03 06
Afuegolent-News and recipes of gastronomy

Koldo Royo (12.09.1958)

Born in San Sebastián, lover of hospitality since his childhood, he started in the office of hospitality in one of the most traditional TAPAS houses in San Sebastián, the Antonio Bar, owned by his father, and trained with great professionals in the sector such as Juan Mari Arzak (San Sebastián), Casa Nicolasa (San Sebastián), Cadena Hotelera Zonura (Mexico), Monsieur dart (Restaurant Richeliu, France), or Luis Irizar (Irizar Jatexea, Madrid).

He returned to Spain with the proposal to inaugurate the Restaurant Porto Pi (Palma de Mallorca) as head of cuisine, where he stayed for three years (1 Michelin star)

En 1989 inaugura su propio restaurante: el Restaurante Koldo Royo (Palma de Mallorca, 1989-2008) (1 estrella Michelin). En 2008 decide realizar un cambio importante en el fondo y en la forma, un cambio que ya venía apuntando maneras en 2007 cuando introdujo una barra de tapas en la planta baja de su restaurante. Tras un breve periodo, abre de nuevo su local en Palma reconvertido en Aquiara Tapas&Catering, una evolución hacia la que se dirigía desde hacía ya algunos años, y que vio la luz en diciembre de 2009, retomando de este modo sus raíces con las tapas tradicionales con una barra muy al estilo de San Sebastián

Afuegolento - Noticias y recetas de gastronomía

In 1994 (until now) Koldo Royo created the gastronomic producer based in Palma de Mallorca, Bon Gust productions, through which he has channeled all the gastronomic outreach activities such as: cooking programs, workshops, talks, lectures, lectures, courses, show-cooks, cooking programs on radio, television and collaborations in the written press; cookbooks and, of course, the Internet, as founder (in 1994) and developer of the digital gastronomic magazine www.afuegolento.

Also founder and Honorary President of the Association of cooks based in the Balearic Islands (ASCAIB), an association that brings together more than 1,900 cooks, being one of the most important associations in Spain, and from which the associated cooks provide and receive training, experiences, outreach activities around the world