Discover Love, fortune and health! Here's everything you need to know (and do) to start 2022 off right. These rituals won't let you down...
By Glamor Editorial
Eating the twelve grapes accompanying each chime, running with the suitcases to the nearest traffic light and even wearing red underwear backwards, we have all been involved in at least one of these superstition numbers.
And it is that all these rituals, traditions and customs are related to years of beliefs around the first day of the year. It is said that what you do during the first 24 hours of the new year will bring you good or bad luck for the rest of the days of the year.
Other stories tell that you should take certain precautions to ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck into your home. Well, whether you decide to take it for fun or take things to the letter, here's a little accordion so you don't miss a single one and be the luckiest person in 2022. Let the action begin!
The classic midnight kiss will make you closer to your partner throughout the year. Who wouldn't want 365 days of love and sex? It all starts with a kiss.
It is believed that if you dance outdoors and around a tree on the night of December 31, you will have great luck in love and prosperity for the next 364 days. Do you believe it? Put it to the test and play your favorite songs.
To remove labels and put on your Christmas gifts as this will bring you the good fortune of brand new all year.
When midnight arrives, open all the doors of your house to let go of the old year and let the new one in with everything. We need this new flow of energy by 2022!
2022 predictions by zodiac sign
You must have both your wallet and your pantry full so that you don't miss anything during the year. A great New Year's Eve ritual that will make your heart (and belly) happy!
You have to wait until day two so you don't 'clean' the good vibes.
It is believed that the first person to enter your house in the new year will have a great influence on your life in that year. Pay attention!
In many cultures it is thought that noise scares away evil spirits, which is why in several countries during their New Year's Eve rituals the church bells ring at midnight. So it is recommended to celebrate the last bell making a lot of noise!
You should not start the year owing money. In this way you will be destined to have bad fortune all the remaining months.
Don't even let anything of value leave the house. It will bring you bad luck all year long! In some places people don't even take out the garbage from their house the first day for fear of throwing away good luck.
Gifting items shaped like an elephant, pig, or sheep is believed to bring good luck to the recipient. To distribute animals with this ritual!
Magic crystals to attract good vibes and that you will want to use as an accessory
Many people have the belief that crying or lamenting on the first day of the year attracts bad fortune. So, pay attention to this New Year's Eve ritual and smile all night.
How? Yes, the twelve grapes at midnight and the lentil soup on the first day are a great way to attract good luck for the coming year. But on the other hand, eating birds like turkey and chicken is not a great idea since these animals scratch the ground to get their food, which has a direct reference to attracting poverty. With that said, fine cuts for everyone!