The Japanese designer Nigo, known in the world of "streetwear", presented this Sunday in Paris his first collection for Kenzo, mixed, comfortable and full of color, while the Spanish Arturo Obegero proposed a man and a woman dressed black and white,with resolutely flamenco style.
Kenzo proposes for autumn and winter winter jackets, jeans stamped with flowers, pictures with fantasy.
Also bibs, flowery dresses, unisex clothing with a mixture of American, British and Japanese styles.Nigo offers a Parisian wink with the typical French beret.
Nigo was born in 1970, the year in which Kenzo Takada founded his brand with an inaugural parade in the Vivienne Gallery of Paris, the same place chosen by the newly released Japanese designer.
Kenzo Takada died in October 2020 from Covid-19.
"Nigo and Kenzo Takada share the same language, synthesis between the traditions of Japanese and Western dress and especially the same attitude towards fashion: everything you see on a catwalk must be possible in real life," says the fashion houseWhen presenting this collection.
Nigo (Voloaki Nagao) A name was caught with his brand to Bathing Ape, specialized in comfortable clothes and street.
Arturo Obegero, who debuted last year at Paris Fashion Week, persists on the other hand in black as an essential basis of his collection, for men and for women, with bias cuts or rigorous bullfighter -style pants, which baptizes Afanador, in tribute to Ruven Afanador, one of his inspirations.
Obegero's clothes have haute couture winks, Cristóbal Balenciaga.There are corpiños, for him and for her.The designer consents to a touch of ivory white in a short dress, with organza or a long tulle, that the model drags the ground indolently.
Obegero proposes sensuality and classicism, but also lace tattoos for man, made in collaboration with Sophie Hallette.