21 garments may be enough to complete a seasonal capsule closet, but bags ... Bags we never have enough.This summer, there are so many and so original the trends that to our favorite bags experience irresistible changes.In addition to the new models that we find in store, we also run into iconic bags and classic design that reinvent, change color and even surprise with their new prints.
When combining fashion bags, we find no limits.However, we have taken note of how and with what the best stylists combine it in the World Street Style, in case one day you run out of inspiration.The colors in contrast are carried, such as fluorine yellow and klein blue or red with a classic target.The prints join, despite their differences.With more basic styles, there is nothing like a bag of another level to create impact.
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But we do not tell you, we show it to you in 21 of our favorite looks where the bags are the protagonists.