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All types of pictures you should know (and how to use them)

El traje a cuadros o plaid es un estilo que ha sobrevivido al paso de los años y que, seguro, durará por muchísimas épocas más. Tiene cierto aire vintage, por supuesto, pero eso no quiere decir que al usarlo te verás anticuado o fuera de lugar. Muy al contrario. Hará que te veas como un gran conocedor o como un tipo muy seguro de sí mismo. Al mismo tiempo, claro, que le quitará lo aburrido a tu traje de toda la vida. Ésta es una elección que logrará atraer miradas y tienes que saber cómo conseguir que éstas se queden asombradas ante tu look.Todos los tipos de traje a cuadros que debes conocer (y cómo usarlos) Todos los tipos de traje a cuadros que debes conocer (y cómo usarlos)

Before continuing we must tell you that this pattern is leaving its mark on male tailoring once again;Today we see it stamped on jackets, pants, three -piece costumes and several fabric garments - fundamental for the new 20s—.Its timeless nature is made by a perfect graph for all the trends that now flood the streets.And in cold times it is more great.So pretexts are not missing to buy a plaid suit.

Of course, there are different types of paintings and combinations, although you see you the same.Unveiling this, we present below everything you need to know about the checkered suit so that once and for all you decide to take one.


Todos los tipos de traje a cuadros que debes conocer (y cómo usarlos)

Let us start from an extremely important distinction: the pattern we know as plaid or simply as "pictures" is actually called Tartán.These are tissues of alternate bands woven at straight angles in the Scottish tradition;The Plaid actually referred to the heavy wool clothes that had said pattern for the clans of that culture.

The first records of this graphic date from the seventh century before our era;And as we know it today is the result of a design in Scotland during the 18th century.In the beginning, each family or Scottish clan had a pattern and a selection of very particular colors.

During the nineteenth century, the employer arrived from Europe in the United States and became popular over the years towards other regions.It was in this process when he was known with the nickname we know today: Scottish paintings or Scottish fabric.

After several decades, the Plaid went from a favorite graph between the working class - who chose it for its warm garnets - to an omnipresent element in the 1970s, adorning everything.From suits to interior design elements.

Gradually this picture game was used in punk elements, in the uniforms of the wealthiest boys, in the favorite grunge shirts and, finally, in the hipster look during the 2010 years.

Types of pictures

De tartán