24 04
Tattoos, the fashion of showing off another skin

The world of tattooing is increasingly plural and global. Tatuajes, la moda de lucir otra piel Tatuajes, la moda de lucir otra piel

Tattoos are present as part of the current aesthetic between the urban and the underground. Many are already those who have fallen into this temptation, from Rihanna to Messi, through Madonna, all boast of their body drawings

+ Tattoos have become fashionable for a few years, but as we well know, it is something that remains engraved on our skin throughout our lives and, if we get one, it must be something that represents us or has meaning for us .

Tatuajes, la moda de lucir otra piel

Lovers or fans of tattoos are of all ages, but the young public is the most frequent at the centers where they are performed, a fashion that can also respond to a different way of living.

We're all impressed and we'd all love to wear tattoos at some point... but as 'decals', removable. His detractors believe that it is not the same to show off a tattooed 20-year-old body, than when he reaches 60. But you have to get used to the fact that human beings age! Tattoos or "tattoos" will accompany us all our lives and, day after day, they will be present in us. For this reason, you have to be totally sure of doing it, of choosing the chosen drawing, text or image well.