06 02
Tight clothing: the 5 important reasons why you should not wear so tight

Llámalo ropa ajustada o ropa ceñida, pero en resumidas cuentas la moda de los últimos años parece comprimir a ellas y ellos de la cabeza a los pies, aunque es en el peliagudo terreno de los pantalones donde más nos empeñamos en embutir.Ropa ajustada: las 5 importantes razones por las que no debes vestir tan apretado Ropa ajustada: las 5 importantes razones por las que no debes vestir tan apretado

The universe of meshes and leggins thus coexists with a deployment of slightly elastic pants for both sexes that they presume to be Skinny or Slim, and where the 'regular' sizes seem condemned to ostracism.

Perhaps giving his last splash, since we begin to see trends towards important oversized, or in full splendor, the reality is that, like all abuse, resorting too continuously to tight garments will not do too well to our body.

However, we do not synthesize all these enemies in the new trends, since certain endemic evils of daily clothing such as ties or belts also have enough to say in this battle of stylistic oppression.

We face digestive, respiratory and, of course, arterial and dermal hazards, where the simple made of 'stuffing' can play very bad passes if we turn it into custom.

The health risks of clothing tight clothing

In a mere exercise of common sense, there is nothing more than realizing that the fact of constraining our body cannot have, a priori, no physical advantage, thus becoming this pressure in a way of preventing a correct blood circulation, for example.

We encounter that our cardiovascular health does not make special illusion that veins and arteries are excessively pressed.In the same way that, if we are clear that blood is responsible for oxygenating body tissues, we will also run into limitations so that cells from different parts of the body are duly nourished.

Something that also harms us at a digestive level, since tightening our stomach over the digestions could slow them down and make them heavier, in addition to increasing swelling.Particularly remarkable if we turn to excessively tedding high -tread pants, especially when we are talking about clothes with little flexibility or elasticity, not being the same to wear cowboy pants, especially hard or rigid waist, than betting on meshes or leggins.

A worse circulation

Let's compare our body with a great highway.Instead of lanes, veins and arteries;Instead of cars, oxygen transported through blood.If we reduce the number of lanes it is clear that the traffic jams will be more frequent.If we expand it, there will be a more fluid circulation.

Ropa ajustada: las 5 importantes razones por las que no debes vestir tan apretado

Well that happens to our body.The blood is pumped by the heart, but find problems having to pass - mainly to the legs - by veins and arteries that are too constrained by tight clothes, being forced to make an extra effort to return that blood and again oxygenate it.

All this is condensed in a worse blood circulation, which is also logically associated with other frequent pathologies such as varicose veins, which can be complicated by the use of tight garments, in the same way that they could also cause more cellulite or retention of liquids to theSee the passage of blood limited.Even more if we are going to be dressed like this and on top of a chair many hours.

There are no exempt men with another of the contemporary yokes: the tie and the shirt, where the excessive pressure they both perform around the neck can also be related to potential risks in people who already have previous coronary risks, since it occursA small blockade in the arteries that go to the head, according to a study by the University of Glasgow (Scotland).

Excess of sweating

Preventing perspiration is never a good idea because it also increases body temperature and favors an increase in sweating that involves raising the humidity of the body, that is, an exceptional breeding ground so that all kinds of bacteria proliferate, especially in very veryCommitted such as the genital area or the armpits, where sweat secretion is quite high.

We convert some of the most delicate parts of our body, whether with underwear, pants or meshes, in a battlefield where the risk of infections is especially high, especially if we increase the frictions that tight clothing causes and that alsoMobility greatly limits us.

Shortness of breath

2021 has tested the respiratory health and physical background of many of us, little accustomed to having to deal with the mask and what it implies when it comes to breathing, although the reality is that they do not affect normal breathing, but yesThey can prevent, in the case of great physical efforts, that we end up breathing in the mouth.

We also find that tight clothes, even more so that has high shots above the waist, is another natural enemy of our body, since it exerts pressure on the diaphragm, complicating diaphragmatic breathing (also called deep or abdominal breathing) andthat has powerful relaxing effects, which we do not reach with the same ease if the oppression in the abdomen is high.

Bad digestions

We have all ever loose a button or belt after a copious food in which we have faced pants that perhaps we should have retired a long time ago.Be new or old, that is, fashion -adjusted clothes, the reality is that oppressing the stomach with our clothes (worse will be the higher the shot of these) is not a good idea.

In the end, blood also has to do with this discomfort because unable to contribute to accelerate digestion, it lengthens and makes us feel heavier and more swollen, thus also complicating the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine,As this study of the University of Osaka (Japan) explains.

Genital problems

With the noble parts we have encountered, where for them and for them it is an arisco world if we intend to dress as tight as possible.They are harmed by sperm quality, since very tight clothes force the scrotal bag to adhere to the body, thus losing the advantage of a couple of degrees of temperature less that it needs to produce quality sperm, as we explain when we alreadyWe talk about how to choose right underpants.

Nor are they freed, logically, since too tight underwear or excessive friction of the pants can also irritate an especially sensitive area, also favoring that the bacteria we talk about before are complicated and form infections such as cystitis or other infectionsurine.

As a climax, we would have to talk about the fact of complicating the growth of pubic hair, which being imprisoned under the tissues, grows with more difficulty and can run the risk of becoming those uncomfortable incarnate hairs.