27 07
Eñaut heart, the designer who creates awareness: "Man is risking more"

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Eñaut is a Spanish male fashion firm that is born with the need to "raise awareness" with designs made from sustainable materials, with a pre -sale company concept, an option that reduces "meaningless" clothing of garments.

Eñaut Barruetabeña (Mutriku, Guipúzcoa, 1993) is the creative soul of the Eñaut firm, winner of the Best Emerging Design Collection of 080 Barcelona Fashion 2019, which with its 15.000 euros was created to help young designers consolidate in industry.

The Basque creator, based in Barcelona since the age of 18, exhibits in his garments a vision of masculinity without stereotypes, to the point of evolving in his creation to "a seamless without genres", also attractive to women, he says in aInterview with Efe.

After taking his first steps in architecture, he discovered that although his thing was not to project buildings or bridges, it was to draw sketches and select materials, in this case sustainable textiles.

He launched his first collection in 2018 and in September of that same year he presented himself to the REC contest.080 Barcelona Fashion, which led him to get a point of sale in the area prior to the parades of the Catalan catwalk and provided him to parade in it in 2019, at which time he won the prize with the designer Sonia Carrasco.

"The prize has given me visibility and security to strengthen the brand," says the creator, who acknowledges that he came to fashion "by accident", at a stage in which he was "very lost", until he began his studies in theFDI (Higher Design School) of Barcelona, where before graduating he began working for Inditex.

"I spent almost a year, but I left it.I was part of Fast Fashion, I met him, but I didn't contribute anything.I decided that I had to undertake my way and my philosophy, "he says.Receiving the emerging design award was "a chute of energy, because starting in this profession is very difficult; you struggle to survive, there is more and more competition and a recognition like this is the best speaker to help expand your name".

Corazón Eñaut, el diseñador que crea conciencia:

Links your garments to nature in order to pay attention to preserving the environment in a natural way;"It is innate in me," says this creator who has grown up in the middle of the mountain and near the sea.

"My intention is to raise awareness, take advantage of my position for the consumer to get involved in preserving the environment with their purchases", especially being part of an industry as polluting as fashion, argues.According to data from the United Nations Organization, fashion is the second industry, after oil, more pollutant on the planet.

Although he acknowledges that the Fast Fashion is entrenched in Spain and it costs that sustainability is assumed in the purchase of clothing, "it changes little by little," and notes that it was not easy to implement the recycling in garbage, "however, nowNot doing so would be unthinkable ", and trust that fashion follow that path.

Organic cotton is one of the main materials of its collections although it expands its options, such as the use of a type of leather, in its next proposal, ready for the next edition of the 080 of Barcelona, created from plants and polyesterrecycling.

Pandemia has caused those that form the fashion industry have made a reflection on the times when collections are presented and the need to make sustainability a daily exercise.

"The fashion world has changed we have all reduced consumption and we have cared for overcrowding," says Eñaut, that before the health crisis he had decidedAvoid creating unnecessary surpluses, since it only makes "what the client asks".

With two physical points of sale, one in Barcelona and another in the Basque Country, is convinced that the sale on the Internet is what energizes the market, which he wide with customers from France, Germany and Italy.

The essence of its next collection is deforestation, a problem that reflects through three colors: green, black and sand, the phases of the process, from the moment of splendor of nature, through the black of the burned forest and destructionand sand as a symbol of dryness and desolation.

More armed structures, where there is a greater presence of tailoring, which is opposed to the "Chandalero", "" present in these times ", to opt for comfortable fashion for and away from home.

A timeless, minimalist fashion, which speaks of a less stereotyped masculinity."Man is risking more and it shows," concludes Eñaut.

[More Infregation: 'Fashion Week' Paris: These are the trends that will remain in the closet]

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