the common culture are not reduced abroad.In our history we have the best example, written in English from here, and with an origin that has little to do with what we interpret today.Spain is different. Inventado por el Patronato Nacional de Turismo, algo creado en la dictadura de Primo de Rivera por el conde de Romanones.In 1928.The original poster with that slogan, of the 30s, was a bit dyslexic, because it served the different with the most traditional.An image closer to the inherited from the narrative of foreign travelers during the 19th, bandits and flamenco.
An article from those years published in La Vanguardia echoes the reaction that caused the message in travelers, at least in Barcelona. Un inglés, o alguien que conocía ese idioma, había escrito debajo del lemaSpain is different, Oh, and How!, un «ya lo creo» lleno de sarcasmo.The editor explains it, taxi drivers, hotels and bars abuse exploiting the tourist, the quality of the hotel service is low ... what will this sound to us.
Manuel Fraga, ministro de turismo con Franco en los años 60, los rescató para su campaña de esos años —de hecho se le atribuye su autoría—.The idea was to make positive the country's own features, which Europe associated underdevelopment.Different yes, but that makes us attractive.One of his spotlights, among many others, was the gazpacho, not a dish of poor, but a gastronomic delight, they were told foreigners, many of which they continue to ask when that "cold tomato soup" comes.What a Caray with the translations.Since then that "Spain is different", an expression that defines those things that can only happen here because we are unlikely, like our posters.
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Although tourism was not the only space for the unlikely, in reality the big posters occurred in the advertising of Milagro products.Like the Massosein, breast massage for cold water under pressure, very easy to do at home.In its press version, accompanying the photo of the original poster, offered to send free to the device the "interesting booklet and harshness of the breasts".Dated in 1936, it could correspond, if we eliminate your messages, to the poster of any black and white horror movie of the time.The model must be looking in the mirror, but because of its expression it could have been bitten by a vampire or be destined to be Frankestein's girlfriend.Or maybe you have abused substances.Maybe in the 30s a very erotic image will be, aimed in reality to them, to give the instrument to their partners.
The truth is that the appearance of photographs in the Spanish posters of the 30s meant a whole revolution.Until then, and as in the rest of the world, the pattern had followed to use illustrations, easier to reproduce, and with more control over the image.But, above all, with color.The photos would disappear from the propaganda posters during the Civil War, and that pattern would remain with the new Spanish brand tourism campaigns of the 60s, and with the advertising boom of that same decade.A new country that began to consume and buy brands attended new unlikely posters.
Like "Mom always leads Cruzcampo".Four children between seven and eleven are grouped around the Major, that Litrona in hand is willing to give it a good drink, and perhaps share with their brothers, who request them by holding vessels.It is not that the brand had special interest in perverting childhood, the rest of the manufacturers announced the same, and in fact the large bottle of liter was a format designed for the new refrigerators.If we cross the precipice of time and cultural distance, we will understand that these ads were directed to a new middle class, which could afford to have refrigerators, a luxury good.And above all that they fulfilled a very Spanish paternal dream: feed their children with an alcoholic beverage, one of the most expensive goods in the shopping cart.The generation born in the 40s were children who still received wine soups - like milk with cereals, but with pieces of hard bread, wine and sugar - and to eat that was a sign of worrying about feeding yours well to yours.
And it is that some of our posters are unlikely because our own story is also.That is why many have become an object of worship, and their reproductions, in the usual decoration of our houses and workplaces. Dependiendo de gustos, uno puede colgar el Keep Calm, un meme delSpain is different o, quién sabe, a la terrorífica chica del Massosein, con una impresión en cartón pluma.The easiest way to place it without frame.What would be unlikely is to hang one of brewer children and upload it to the nets without liarla brown.Keep Calm and print posters.