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Tips to be an irresistible woman
Good Life

In addition to making men sigh with your physical attractiveness, you can take into account the following tips from experts that will help you be a more seductive and irresistible woman , waste sensuality and conquer whoever stands in front of youTips for being an irresistible woman Tips for being an irresistible woman

By: Marisela Salazar

In addition to making men sigh with your physical attractiveness, you can take into account the following tips from experts that will help you be a more seductive and irresistible woman, exude sensuality and conquer whoever stands in front of you. .

American therapists say that men tend to be attracted to women who have certain physical, emotional and personality qualities. They maintain that to attract, in addition to physical features, attitude also influences.

Bare your shoulders

Professionals say that showing off your shoulders and arms makes you look more captivating. Even, a study carried out by Australian scientists reports that the defined arms of a woman are usually more attractive than her long and shapely legs.

Use the color red

Tips to be an irresistible woman

A study by researchers at the University of Rochester suggests that the color red is much more attractive to men because it makes women look more attractive, captivating and irresistible.

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Show off your smile

The American Psychological Association says that a genuine smile from a woman becomes extremely irresistible to men because their reward-related area of ​​the brain is activated when that gesture is sincere and authentic.


Gazing can cause chemical reactions and speed up the heart rate of the recipient. Research published in a scientific journal states that when a man keeps his gaze fixed on a woman's eyes for more than eight seconds, it is a sign that she has succumbed to her charms.

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Sweet scent

Perfume can influence a woman's mood, but it can also make her a powerful attraction magnet. Some studies have shown that the scents of vanilla, jasmine, and cinnamon make men think of love and romance.

Way of Walking

The way a woman walks can directly influence how men perceive her. British research maintains that a rhythmic gait communicates genetic strength, health and safety, which is highly attractive.


Recent scientific research has shown that self-esteem interferes in the seduction process, therefore, women who are satisfied with their natural silhouette and physical features and are confident are really attractive to the men.

A study conducted by the University of California even found that women with prominent hips, a large rear and thick thighs tend to be more intelligent and men find them highly irresistible.

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