Bautizado con el nombre de Andrew Warhola (1928-1987), desde que saliera al mundo a conquistar los días y, sobre todo, las noches de la jet set de varias generaciones, allá por la década de los cincuenta, se le conoció como Andy Warhol. El despliegue de su rol de gurú de la modernidad le consagró como uno de los mejores en lo suyo: ilustración, pintura, cine y literatura. Todas ellas disciplinas merecedoras de apodo con el que pasó a la Historia, el padre del pop art.
With a crucial role in the birth and development of this type of artistic current, Warhol had in his name the waste of style of the high American society of the sixties and seventies, when he hosted the less politically correct joint of the New York city and whose wake survived the passing of the years, the arch-known Studio 54.
The crystal ball that turned around dawn after dawn, fortunately for those present there, is a symbol that goes hand in hand with this genius of painting and photography, and both are United in a relationship as close as the one that has maintained fashion and art from the very beginning.
Convertido en personaje polémico, Andy Warhol fue una de las figuras más polémicas en vida, pero desde su fallecimiento, en 1987, ha sido objeto de numerosos exposiciones, análisis, estudios, retrospectivas, libros, documentales y objeto de inspiración para la industria de la moda. Es así como este artista, uno de los más influyentes del siglo XX, ha protagonizado colecciones textiles y de accesorios, como la que ahora lanza Pull&Bear, la firma del gigante Inditex pensada para los más jóvenes.
In collaboration with the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the brand has created a capsule collection with the aim of bringing the world of art and culture closer to the new generations. The limited edition has been put on sale with special labelling to highlight the exclusivity of the result, which is a tribute to the works of the pioneering American artist.
The work includes some of the most representative samples of the pop art master's portfolio, with the colorful prints most used in his profession as the guiding thread of this creation for the winter season we live in.
In the Womenwear section stands out the total Texan look with all over printed by Brillo Box (1964), also present in long mandarin T-shirts and tote bags. And the garments that carry comfort to the streetwear, such as hoodies and short-sleeved T-shirts, reproduce the works Marilyn Monroe (1964) and flowers (1964-65).
The man section also displays comfortable garments. Hoodies and round necks with the iconic signature of the artist, worker jacket and jeans.
With this retrospective in the form of a garment from the fashion world, it is confirmed that Warhol was not mistaken when at the height of his professional career he uttered one of his most recognized phrases: "in the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." He forgot to say that everyone would be him and that the 15 minutes would last him his whole life.