The 'Street Style' revolution this summer has come from the famous caftans.These dresses have gradually occupy their place in the closets of the most fashionable and we have all applauded their results.In fact, today, just as we are practically impossible to enter our Instagram and not see a photo of a beach in Formentera;It is more difficult to see some inn on the beach and not have a 'look' with one of these caftan dresses that have fallen in love.
And although we have to move to the Ottoman Empire to start talking about the history of this original garment that triumphed through countries such as Turkey, Morocco and even Russia;The history of fashion is repeated and now no 'it girl' wants to miss this comfortable style to walk through the most coveted maritime walks of social networks or take something in one of the most 'cool' beach bars with friends with friends.
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So seeing that the 'fashionist' world has been delivered to this summer style, few are the 'low cost' firms that have not launched their own version of Caffan that you can find in different colors, with different prints or embroidery or even, even,In different fabrics to get an infinity of finishes. Ahora bien, pocos como este nuevo vestido que acaba de lanzar H&M:
Confeccionado 100% en algodón y en un color blanco natural, H&M lanza la revolución de las playas del verano con este caftán en tejido grupo.And, as always, it has that fluid and wide line that we love, neckline in pronounced beak and wide sleeves that are the most. Ahora bien, en este caso, H&M lleva la moda aún más allá y, para tener el conjuntazo hecho, ha lanzado este vestido caftán con un top a juego para que no tengas que pensar en nada más y tener un look ideal para el verano.