17 05
Seven Spanish authors of a black novel that you can't miss

The writer Alicia Giménez Barlett (Almansa, 1951) realized that women always appeared in police novels as victims "who died on the first page" or as assistants.Under the premise of dynamiting this topic, Barlett created in the 90s the delicate inspector: a consciously feminist voice and a rare Avis in the literary panorama of the country.

Barlett's volantazo served as Rompehielos: the visibility of black gender writers has been in crescendo as its protagonists in a current parallel to social change: judges, forensics or investigators have joined the pages of the neo noirSpanish in a traditionally masculine world.

This Monday is celebrated on writers and we review some of the most prominent names in black novel.Creators who explain their point of view about the evolution of the polyciac genre.

Rosa Ribas

Rosa Ribas is one of the most solid black authors in our country.The narrative quality of her texts added to the agility of her stories with humorous touches, often focused on the chiaroscuros of families, have made her a silent but incontestable reference.

Ribas, based in Germany for thirty years, has also created a good handful of detectives that spray glass roofs.

01.41 min
La escritora de "Un asunto demasiado familiar", Rosa Ribas responde al cuestionario del programa.

From the Inspector Cornelia Weber Tejedor, German of Spanish parents, with four novels considered cult by their faithful followers (between two waters, with announcement, in free fall, if not, we kill it), to the reporter in the Barcelona of the years of the years of the years50, Ana Martí, in his four -handed series written with Sabine Hoffman;The peculiar Irene Ricart of the Detective Miope or the Sagaz Marta Ferrer, a gray -employed of the Treasury transmuted in superheroine in Miss Fifty.

After an out of the noir with the acclaimed Leonardo pension, Rosa Ribas has returned with the saga of the Los Hernández family (a family issue, the good children) that has reported recognition.

“Detectives investigate secrets but at the same time they hide many other family secrets.We know very little of the people we live with, ”says the writer about the springs of these novels.

Alicia Giménez Barlett

The Albacete writer is a pioneer in the black novel and one of the most translated authors in this genre.The commissioner of her delicate Petra, so popular that she had her transcript in a series starring Ana Belén and Santiago Segura in the role of Fermín Garzón in 1999, broke the stereotype raised by police (male) razed by life and opened its way to otherswriters

27.53 min
Transcripción completa



González Franco.

Johnny Depp.

Alicia Giménez Bartlett leaves Petra delicate for a while,

to surround yourself with naked men,

And it's not a joke.


(Rock music)

Alicia, with this title, "naked men",

We might think that the protagonist or protagonists are only men,

But that's not entirely true.

No it's not true.

Women appear too.

It is a kind of game, tragic game sometimes,

Between men and women, their roles, change of roles, etc.

The argument, let's talk about the argument through the characters.

We could say that there is a protagonist couple, Javier and Irene,

Who are they, and what about them?

Javier is a school teacher, of literature, who loses his job.

Let's say a thirty forty.

Irene is a businesswoman,

that has been very protected by life,

And suddenly, her company enters crisis, her husband leaves her,

And it is also found in a vital trigger.

And among them two, things will happen.

Among them, things happen, things.

I think interesting, we'll see.

We talked about the characters and the argument of this novel,

And it is important to speak of some of them reinvents itself.

It is reinvented by labor circumstances,

As in the case of Javier, the main protagonist,

or one of the great protagonists. Yes, yes.It reinvents itself a lot.

It goes from teaching literature, to speak of Santa Teresa de Jesús

As a great mystique, to undressing as a center in a center,

In a kind of bar, a kind of premises,

where many women go to see these male stripteases.

And there begins that reinvention, nothing more begins.

It only begins, because then many more things happen.

The role of narrative voice is also very important

Of each of these characters, because it is very special.

Because they offer us the thoughts of these characters, right?

Yes, and not in a traditional way. No, not at all.

I wanted

reinvent, recycle myself,

In a resource of the Golden Age, of Shakespeare,

which suddenly, there is a character in a main scene,

Stop acting in it, turns to the public of the room,

And tell your thoughts.

As if the others, who are gngeled, could not hear it.

He says: "Yes, I just said this, but I really think about the other."

It is a very naif resource,

But I thought about working a little,

You could take pieta a way in which the narrator

It was not so present, but it was important.

It was important.


When I was very small,

I could remember more conversation with my godfather,

in which I told him, he wanted to be a writer.

I started exercising the profession quite older, with 30 years.

I studied two races, I say that you can explain,

but because I didn't like the first wardrobe,

And then I studied law, that I liked it a lot,

and that has paid me good.

But it took me a while to decide what I wanted to do.

And of course, writing, I came up at a certain age,

And after time.

(Song in English)

I started writing poetry because I started painting,

Then I came to live in the city, I ran out of space,

And then I started writing.

I had the need and the impulse in, you have to say it,

Although it sounds topical, to put black on white some ideas ...

And then it happened to me that I was writing,

Others said it was poetry, but I didn't stop writing poetry.

I started writing a natural poetry form.

"Self -portrait.

'A scar sews bad days.

The seriousness of the bees, in their daily work,

Building the Great House, Cemetery of Sweet Life,

It is something else.

I close my laces,

annoying that feeling of walking the movement,

and draw in the air a figure that is not me '".

"Arithmetic of wear" is a very sincere text.

There is a delivery of oneself, you could even say.

So sincere, that I think it may make me get

that the reader can see that there is something there is true.

One of the ones I have enjoyed the most, that I have read recently,

It is a classic, that of Inger Christensen, "that."

It seems to me a book, in addition to fascinating,

that clearly demonstrates that Lapoesia can never die.

And also one has the feeling that when he reads it,

What he is saying is quite really.

And in the moments when not really one, one also sees it.

(Song in English)

I believe that with poetry, so to speak,

You cannot traffic, you can't do business.

Poetry is a very different thing, and therefore,

The poet necessarily has to do something else,

that maybe you link you, I dedicate myself to law,

because it is an equal language use,

And I built stories, and they were transmitted to a judge,

And I put them in writing, right?

There is also a hidden decipherment of what one says,

To put it better than another lawyer,

and give him the reason. At the end, he is still ...

And when one makes a trial, generates and creates a reality

In front of a court, and the court buys it.

One can use language for other purposes,

to help people, but who earns life well,

But in poetry it is very different.

Poetry cannot be something that one gets up in the morning and says:

"I'm going to write a book, let's see how many I sell at the end of the month."


Let's see, touch with me, look.


Mine has to see a living in a poetic way.

I want to say that poetry,

That internal reflection, I carry it permanently in my head.

It turns out that I the "arithmetic book of wear"

I wrote it when my son was born, who didn't let us sleep,

Every morning, from 6 to 9, even at untimely schedules,

and that I do not affect my ordinary work.

I found those moments,

But everything that written in those moments,

He was already part of MiDede a long time ago.

Bravo, Bravo, Simon.


I like this book.

I am currently reading a book about Juana La Loca,

the last days of Juana la Crazy in Tordesillas,

It is called "the captive of tordesillas",

Because next year I'm going to do at theater

A monologue who has written for Ernesto Caballero,

And I am informing myself through this book,

On the last days of Juana La Loca in Tordesillas.

I would like to have dinner with Javier Marías.

I am a reader not only of her books, but of her articles,

They sometimes influence my way of thinking,

And I would like to know him personally.

The book that I recommend, is not exactly a book,

It is a television series, cartoon,

About Don Quijote de la Mancha, who made Cruz Delgado.

And I want my grandson to see this series,

because they taught me to read with the "Quijote",

And I took a huge mania,

And I know that my grandson, through Cruzdelgado, will love Don Quijote.

Of all literary characters,

the one I would like to interpret, logically,

When your moment is prepared,

It is the Celestina, of Rojas.

Among the many books that have influenced my life,

the one that has been a book by poems of Miguel Hernández,

That is my head book.

(Song in English)

The theme of male strippers, even if we go a little further,

Gigolo's work at a given time,

Is it more usual than we imagine?

Yes Yes?


Articles begin to leave everywhere,

Where they tell you that there are places where it is an already daily practice.

The other day I read that in Australia.

It is very far, but, demon ...

Apart from kangaroos, it is seen that there is amount of strippers,

and number of ladies who hire him as company boys.

In Spain too.

What happens is that it is very discreet,

And it is more a mouth-oreja,

That an agency, although there are.

Well, I'm obliged to ask how it has gone

The documentation process.

Writers always say you documented you a lot.

In this case, how was the subject?

I have had very interesting testimonies.

Testimonies of others.

Yes, because given my benefit,

I didn't see me with courage to get into that maelstrom.

But maybe I have done wrong, right?

And I would have had to see him first hand.

You could take advantage of the circumstance of the documentation, it is clear.

Everything has come for information ajena, of people who yes,

que suele asistir a estos sitios.Yes.

He has even hired company boys.

I have even met them.

Very pleasant.

1.80 ... (laugh)

Smooth skin...

Very pleasant.Solo hablan de tenis, pero da igual.

It would have been a very different story

If the strippers, instead of men, would have been women.

That would have a usual history.

Of course, the one we already know. What we know.

I do not know if it is very documented, but of course it attracts attention,

How to describe the reactions of spectator women

that go to these shows.

In fact, Ivan there is a moment that comments:

"If this was done by the men, the one that would roller."

It is true.

It is a context of total messing.

To this type of shows they are women

In bachelorette parties,

Girls who end the baccalaureate,

Or people who want to have fun, exclusively.

And there it is propitiated that there are reactions ...

Get hand, "good uncle", "I'm going to eat you ...".I have seen this.

And it is fun, but it doesn't tell the truth.

Because there are times that pure sex is seen in these shows,

And under the screams, it may have clear insinuation.

There is a lot of sex in the novel. Do you feel comfortable when

Do you have to write overexoo in such a direct way?

It's not very hard.

Javier Marías, a great writer, made an article about that,

saying that either rude pornography falls,

or in medical terms.

Avoiding that is difficult, and it costs me a lot.

A very important topic in your novelson relationships,

The consequences of divorces,

Relationships with friends when you have divorced,

And throughout the novel Unodescue that there is a lot of hypocrisy

In those situations, at that time.


And maybe there is before, and we don't realize.

Because when a break occurs,

It is when it comes to light that the relationships were not so intimate

Not as deep as we thought.

In the end, friendships, there are many,

that are going to the easiest.

They are couples are of the same social classes, perhaps the same job,

And everything goes on wheels.

When one of these elements is broken,

It turns out that everything else was pure convenience.





At first, Jim was a small -rise criminal.

A smart, and disciplined uncle.

And overnight, it becomes a capo.

Do you know why? Because the FBI allowed it.

Yes, I don't remember the last time we had a mafia adaptation.

Neither do I.I don't remember today.

Yes, today we have "Black Mass. Strictly criminal",

A film about the life of one of the gangsters

most important in the history of the United States.

James "Whitey", which was nickname, Bulger,

and who gives life Johnny Depp.

-Your brother is getting into turbulent waters.

-Jimmyson's issues of Jimmy.

-As we need friends, even Jimmy.

Even you.

This adaptation has been made from an investigation

Journalistic of the book that has just been published.

Yes, it is a fiction from the information in this essay

about the life of the gangster, about how he collaborated with the FBI,

From there, they explain the story in a more conventional way.

Did you like it?

Regular.It is one of those films that you cannot question

At the level of staging not interpretations, it is very careful,

But he lacks something that gives him uniqueness,

Let her remember her in a few years.

For example, at the character description level,

You ask that it is much more powerful, and that it is more unique,

And it gives you the feeling that it is an interchangeable mafia

with other films gangsters. I have caught my attention

Johnny Depp's image change seems great.

(Song in English)

Provided that I think of films related to the mafia,

The first is "The Godfather", by Coppola.

Yes, it is one of them.

Of the most emblematic.

Inspired by a book.

Yes, Mario Puzo is very good. But there is more.

There are several cases.

On the one hand emblematic films of the mafia

Inspired by books, and others that are original scripts.

Of the adaptations, it comes to lacabeza "eased once in America",

"Casino", "Donnie Brasco", very powerful movies.

In some cases, the films I needed the novels.

They were superior to the originals.

The European case is a bit different.

I remember Roberto Saviano, "Gomorra",

The approach is totally ... of course.

It is different will think this stylized thing,

of directors like Coppola or Scorsese,

to what they proposed in "gomorra",

a more broken, more realistic movie, and that did not have much to do

The mafia profile of those films with the gangster

emblematic cinematographic that comes to mind.

I remember the book ...

(Song in English)


I thought that Ibasa recommend a book about the mafia

Or about the mafia cinema, I see no.

No, but its protagonist was very persecuted, almost like a criminal,

although obviously it was not.

It is the biography of Dalton Trumboque has written Bruce Cook,

A review of the life of this director, screenwriter, writer,

which was persecuted by McCarthy. The famous witch hunt.

He spent a few months in jail.

There was 10 or 11 months in jail.

Then he had to exile.

It is a review of life and professional career

of this filmmaker, screenwriter, director, writer ...

What does the protagonist of "Breaking Bad" on the cover?

They have made the movie now.

They have made a film inspired by this book.

The protagonist is the prota of "Breaking Bad".

Have you had the opportunity to see her? I haven't seen her yet.

I do not know how to have a distribution in Spain.


(Song in English)

Of Alicia Giménez's novel, set in the present,

We move on to William Boyd, set in the past.

Here we have Amory Clay,

a woman who will live the crazy 20s of Berlin,

Then he will live in the exciting New York of the 30,

To follow their journey in the London and Paris

of World War II.

He will always do it with a camera in hand, because love is a photographer.

Here you have a magniforetrate of the twentieth century.

(Song in English)

The philosopher Michel Onfray has written a very special book,

"Aesthetics of the North Pole".

Taking advantage of a trip he made with his father

To the Canadian land of Baffin,

contrasts the evils of capitalist civilization

with the authentic life of the Inuits.

It is philosophy in its purest form.

(Song in English)

Do you remember "Is Paris?"

Lapierre and Collins's novel?

Kiko Herrero, the multifaceted artist who lives in Paris,

He has just published his first novel, "Arde Madrid".

A story where he tells us about Opressed on Franco,

Siete autoras españolas de novela negra que no te puedes perder

of Madrid's cheerful freshness of the movement,

or from that Madrid punished by the economic crisis.

As you can see, a Madrid remembered from Paris.



Look, Ana.Fill yourself in this cool book.

It is "the wonderful mini-pei-coso",

tell the story of a girl looking for

The best decumage gift for his mother.

It is such a fun book, and with such beautiful drawings,

That I would like as a gift.

-I love gifts, Bruna. My book is too.

"Huziel means 'I love you'" is a true love story,

Among a shy student, named Zoe, and an Atlantean.

I say it seriously, the boy believes comes from Atlantis.


(Song in English)

The economic crisis is very present in the novel,

almost to the point that it could be enrolled in social realism,

update, don't you think?

I know that social realism has staunch enemies,

and an important bad press.

But if the form is adapted how it is written today,

new elements are incorporated,

The social issue is the testimony we have to give today.

The important thing that is happening is a social issue,

Not only in Spain, but in the world.

The police genre, where you tried your delicate Petra series,

This genre has work standards,

writing rules that are strict,

Although they can be changed.

The fact that you write these new novels outside the series,

Is it a way of breathing, somehow?,

To allow you a certain creative luxury? Without a doubt.

The black genre is easier for me,

Because I have the characters, being serial, already created,

But from time to time you have to put a challenge to oneself,

And there are stories that do not fit for me in the black genre.

I am comfortable for the genre, but it costs me more.

Sudo, I cry, and I feel fatal when I finish, because I don't have

The security that I have the black genre.

I don't know if it happens with you, it has happened with other writers,

that have triumphed with series or another genre.

You triumph with the series "Petra delicate".

This series, this triumph, flasses the rest of your production, or not?

You have many published novels, you have won many awards.

At first I raised it.

Now, sincerely, not anymore,

Because I think I'm a privileged person.

I do what I want, suddenly change of registration,

I write what I want, I have a good reception.

I don't care what I am considered, it would only be missing that ...

He intended to be the absolute queen in all genres.

I'm fine as I am, while doing what I want.I'm happy.

Not that you need visibility as a writer,

You are a well -known author,

But a planet like this is always good.

I will really tell you that what most attracts my attention from the prize,

They are the new readers that can attract to my books.

That is an important rush.

Among those readers, whom you have not been interested so far,

Perhaps because of the importance of the award, they will approach, and it is wonderful.

It's like being a prophet in a desert and suddenly

You come a little group more people to hear your word.

Alicia, what book would have liked to write?

"The Regent".

Would have given anything

To put a masterpiece myself.

You think writers, as representatives

Or any other profession, should they know how to retire on time?

No doubt any.

You have to realize, but when you realize

that you are autocopiating you,

that you return to a topic and you do not contribute anything new to that issue,

It is best to step back.

I, as I do not know if I can stop writing, is another issue,

I have my memoirs in the bedroom.

That will be the most hilarious memories of this world,

because you have to take your own life a little to Pitorreo,

And I have one with a quite little heroic vision of mine.

Memories for yourself, or to be published?

It will be seen.

I know, time is still missing.

Given my youth, as I said before,

The project is still in the bedroom, but it will come.

(Song in English)

But it will come.

CAPITA Civilization ...

Exact ...- I like it ...


The crisis.We talk about her, we suffer it, we read it,

We hide it, even sometimes, we overcome it.

But there is also that crisis that reinvents us,

or that creative crisis that requires us better of ourselves.

I assure you that on "page two", we cannot live without it.


"Sandra is a little younger than me,

But it seems that it has been anchored in the past.

He does not realize how things have changed,

that they will never be the same again.

Think that the usual order will be reimputed:

Work, family, and a position in society.

She has not bit the beast of the crisis,

It charges a salary every month.

Live calm, his parents go to Morcon on Sundays ...

Think that my standing situation is temporary.

He does not find out, he does not warn the party, it has ended,

Or close your eyes so as not to see reality.

But reality is there. Life getting, that is the option.

There are no roads, no destinations, open field.

Someone deceived us, some shepherd to the edge of the cliff,

And then disappeared.

If you rush for him, it's your fault.

There's no more".

(Music credits)

Página Dos - Alicia Giménez Barlett - ver ahora

Through ten books, the first, death rites published in 1996, we enter the evolution of a character rich in nuances and already fully aware."Petra demonstrates that it belongs to a generation of women who has already assumed their own individuality outside the male domain, hence it can be considered much more feminist than submissive and demure," says Barlett winner of the planet prize in 2015 with another thriller,Naked men.

Ironic, competent, decisive and with an agitated sentimental life, the situations that Petra delicate faces are inspired, according to Barlett that performs an exhaustive documentation for his books, in an inspector chief of the National Police Corps in Barcelona with more than three decades of service.

Round Dolores

The success story of Round Dolores has been one and a thousand times told: the trilogy of Baztan (the invisible guardian, legacy in the bones and offering to the storm) managed to combine the blessings of criticism and public around some books they know how to mixIn its fair measure, supernatural phenomena, ancestral Navarre traditions, an enveloping landscape and a charismatic police: Amaia Salazar, formed in the FBI.

Published in 36 languages (by 38 different publishers), Redondo is one of the best -selling and read Spanish authors worldwide.The trilogy has been taken to the cinema and its prequel The north face of the heart has already made the international leap.

28.03 min
Transcripción completa

"Every 15 minutes from six in the morning,

The authorities use the means to warn

that katrina causes devastating

throughout the Gulf coast.

And the forecasts for New Orleans

They were not very hopeful.

Located two meters below sea level,

With Lake Pontchartrain to North and the Flowing Mississippi

as a snake that crossed the city,

The threatening a marejada cyclonic

an inevitable reality began to be prompt with prompt. "


I believe that Valencia's literary life as a city and,

In general, from the entire Valencian Community,

has had a turning point.

It seemed to all the authors that everything had to happen outside.

Thanks to Manuel Vicenty his "tram to the Malvarrosa",

We have been understanding that Valenciatia is also a literary city.

Counting stories from here,

turning Valencia in the protagonist, for example,

I myself, most of my novels take place in Valencia.

And many other contemporary authors

They don't have to go out because things happen here

And it is a superficitable city.


We are in the Valencian Library,


in the monastery of San Miguel de los Reyes.

Here is custody

The history of the literature of our entire country, right?

Of the Valencian Community.

We have from incunable any first copies

Of the main Valencian and Valenciananters

that, apart, within our goals

is not leaving any outside.

It is the graphic and written memory and literary of our entire country.


I studied very close to this neighborhood,

that this is the Barrio del Carmen, where there is no,

as in every old neighborhood,

There are no perpendicular or parallel streets.

It is a kind of labyrinthine neighborhood.

I was missing many times when I went to class.

From there, I think it has been

The fear of losing myself to cities.

And that is the seed for a comic, "the sandy streets".

A character that is lost in a neighborhood like this,

Even if it is not said, but it is the Barrio del Carmen,

With these alleyways we see here.

And he is a character who can never leave that neighborhood.


Valencia has always had tradition in the world of comic.

From the time of the Valenciana publishing house

with "The Warrior of the mask";

Then, with magazines like Pumby.

Then with that generation we call the Valencian School

or that golden age of the Valencian comic

With many authors who worked for magazines.

For me it was about, a little, a reference.

In the world of comics,

The closest that you had and what you wanted

It was part of that Valencian school.


Ruzafa is a neighborhood that, over the years, me,

For example, those that I carry in the city,

It has evolved a lot.

And, well, on the issue of bookstores,

We think of the neighborhood by, at the time,

It had second -hand bookstores, Lance.

We have managed to create a clientele that, well,

From the beginning, people who have been growing with us,

And, well, keep in the neighborhood;

people, even, who do not live in the neighborhood

And it approaches the bookstore

both in activities as in workshops

o Reading Club that we manage.


They are being done around the librobastant activities.

Well, literature festivals, for example, "Black Valencia",

that has enough editions.

Science fiction was also created not long ago,

"Golem Fest".

You have philosophy, "avivament",

That is also growing a lot.

Poetry, is "vociferio", which is scenic poetry.

And around "vociferio", there is a network of "Jumps",

of related activities

With very interesting scenic poetry.


Albufera is an emblematic site in Valencian literature

From the moment Blascoibáñez chooses it

as a scenario of his most famous novels,

"Cañas and mud", which is set in the palmar,

That is an island that is behind those caneways that we see.

It is an emblematic novels, he said,

among other things too, because in the 70s,

In full transition,

There was a miniseries in Tveque made her terribly famous.

Valencia Gozade good health at the creative level.

As for literature, names like Paco Inclán,

Alberto Torres Blandina,

María Bastarós, who with her novel

"History of Spain told girls"

He won this year's Valencian literary criticism.

There is movement and there is talent

Because most of these authors puddle nationwide.


You promised your readers

that there would be another historiade Amaia Salazar and you have fulfilled it

Because you just published "the north face of the heart."

Very special novel because New Orleans will bring us;

And also very special because it is like a prequel.

Well, I had to ask my readers for permission to leave

For a while to Amaia Salazar

and tell other stories as "all this I will give you",

with which they have followed me very strongly.

But I also wanted to continue with her.

I already told them that I had many stories to tell

And, well, I have invented a great story for Amaia.

With a serial killer.

With a serial killer, in New Orleans,

to the doors of Major Hurricane in its history.

With Katrina. And with the presence of Dupree.

And with Dupree.

It is a prequel to we will know

to a very young Amaia,

with only 25 years when it is being formed.

We go with the argument.

You always have to be very careful,

But we must count here,

In the heart of New Orleans, in the famous Jackson Square.

Because we knew that Amaiahabía studied with the FBI.

You have to explain it, above all,

For those who have this novel.

I think the trilogy readers will know

Why we are in New Orleans.

Agent Dupree was born here,

Amaia studied, received part of her training,

In addition to the Foral Police, in the FBI, in the United States.

And there are moments when you tell you have lived here for a while.

Readers know that I have been repeating

Nueva Orleans and Dupreecomo a mantra in each novel

Waiting for this moment to tell it.

When she, as we said, was a young policeman,

still a sub -inspector that comes here.

And while studying a case that they are investigating,

The katrinasobre bahamas is unleashed,

begins to advance by the Gulf of Mexico and,

although initially, it seemed that he was going to dissolve,

They come to the city.

This decrees an eviction by the mayor

And they have to come here because they know

That the murderer will come here.

We can say that Dupree steals prominence

In this novel to Amaia.

Hey, do we make a robot portrait? What is Dupree?

This specialist in behavior analysis.

In 2005,

Agent Dupree is 44 years old and directs a unit

of the FBI criminal behavior area;

From the beginning,

Well, you will be directed to youth of youth

that Amaia has, that huge force

And those capabilities that he recognizes perhaps

Because he also has them.

With a childhood very similar to that of Amaia,

Soon when they get here,

They begin to make more confessions of another nature,

They know each other better.

And, apart from a student-element relationship,

an important friendship is forging that,

As readers know,

Book is prolonged to the entire trilogy.

How far can you tell us about this serial killer

What do you have so worried about this composer?

Also, I think he is inspired by a real character.

Well, the composer in the novel begins to be called that ...

It's like the only witness baptizes him,

a witness who is really going to open the case

From a hidden murderer, a ghost murder.

One of these rare murderers who try to see his work,

That goes unnoticed.

And always act after large catastrophes,

of the passage of hurricanes, of the passage of cyclones,

of tornadoes.

And he takes advantage of them to kill families

They have survived the catastrophe.

We know that in this prequel we know better

how was Amaia's work in the FBI,

those practices,

Let's also know all that plot

That this serial killer has to see,

With the composer

and take advantage of meteorological disasters,

Specifically, in this case, Katrina.

But there is a plot is also important

and that we transfer new to Baztán.

There were two questions that the readers always asked.

They told me: "We need to tell us, first of all,

What a relationship with Dupree. "

Why calls you, why those calls,

those mysterious questions, that kind of key,

That question that he gives him every time he calls him asking him:

"Is it night in Baztán, inspector?"

And she replies: "Yes, it's always night in Baztán."

It's like a kind of key mantrao

that they have to start talking with all peace of mind.

But there was another aspect

that many readers have asked me

And it is as follows:

We all know that Amaia had

an episode terribecon his own mother,

who forced her to take her out of her home

And he took refuge in his aunt's,

that he wanted and careful that comes to today.

But then what happened next?

What happened to her aunt, Amaia herself,

They decided that Baztán should never return,

under no circumstance?

So for the many they had asked me,

there was.

I know there are many more questions, I will solve them.

And just as I have granted Dupree space,

I will grant it to other characters

that are very important,

as satellites around Amaia and that populate their universe.

"We start our literary news section

With a victory against censorship.

The mayor of Rio de Janeiro tried that the Book Biennial of Brazil

will expel from your shelves

A comicen who two men kissed.

In the end, the courts prevented him,

But it was no longer necessary, the comicse had exhausted the first day.

We continue with book fairs, Frankfurt is approaching,

where the most juicy contracts of the season close.

This year, the guest of HonorSerá Norway and, in addition,

The fair will have a space for the authors

where they can talk with readers and make contacts.

Take note,

The Court of Justice of the European Union

He has just legislate

That the sale of second hand of digital books is illegal.

This measure safeguards copyright

And that is very positive.

The author of the "Two Friends" saga,

The not so mysterious Elena Ferrante,

You will publish new book in November.

Your Anglo -Saxon editorial

He has published the first paragraph on Twitter,

from which the stage follows will be Naples.

We end up with goodbye,

the mythical author of "Watchmen" and "From Hell",

Alan Moore, retires.

Recently he has confirmed his latest book

It will be the end of the saga

of "The League of Extraordinary Men".

And here we leave it.Final point."


Say a neighborhood of Tremes say New Orleans,

City that has a clear French influence.

That is why our first recommendation

Be this country, it's "the years", Annie Ernaux ",

A woman who usually speaks of her own experiences,

And here I take photographs and memories again

ranging from postwarray to the present day.

It is an intimate novel

that after the read it becomes collective.

As round stood in his novel,

In the Superdomese a lot of people

After the Katrina disaster.

And here we talk to you about the following recommendation,

The storybook

In the Salvadoran writer Jacinta Sludos,

They are stories a transgression

that tells us about death, madness, sex

And also of dream worlds, because many of those stories

They are the author's own dreams.

A great book.

I can imagine Amaia Salazar with this gigantic lake

While a serial murderer was neighboring

in a devastated New Orleans;

How I imagine our last recommendation

reviewing his family past.

We are in the Scottish Highlands, 1869,

Triple murder has been committed

and a young macrae is accused.

a descendant of his investigates what happened to know

the motivations of those deaths.

The title already says it: "A bloody plan."


"Mona" is a novel around a Latin American writer

His name is Monaque has Peruvian origin

and that he goes to a literature festival in a small town in Sweden

where they are going to give a literary grand prize.

She is escaping,

It has some marks that are not known

And then it is a kind of Thrillerlo that happens to Mona in that place.

I think it arose when I was at a festival.

And I think he had accumulated a series of festivals

And I wanted to go, I wanted to escape.

And I realized that the only way to survive

I was going to be writing them.

Well, yes, some writers have caught in amber in him.


Yes, at one point they thought to put "pen life",

But to my Argentine editor, Ana Pérez, who is a genius,

He didn't close him.

And, in reality, when he spoke with victory of the novel,

We always talked about Mona and Mona, and well, it was "Mona."

There is a lot of literature in creation,

and the bohemia associated with men,

Henry Miller, Bukowski, etc.,

They are always like we saw translations,

fucking and at the same time writing about the asses of lovers,

And like there was no women's literature

to do that.

Then I had a lot of fun this character

that I was also doing,

combining all these writing verbs, fucking,

of being lost, of getting high,

Being blowjob and not understanding anything.


Today I am going to talk about "the cat who lived one million lives."

Today I am going to present "one day in the Mózar family."

It goes from a cat that lives a million lives,

He doesn't like any life he has lived

And that's why he feels relieved when he dies.

Mr. Mózar is washing the dishes

And his son Wolfram is found

under a table

And he says he doesn't want to go to school

Because there are some Indians who chase him.

Never cries,

But last time,

who knows a cat,

And he has children and the cat dies, he cries,

And then when he cries, he dies.

My favorite character is Wolframporque is under the table

and because the Indians persecute him.

I liked the book a lot

Because I have a tied cat

Like this catqueque comes out in the book,

which is also tied.


Katrina is fundamental in the novel

Not only by the epic of devastation,

but for what you have,

And it is something that interests me a lot as a novel, of social denunciation,

because you criticize these strategies

that were carried out after what happened.

Or that they did not take Cabomás well.

The total abandonment that this city had.

Well, I think it's something that you know

Not only as writers as a person know

that my commitment is total.

But readers know that I don't trust a novel

in which there is a police case to be resolved,

that I always commit, one way or another,

With the victims.

I am looking forward to this novel since 2005.

Since this was happening, I already wanted to write this novel.

All this time, I've been releasing migues

They drive so far.

We see it as a police novel

Because there is a topic that interests me.

I have the impression that it is a very documented novel,

At the same time, also at times very technical,

You talk about how the FBI works,

How are the profiles of serial murderers,

But there is a moment in the novel

in which all esocasi like disappears

And we move on to a more intuitive police story.

I don't know if it's something wanted.

It was something that Katrina's real conditions took me.

They are in the city chasing a murderer,

In the first part of the novel the hurricane has not arrived

or it is arriving,

And they have access to everything we are accustomed,

What appears in all current novels:

analytics, laboratories,

Forensic tests of all kinds,

Techniques, communication all the time ...

But then the hurricane arrives,

And the hurricane arrived with a reality that was zero communications,

impossible to transport.

There comes a time when it seems

that the investigation will go to the background

Because it is ahead survive,

in which they arrive at Aplicarsi should get to help

With so serious social emergency there is

or continue chasing this murderer.

But yes, of course there is a time when soap opera is Victoriana,

We return to a detective to Sherlock Holmes.

Following a track, a heart, intuition.

A part intuition, another part of:

"I think it's what he is going to do," of his position, letting himself be guided.

It is that this river took everything. It took everything, it took ...

80% of the citizen underwater.

And this is to say a lot.

You gave the reader the mythology of Baztán,

That has already become a brand of the house,

reappear here but with another mythology,

That is that of this area.

The one that has to do with voodoo,

With life in the swamps, the baron of Samedi.That is new.

Baztan is very strong in the novel,

Also speaking those magical concepts,

But this time we talk, as you say, of the magic from here,

Baztan's magic, which has a lot to do with that.

One of the things I discovered when writing these three novels

When different mythologies study them,

was that very often I found

The same concept in other cultures,

appointed in another way,

But a different way of naming the same fear.

The same demons, with the same behaviors,

The same ways to act.

I ask you another promise.

Will there be more at the Futurode Amaia Salazar?

I think the fact

that we have gone behind and give a track to the readers

I intend to count many more things.

They can follow.

The new readers can join here.

It's true, because you can read it outside the trilogy

and then go to the trilogy.

They can continue forward, where I go,

But I think that for readers the trilogy is a gift.

We met you when you published the first trilogy title.

Some years have passed, you are an author of great success.

Does the pressure accompany you then

or do you take it maximum naturalness?

Well, I know you have to ask me in front of the camera,

You know that I carry it well, I'm very happy,

But it's because I'm very happy.

I didn't want to be anything else that writers,

I don't want to be a television commentator,

I don't want to have a show, I don't want to be "influencer",

I don't want to advise on anything.

This was my goal,

It is what I wanted to be that I was a little girl.

I am super happy, I love being at home writing,

I love traveling,

I love this part in what I see you.

The one that comes immediately after:

Finding me with readers, that's already my prize,

That is my absolute happiness.

And then, I will lock myself at home again

And I will write another novel and I will be very happy.


Although it is not easy, I can imagine

How the Mississippi waters entered the beast

In New Orleans sweeping everything.

I can even imagine a serial killer

Take advantage of that devastation to be eased,

But what costs me more to see what paints in this chaos

The Navarra Amaia Salazar.

And that is responsibility of Redondo Dolores.


"On Bourbon street,

The smell of old beer mixed with the new

diluting the characteristic tufode the street.

Hot noon pestilence loses strength

When the temperature was off the dusk a little.

The characteristic smell combined now

With the aroma from the few open restaurants

and the Baroque female perfume that, as an invisible hand,

He caught passersby in front of alternate clubs.

The brief mirro

that Dupree had observed at noon,

had been replaced by a tide of people

that travels the street up and down. "


Página dos - Round Dolores - ver ahora

In an interview with RTVE.es, Round Dolores thus responded about the greatest visibility of the writers and strong female characters in black novel.

“In sight is that among the most read there are many authors.It is certainly a sweet moment in which the focus must be put because until recently it was not so.When reading something I do not have so present if a man or a woman has done but the story wraps me and conquered me.The literary level, luckily, in men and in women it is very high, ”she said.

“But I like that there are female voices especially because the woman occupies more relevant levels in society.It is normal for us to talk about an inspector or a very competitive judge.This a hundred years ago would have sounded for science fiction.It is a reflection of social reality. ”

Eva Sáenz de Urturi

Saénz de Urturi started his career by self -publishing the saga of the Longevos (2013) with an excellent reception. The writer, optics of profession, then opened his literary vocation that flourished with the editorial phenomenon of the white city (the silence ofthe white city, the rites of water, the lords of time).A police trilogy set in Vitoria and starring the enigmatic inspector Unai López de Ayala, aka "Kraken".

27.31 min
Transcripción completa


"Alba does not receive the news very well.

Think that we could expect more strange murders

with medieval modus operandi,

like the cantáridao the pairing,

I could disturb anyone.

But there was more.

She was not there with me.

It was so far."

Well, this center has this sign, it is called Gaudem.

It is an inclusive educational center,

From a year to high school,

that is, at all educational stages.

Three languages are used: the language designated, Spanish and English.

The students with whom I work 11 to 13 years,

And all are deaf students.

What are we going to see how it is used

The application of you count at school.

Good morning Good Morning.

This seems to turn on, he says.

Anyone, whether deaf or not, can use this application.

The content of you count

It is aimed at enjoying any story.

As with a library in which you take a book

And you enjoy the story book in this case,

It is a type of virtual library.

The application was born because in 2003,

Through the promotion of reading

And of the sponsorship that we have in this regard,

We elaborate a lot of literature accompanied by CD, that is,

Literature written with CD.

It did not reach all families, obviously,

Because the CD ends up spoiling, they ask you more,

This material is exhausted,

And we understood that that was not the most assembled, the most appropriate format.

I have a family of deaf people, my sister is deaf,

His children are deaf, my brothers -in -law are deaf,

And many times they told us:

"I tell you many stories directly."

Children always, obviously, are hungry for more stories,

of more information, because it is so, and also the parents get tired,

And listening children have access to information that comes on the radio

And TV, the same does not happen with deaf children,

that depend on their parents,

In this case, to receive information.

And I stated that the same would pass with other parents of parents

listeners who are learning signs language

Or even they don't know her, but her children are deaf.

What about these families?

That do not receive information children, cultural ...

We detect the need to create a system

cover this need.

I'm going to lie here in this tree.

Let's see who wins before.

You are not going to arrive, sure, you are very slow, you are a turtle.

For very young children it is very useful

The different stories marked,

You click each Unoy, accessing them.

The older they are and autonomous,

They can use a part in which students are recorded alone,

and they in a group or individually make signed stories,

They keep them in the application, and, in addition,

This story can give you a text that they have signed.

So, think how you have to write,

How signs language translates oral is very interesting,

And vice versa too.


It is a majority prejudice will think of signs language is a mere

communication instrument.

Do not bother, a generalized ignorance is detached.

When the tongue of sign is known, opinions change,

Although there are always rejections, but in general the opinion changes.

The tongue of signs, first, and to clarify it,

It is the same as any other language, just like French,

Like any other oral language.

Everything that contains oral tongue

It contains it and fulfills it, signs language,

There is no differentiation at a grammatical or syntactic level.

In French you can elaborate poetry, you can hear poetry in French, yes,

Well, in signspasa language the same.

Obviously, there is a lot of literature in Spanish,

and much less of sign language.

It is not of lower quality, but there is less.

Eva, I usually ask at the end,

But today I think it is better to do it at the beginning.

It has just been published third part

of yours successful trilogy of "the white city",

"The Lords of Time."

The question is:

Does the adventures of the unylzpez police end here or maybe?

Maybe no, maybe not.

That is, trilogy is designed as a three -book trip,

Throughout them there is all a way, as you know, of the hero.

For him there is approach, knot and outcome,

But it is true that when they are long -distance persons

And so dear to readers,

There are always cases in the inkwell always an end,

Be happy not happy, I pass it to a new approach.

First it was "the silence of the white city",

He was followed "The rites of water",

And now it is the turn of "The Lords of Time",

But there are three stories that better read the followed,

But if necessary, can they be read separately?

Each book is self -clusive and, in the sense that it is thriller,

Obviously, police novel, and each case ends where it ends,

But it is true that you always recommend recommended,

start with "silence",

continúa "Los ritos" y acabarcon "The Lords of Time."

Let's put a little in a situation

to those who do not know the trilogy,

Because we can say that the great program is Unai López,

aka "Cracken", a policeman who works here in Vitoria,

But what is it like, who is it?

Well, from the professional point of view, if you want,

We start with that, he is outlined criminal.

He calls him when there are serial killers, that is,

When there are more than three crimes

And in the middle there is a cooling period.

From three, it is already a "serial",

They already call him to make a profile of the scenarios of the crimes

and the footprints that are leaving.

That is the specific thing about the concrete of Unai.


that I believe that if this trilogy has had the success it has had,

It's because people care about Unai, grandfather, Germán,

for everything that surrounds, on the emotional part,

For the family part, the social part, by his father.

What is?

Well, it is a guy touching the 40, very familiar, very protective,

And very concerned about yours, then,

That also transcends him at work.

That is, if there is a crime in your city,

I believe that the strong point and also the weak

that feels very protective,

He doesn't want him to continue to stop the murders.

Logically it is not alone, the secondary ones are fundamental,

That according to what they deliver, they are already protagonists.

There are such important characters as their partner,

Alba, her partner and friend Estíbaliz, the grandfather.

Yes Yes,

The readers' response gives you a little the climate of the novel,

The emotional climate.

When people say: "Don't kill grandfather, please."

I will not do it.

Or they ask you: "Will Albao end with Estíbaliz?"

That is, the secondary part they take,

that are secondary luxury,

He is you can make a spin off perfectly, to endure it,

They endure your own story.

Alba is his boss and his partner, in fact, and his daughter's mother.

And I think there is a prettier triangle between dawn,

Estíbaliz, who is his partner, his alter ego and others,

And a beautiful triangle, friendship,

Three people who love each other protect themselves a lot.

We continue thinking about those who have not read the trilogy.

Situ us argumentally with the first,

with "the silence of the white city."

Well look,

The novel begins when some murders happen in Vitoria

that precisely begin here, in the old cathedral,

And two young people appear, boy and girl,

naked and killed with a slightly strange ritual,

A strange staging, which are three "Eguzkilores",

that in Basque signals "Flor del Sol",

It is a protection flower that is put

at the gates of the northern hamlets to avoid

that the "guauekos" come, which are the night spirits,

the witches and others.

So, with that strange paraphernalia,

Unai, who is an inspector, they call him,

And why do they call a criminal profiler?

Because those murders and had occurred 20 years ago.

Then they call him saying:

"We have a new serial killer,

The person who 20 years ago was sent to jail, is him,

It is still in jail, "that is,

You find that some crimes resume 20 years later.

We arrive at the second installment, which is "the rites of water".

In "The rites of water" there will be some crimes too

With a marked historical bias.

They appear, always people who are waiting for children,

pregnant women

or boys who are waiting for a son of their partner and so on,

and they also appear killed in a way

What is called the triple Celtic death, is how it was killed,

This ritual really existed 2,500 years ago, for the Celts,

that killed the person three times, that is, with fire,

submerged in a Sacred and hang cauldron.

Llegamos ahora a la terceraentrega, "The Lords of Time."

We could almost say that they are two novels in one.


And also, with a novel within the novel.

Let's see, how do we marry this, because there is a plot of the 12th century,

In Vitoria, and then another plot in the present?

What happened "The Lords of Time"?

Well, a medieval novel is published,

which counts the siege to the Villa de Vitoria in 1199,

And it is a kind of "game of thrones",

The lineages to the grescaque were here

Within these walls in the village of Vitoria.

On the other hand, what happens?

When this novel is published in the present,

Killed people begin to appear

With a medievalque modus operandi, it had not been seen before,

Then it is up to investigate what relationship they have.

Here in this Plaza de la Virgen Blanca, in Vitoria,

It is a UNI video, the protagonist of the trilogy,

A very police trilogy, but also historical.

That's why this is a good place

To recommend "the battle for bridges",

From Anthony Beevor, his latest book.

Here are the problems that the allies had in September

from 1944 to cross the Rhin.

It is a thorough and documented book, like everyone else.

This is the Villa Suso palace, from the Plaza del Machete,

Your here "lords of time" starts,

with the appearance of the first corpse.

You will immediately discover is a novel that moves between the past

And the present, nothing to do with "umbra",

Silvia Terrón, set in the future,

Where we see that human beings have lost their voice.

In addition, the planet is divided

between an area of light and one of shadows,

But can you imagine the ANSIADE Human beings?

Recover your voice?

You must read it.

The historical plot of Sáenz de Urturi's novel

and moves us to the final geitor of the twelfth century;

Maurice Dekobra takes us until the early twentieth century.

Here we have an English lady

that in the rusiade the first Bolsheviques

travel throughout the country

in search of oil wells of their property.

We have adventure, trips, spies ...

What else can you ask for an entertaining novel?

"Thorns sprouted from the night,

Your overflowing memory,

In the roots of my eyes, I claimed his eternal liberation.

Honey hides seal the fissures of this motionless symphony,

Forever suspended in your miraculous compassion.

And I dressed in the friezes of our chapel of votes,

A promise that probes

The depths in posidonia,

the one that still wrecks in the memory waiting for the encounter of its people,

and of their degenerate gods in oblivion,

In a deaf oblivion it does not attend to scars

nor to definitive storms.

Because there, what we believed love,

transfigured all forms

In sad epiphany of remote galaxies,

as lights that contracts to expel evil of itself,

Like a terrible anence that gravitates about our souls

To provide the clairvoyance of death every body,

In each body, breathing violently life. "

This book goes from a small girl is called Ivy

that he likes to draw,

And one day a tornado devastated his people and loses his notebook.

The book goes from a child who online

Annoying a friend of her named, a classmate.

Suddenly one day their drawings are appearing at their box office,

And she believes that the girl who likes it does.


The virtual avatar leaves the phone to try to supplant it

and impersonate him.

The book is a lot like, but it is using me because, that is,

There is a lot of intrigue, to know what is happening and who likes it.

The drawings are looking a little like that ...

I tried to draw it, I drew my mouth, and then I gave up.

It is very difficult.

What makes this book this girl special, called Ivy,

that although he has no house and his family is desperate,

She keeps fighting.

He touched a hand behind and does ... (shout)

And it turns out that it was his mother, who said he went to dinner.

And I scarce with fear.

Eva, we are very interested, obviously,

What happens in that historical plot

At the end of the 17th century here in Vitoria,

We are very interested in what happens in the present,

But there is a topic that interests me especially,

The family issue the concept of family.

On the one hand, the issue of lineages,

Because there is a lot of talk of that both in one plot and in the other.

That's how it is.

From the first novel really,

Alava surnames had a lot to do,

And in this this releases the value even more,

and also joining the family plot,

emotional or sentimental if you want.

For me the family has been a bit of all my novels.

I have been exploring the different family relationships,

From protection, love, etc.,

But also the rivalries and others.

And this is still ...

"The Lords of Time" is one more exploration.

The second family aspect has to do

With what happens to Unai's house,

The drift of this police is generating

A very special situation, and I don't know how far we can count.

Of course.

The important thing for me,

From the moment I was writing a thriller,

It was that the cases permease in the personal life of the researcher,

Because if not, what else is the murderer,

Whatever motivation, one that passed by.

For the reader it is important that there is an emotional connection,

In this case, it also passed with "the rites",

Unai always happens to be a relatively small city,

Everything that happens ends up touching him or someone from his family,

And that is important for personal involvement

And so that the reader also worried.

We have talked a lot about Vitoria, is that this geography of the novel,

es lo fundamental.Yes.

It's not just a scenario.

It is not the same, I have always said it,

It is not the same to kill in Vitoriaque to kill in Alicante,

Alicante's light would not give equal to crimes,

There would be more red, more passionate.

I have always tried to kill without blood,

I've always tried

that the crimes are cleaner possible,

and that there is a reason for that modus operandi.

And Vitoria did very well, these millenary stones,

This environment often overcast, gray skies and others,

It did very well with the historical tone.

Of the first two Yase titles have sold 700,000 copies,

of this third installment

I don't know if 100,000 first edition leave.

I imagine that this success was not dreamed of this success, or if?

No, I have been more to dream,

People tell me: "You're living a dream," I never dreamed.

I mean, for me read and write

It was so consubstantial in mímo playing the guitar

Or being Scout, it was something that was part of me, so I did not dream.

The same as when I play guitar

I didn't dream of being a rock'n'rolstar, just played it.

It was the same when he wrote.

When I wrote the first novel, I didn't even consider publishing.

And how does a Bachelor of Optometry arrive

to the world of literature to live,

I think, to live exclusively from literature?

Well, it arrives with a lot of work.

Getting many nights,

putting every Saturday and Sundays in the world,

not knowing when it is August, Easter or Christmas,

You are always put in the office writing,

He gets working hard, for love, for love of letters.

I adore the books since I was little, I am more reader than writer,

That is, I have read millions of books,

And I don't care or not, honestly,

I would keep writing if I need it.

Then, se llega por mucho amor.

Because you have to remember that with the first

Book you had problems to find an editor.

I did not find it, it is not that I had problems.

I finished "the saga of the longings", I sent how it was done then,

To publishers not many, I recognize it,

I moved more on the issue of agents and such, and they told me:

"The synopsisy looks good,

But we have a square about nine months. "

Of course,

who had been writing the novel for three years

And work at the university and said: "What do I do now?"

Nine months waiting, I find it very anachronistic to wait for so long

I told me "I like it, I don't like it."

Then, surgió Amazon,todas estas cosas de lo digital,

And it wasn't because I would like to publish

nor be a writer to complicate my life,

It was because he had done something very professional and I want to see if he liked.

What did not expect that I was number one in two days,

to sell what would sell the United States,

and all this maelstrom in the one that I have been involved since 2012.

I did not expect that.

Novels such as evapoing cultural tourism,

It allows you to know good stories and, incidentally,

Discover such magnificent places as this cathedral.

So you can do a double favor:

Read the book and come to Vitoria.

"You had to be a heartless to do that to two girls.

I thought about eeldras

Between my hands a piece of ceramic

which produces medieval almond in three dimensions.

It was one of the typical souvenirs

that are sold in the city's memory stores.

I could touch all buildings, churches,

the streets and cantons,

as in a three -dimensional plane.

They were miniatures that reproduced white mud the facades

and the orange roofs of the old town.

I tried to think as if a godmen's gone down to earth

and observe the casodes of your aerial perspective.


Página Dos - Eva G. Sáenz de Urturi - ver ahora

Saénz de Urturi leaves all ends tied in several temporal lines that investigate a succession of crimes with the city as an epicenter.A completely conscious puzzle in his addictive character.

"They are very worked resources such as the Cliffhanger. I am very productive and organized but I try that effect because in black novel everything must go perfectly measured and scaled. You cannot go any character, I have also trained in criminalistics and forensic medicine. TheTheme is that Kraken is sure, ”he explains in RNE about his work methodology.

The writer also confesses that she is a "geek" of history that "I study and return in didactic packages.I seek to excite but I also like readers to learn. ”Sáenz de Urturi won the Planeta Award in 2020 with Aquitaine over Queen Leonor de Aquitaine.

Berna González Harbor

The journalist Berna Gonzalez Harbor launched into the police with her first book about the María Ruiz police station: Summer in Red.

A success to which two other deliveries (margin of error and the tears of Claire Jones have followed) about a character that has in common with the writer the strength and independence, in her words.

04.09 min
Página Dos - 'El pozo', de Berna González Harbou

González Harbor tanned as a reporter for years conceives the black novel as fiction, yes, but always with a foot anchored in the denunciation of system failures: from the greed of corruption, work harassment or violence in social networks.

“When I started writing that.Who needs my novels if they already have Agatha Christie or Raymond Chandler, but what is not written is crime and abuse in our time.I considered that my mission was to portray my time, ”she said.

"In current times there is also a more depraved part of a crime because it is shared in networks such as the pack."

María Oruña

The writer and Labor Lawyer, María Oruña, is a regular in the lists of the best sellers but her last work, what the tide hides, has crowned her as a lady of the suspense in an explicit tribute to Aghata Christie and the crimes of "roomclosed".It is the fourth installment of the series Los Books of Puerto Escondido, which stars the lieutenant of the Civil Guard Valentina Redondo.

04.01 min
Página Dos - Entrevista a María Oruña

The agent has to investigate the mysterious death of a well -known businesswoman, whose body appears in her cabin closed inside during a journey in a luxurious schooner through the Bay of Santander.A good part of the crew have reasons to be considered suspicious.Jealousy, envy, ambition, ecological dangers and even the debates between monarchists and Republicans have a place in a novel.

“Valentina is a very strong woman but this time she breaks and decides to depart.We all pass in life for something that breaks us and when we know that this darkness will live in you, we have to know how to face that pain.No answers are offered but attitudes of the characters because of pain and death we barely talk, ”explains the author.

One of the hooks of Maria Oruña's literature is the ability to paint the mosaic of the most hidden recesses of the human soul, always in Cantabria, which transforms from peaceful city of provinces to disturbing scene of crimes.

Susana Martín Gijón

After a long and patient career in black novel, Susana Martín Gijón has given the bell with progeny and species: two books by the inspector Camino Vargas than more deliveries are expected.

The writer confesses that her referents are Alicia Giménez Barlett and Pierre Lemaitre.She similar to these authors she conceives gender as a reflection of social reality and her evolutions, also in the portrait of her protagonist: a boss in a world still "masculinized" but in which women are increasingly visible.

28.12 min
Libros de arena en Radio 5 - Susana Martín Gijón y 'Especie' - 24/02/21 - Escuchar ahora

The vitalist character of Vargas that radically moves away from the classic decadent police is one of the incentives of Martín Gijón's novels, which shines the thriller issues that, a priori, escape from the cliché such as animal exploitation or assisted reproduction clinics.

“Creo que en otros países estas reflexiones están más avanzadas. I wanted traerlas al hilo de la investigación de una trama adictiva, ágil y fluida, la reflexión está de fondo y lo puedes coger o no", asegura la autora.

Another of the successes is the setting of the books in Seville, the hometown of the writer, a scenario little shown in the police but offers all essential suspense levels.

The mystery with Carmen Mola trick

Carmen Mola only knew each other a handful of data: she wrote under pseudonym, she was Madrid and her literary debut in 2018, the gypsy bride (Alfaguara), landed with a good one- and atypical- welcomed in the panorama of the Spanish black novel withA horse style between the thriller and the gore.

Thanks to the Boca Oreja, it became an editorial phenomenon (more than 150,000 copies sold and published in ten countries) increased by a hermeticism sponsored by the "author" itself, of which they rained speculations about whether she was actually a teacher with three children whoI did not want to break anonymity, a consecrated writer or even a member of the State Security Forces.

All the slopes were part of the "trick" that has been revealed after winning the 2021 planet prize with the beast.Behind the queen of the black novel from Madrid were three scriptwriters and writers Agustín Martínez, Jorge Díaz and Antonio Mercero, in a six -hand work.