29 03
Jacob Gallagher presents the ABC's of men's fashion in The Men's Fashion Book

MADRID. Men's fashion has undergone an evolution worthy of analysis. Now, at a time when gender expression transcends the catwalk, The Men's Fashion Book compiles from A to Z the key figures in the world of men's fashion over the past 200 years.

The book brings together 126 designers, 96 brands, 35 photographers, 20 shoe designers, 18 accessories designers, 21 tailors, 15 publications, 13 models, 13 stylists and 7 illustrators, as well as art directors, writers, editors, milliners and textile designers.

Dancer Yanis Marshall/ Courtesy | Job Gallager and Janis Marshall

Jacob Gallagher presenta el ABC de la moda masculina en The Men’s Fashion Book