Nobody knows, that night, if the killer slept, ate, drank, looked at the television, walked or only dedicated himself to waiting or following the victim.It is ignored if I had a picture of her, if I knew her or hired him to kill her. En una historia que fue contada tantas veces, el mayor enigma es quién la mató.
But the two protagonists of this sad story had dinner on November 25, 2006 in two restaurants 975 kilometers away. Marcelo Macarrón y Nora Dalmasso, cada uno por su lado, celebraron con amigos y amigas.He did it in Punta del Este, where he had won a golf tournament.In the end they provided with champagne and went to sleep.She did it in Río Cuarto.They also provided with champagne and said goodbye to the friends.I did not know, impossible for him to know that the morning of 26 would have an unexpected encounter.
The encounter with his murderer.
But before, Nora, 51, took a glass of champagne in her house in the Villa Golf neighborhood, took off her makeup, took an immersion bath and headed in her daughter's bedroom because his and herhusband were referring.He undressed and lay.He left the lenses and cell phone on the table of light.
En ese momento apareció el asesino, que la golpeó, logró desvanecerla y luego la estranguló con el lazo de su bata y con las manos. Una maniobra mixta.Although it is strange that a hitman has acted without a gun or revolver, for the researchers the intellectual author sought to confuse. “Esperó que creyéramos que fue una violación, algo más relacionado a una relación extramatrimonial. Fue como si hubiese intentado embarrar la escena del crimen”, dijo una fuente del caso.
En la reconstrucción del crimen que hicieron los forenses Raúl Torre y Osvaldo Raffo, con gran trayectoria en casos policiales, creen que Nora se trabó en lucha con el agresor.They concluded that the strangulator exerted a force of 15 kilos for three to five minutes on Nora's neck, which had skull injuries and right elbow. “Se trata de una víctima luchando por su vida, derribada al suelo y transportada a la cama, o sorprendida en ella.There is not always a criminal scenario with demolished furniture, broken glass and blood reguers ”.
Para los peritos de la familia de Nora, el o los asesinos la esperaban en la casa cuando ella llegó de cenar con sus amigas.
The murderer seemed well informed.Because Nora's fateful night was going to be alone. Como se dijo, su marido estaba en Punta del Este con otros 15 amigos, su hija Valentina, de 16 años, dormía en la casa de una amiga y su hijo Facundo, de 19, estaba en Córdoba, donde cursaba Derecho.
The last day that would spend alive, for her she had started early. Estuvo en la funeraria Casa Grassi, que era de su madre María Delia Grassi, la empresa de sepelios y servicios prepagos donde trabajaba y luego almorzó con sus padres poco después de las dos de la tarde.
Cuando llegó a su casa estaba la empleada, Karina, q quien le pediría que se tomara el fin de semana, y un grupo de pintores, entre ellos Gastón Zárate, que llegó a ser acusado y detenido y luego liberado en el “perejilazo”.
Nora recibió un mensaje en su celular de Polly, una de sus amigas: “Nori: hoy a las diez está reservado para ir a comer al Alvear.Call me to confirm your presence.Do not decay.Polly ". Nora durmió una siesta en la cama de su hija.Upon waking, the painters and the employee left. A las 18 la visitó Silvia Albarracín, que vio a Nora salir de la pileta en bikini y luego ponerse un toallón en a cabeza y otro en el cuerpo.They talked about their husbands, from dinner and Nora told him that he planned to get a rushing.
Poco después de las 21, llamó a su cuñada Silvia Macarrón, artista plástica.He went to the house of art, where Silvia exposed two works.
Cuando poco después de las 22 Nora llegó al pub Alvear, propiedad del ex tenista Agustín Calleri, en la Alvear 923, en pleno centro de la ciudad, el encargado le dijo que un hombre había llamado para cancelar la cena.Was it the murderer?
Surprised, Nora called one of her friends and told her that they were all on their way. Les hicieron una mesa improvisada para seis: Rosarito, mujer de Gonzalo Gagna; Silvana, la esposa del legislador provincial Alfonso Mosquera; Graciela Bonino de Compagnucci; Paula Poli Fite de Ruiz; Patricia Funes de Carmine y Nora.The menu: salmon ravioli, skewers and salads and took wine.
Her friends saw Nora as always: carefree, jovial, making jokes, cheerful, beautiful, with her jeans or skirts, not for nothing young had been a queen of beauty at the Student Club of Río Cuarto. Ignoraban que todo ese día se había enviado mensajes con Guillermo Albarración, amigo de Macarrón que participaba en el torneo de golf.His wife, Silvia, was a friend of Nora.
Cuando fue el crimen, en los medios salieron listados de amantes y se vendía una remera que decía “Yo no estuve con Norita”.Without respecting the pain of the victim's family. Pero en el expediente figura que su único amante era Albarracín y ese dato se incorporó no por chisme o rumor sino porque su testimonio quizá podía aportar algo a la causa.
That day, it is necessary to clarify it, Nora communicated with her children Facundo and Valentina to see how they were.The same with her husband Macarrón, with whom she had married 20 years ago.
Since then, 15 suspects paraded in the case.
What happened between what leaves the Alvear bar until he enters his house?
Rosarito invited them to take Pommery Champán at home.At two they all left.Nora went up to his bora.
Poli Ruiz was the penultimate person who saw Nora alive.Going home he went through the front of Dalmasso's house and touched horn when she crossed the wooden gate.After a while, he started to rain.
Inside Nora's house, horror.
There was nothing, that day, that could twist fate.A visit that will save her from the matador.A trip.Spend the other side.Everything seemed to pass as expected by the murderer.
The crime was executed the first hours of Sunday, November 26.At noon, Nora's mother called her several times, but there was no answer.Neither did their children and her husband.
Hasta que por pedido de la madre de Nora, que llamó al vecino Pablo Radaelli, de 72 años, para que se fijara si su hija estaba en casa. Entró por la puerta trasera, que estaba abierta.He found her dead.
For the crime scene, 23 people paraded, including a cure friend of the family who covered Nora's body for shame.
Since that day, the case was shipwrecked for unfair imputations. Una de ellas fue las del albañil Gastón Zátate, que terminó sobreseído.
También acusaron a Facundo Macarrón, por entonces de 19 años.They charged it in the case on June 6, 2007.The only argument of the prosecutor against him was that in the DNA of the crime scene the Macarrón lineage appeared.As his father Marcelo played at the time of femicide a golf tournament in Uruguay, the suspicion (“mild”, as said Di Santo), he fell on his son.
No lo detuvieron, el propio fiscal consideró que no había pruebas suficientes. Sin embargo, su teoría era que Facundo mató a su madre y abusó de ella.Not only that: the mobile was looked in an alleged fight between mother and son for the sexual choice of the young man. Algunas pericias giraron en torno a su vida privada, pese a que no tenían nada que ver con lo que se investigaba.
In 2012 he was dismissed by the control judge of Río Cuarto, Daniel Muñoz.
Facundo had two great wounds.One for the crime of his mother.The other, the unfair accusation. “Destruyeron mi juventud”, le dijo a Infobae el 20 de junio de 2020, en su primera manifestación a un medio desde que mataron a su madre.
In all that time, Facundo suffered hidden cameras, invasion of his privacy and had to see how the photos of his mother's autopsy -which a policeman offered the media in exchange for money (the author of this note witnessed that)- They appeared on television.
Every time he tries to write something to remember his mother, he erases him.As if the weight of injustice did not let him write the unforgettable moments that happened with his mother, such as when she accompanied him to buy clothes or listened to the 80s and 90s classics.
Hace un año, Facundo le escribió a Infobae:
“You will imagine that from that, and of so many other barbarities they committed in judicial investigation, I have the basic confidence destroyed.Especially when I have to remember mom publicly.And this did not happen to me, but to many other members of my family, friends and friends of Mom, who prefer to remember her in silence because every time they naively talked about her, what they said was interpreted for the least thoughtful side or themore thought (read, premeditated) for researchers: to blame someone from the family intimate circle.Thus most of these crimes are closed.Easy.Justice, no matter, the important thing is to have a convicted or convicted, today the goal is my old man ”.
“With all this that I tell you, you will imagine how difficult it is for me to talk to someone, even with the confidence and respect I have as a journalist, about the quality of a person who was my mother. No tiene que pasar tiempo para que pueda hablarte de ella sin temor a perjudicar a papá ni trauma, simplemente tiene que haber justicia, y esto implica investigar a quien realmente cometió el horrible crimen, y condenar a esa persona. Ni hablar de que se termine la persecución contra mi familia, hoy contra mi viejo.It is so simple but so difficult to understand for those who owe us that justice service, that I do not know if any day we can have the peace of mind to be able to remember it, in public, having done justice.I do not lose the hope".
His father, now, is charged with being the intellectual author of the murder, when before another prosecutor had accused him of being the material author. Es decir, tomarse un avión fantasma desde Punta del Esta, entrar en la casa de Río Cuarto, estrangularla y volver en ese avión a Uruguay.
The trial will be next year.
Tanto Marcelo, Facundo y Valentina Macarrón tratarán mañana de recordar lo luminosa que era su madre. “Buscaremos, una vez por todas, recordarla en paz”, dicen, alcanzados por el dolor irreparable de la pérdida, los recuerdos vividos y las inconstancias judiciales.
At the same time, a faceless murderer seem, again, to go out with his.