The squid game was one of the most viewed series of 2021.Korean production shows with a pop and child aesthetic how people sunk in misery and debts, displaced lúmpenes of the system, are torn apart on an island to satisfy the bloodthirsty desire of millionaires who enjoy seeing how they kill each other between them.As a prize, the winner will take more money than he could spend on his life.This Netflix title, which was a cultural phenomenon, emphasized how the richest people in the world rest on the backs of subjects who run like hamsters in a cruel wheel of which they have no escape, while throwing crumbs from above forkeep them with the illusion that they own their lives.
No es casual que este título haya surgido y sido un éxito ahora, en un contexto donde la acumulación de riqueza es más grotesca que nunca en contraposición a una vida cada vez más precarizada para el resto de la población: ¿qué nos queda al 99%? Violencia económica neoliberal, deterioro ambiental y crisis climática, desigualdades que golpean con más fuerza a las mujeres, niñxs y a los colectivos minoritarios y racializados y claro, la pandemia, como un catalizador que profundiza la pobreza.
As recently reported Oxfam International, the ten richest men in the world doubled their fortunes while the revenues of 99% of the world population deteriorated due to the Covid-19 crisis.But how much money are we talking about?In a zenith report, the journalist Juan Manuel Telechea graph like, if those rich spent a million dollars per day, exhaust their wealth would take 414 years.Elon Musk, for example, went from having 25 billion dollars at 2020 to 150 billion in 2021.How much is that?"International BCRA reserves are currently 39 billion," explains the journalist
Is this legitimate?For centenials who live in the United States and that they cannot access the university because they know that they could never pay the debt they imply, that they cannot rent a monitor because their minimum salaries do not reach them for a basic income, which they are toLight years of fulfilling the capitalist promise of the American dream and that his future is being amputated by the threat of the environmental collapse that is happening now not, it is not fair. No es justo que Kim Kardashian se vaya de vacaciones a Tahití con 40 amigos en medio de la pandemia mientras a ellos les recortan el sueldo y no, no es justo que Jeff Bezos juegue a ser astronauta mientras los pibes no llegan a fin de mes con sus trabajos en McDonald’s.
And what is the social network that thousands and thousands of centenials and millennials frustradxs and without a handle in their pocket are choosing to protest against this, using creativity and viral ingenuity?Tiktok, that eclectic landscape of filters, funny videos, memes, challenges, vanity, choreographies and people who point out sign.Actually, Tiktok is mostly slogans, so here some of the most replicated pop trends are heated: someone invents a challenge and the rest of the users have to fulfill it, introducing their own variations. Una de ellas es, justamente, #EatTheRich.This phrase is an abbreviation of a said attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau that, in a speech that gave in 1793, exclaimed: "When people do not have to eat, they will eat the rich!".
they surveyed 50 nws wfos with active tornado warning operations and Found the upper third of office in positives or ... https: // t.CO/ZSZANFJ3LX
— J☀️seph Pa🌩🌩on Wed Aug 07 13:53:06 +0000 2019
As the phrase says, "the medium is the message", so, here the proposal comes with pop filters and a lot of color.#Eattherich is hashtag with 571.3 million visualizations on this platform and a viral Tiktok challenge that are using pre -laughed young people to laugh and question the excessive wealth of billionaires who are already buying their plots in luxury bunkers to survive the climatic collapse, and are fantasizing with foundingcolonies on Mars and on the moon when the current scenario finishes a pouring.
Through different videos, users are generating a time trial that discusses the freedoms that zillonarios have when paying taxes or making them responsible for the climatic crisis that they are generating, in addition to having kneaded their wealth at the expense of looting human resourcesand natural.Through humor videos with filters and using all the tools that this social network provides that captivates them gen z, lxs pibis are protesting against the neoliberal narrative installed that billionaires are "examples to follow" and deserve all their privileges because"They were won" being "innovative businessmen".
“No hay tal cosa como un billonario ético.Billonarians only exist because they exploit and pay miseries to their workers.Jeff Bezos has 131 billion pounds, even so, the payment of its average workers is 10 pounds per hour.I feel that many people don't know how much money is a million pounds.One million seconds are 11.15 days.A billion seconds is 31 and a half years.It is an amount of money impossible to spend, ”he said in a video @solanathagreenfairy, in a Tiktok that added 238.5 thousand likes and more than 7 thousand comments.
@Take.My.Knife made a Tiktok inviting his followers to stop following the rich in the networks.“Do you want to go crazy a little more?I used to work in marketing.And I know how much many people like Kylie Jenner win for having a social network with the followers you have. Deja de seguirlos.Stop following them a TODOS.I know what maybe you love them, but do it.This is how we eat the rich. Les hacemos sentir igual de importantes que como nosotros nos sentimos.Stop following them.Stop seeing its content.Even a couple of months.Do it!Look at them on fire ".
Tiktok may be a colorful universe of fun dances, videos of funny kittens and a fashion platform where influencers show their cool lifestyle while promoting pop trends. Pero como nos enseñó El juego del calamar, lo cruel, sanguinario e injusto también puede venir con colores brillantes y emojis.Although the allies of large corporations and 1% work to install the idea that the accumulation of excessive wealth is legitimate and a model to follow, cannot stop the creativity of those who use this platform to filter a conversation as a disruptive andWith prosta consciousness, among so many viral memes, dancers and challenges with KPOP songs.Pibis no longer let a.