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16 data that will make you want to cancel the internet after reading them

1. "During World War II, Japan bombarded China with fleas infected with bubonic plague."

2. "There are about six American nuclear weapons of which no one knows their current whereabouts."

3. "According to the FBI, there are currently 25 to 50 active serial killers in the United States."

4. "Polar bears are the only species of bears that hunt and kill humans to eat them actively. There is a saying that everyone who lives where there are bears needs to know:" If it's coffee, go to the ground.If it is black, counterattack.If it's white, say goodbye. "

5. "By when you show the symptoms of rabies, it's too late. You can also remain" silent "for a year before you show them."

6. "If the couple of an elephant dies, the other can die from broken heart syndrome."

7. "All cruises have a morgue for all those passengers who inevitably die on each trip."

8. "Here a air conditioning technician tells them. They never trust a restaurant's ice. Ice machines need to be unarmed for cleaning every 2-3 months or something, so that they remain in sanitary conditions."

9. "The staff of the RCP doll face is based on the face of a 16 -year -old dead girl. Her body was taken from the Seine River in the 1880s and could never discover neither her cause of death norHis identity. A embalador was so 'fascinated' by his quiet expression that he made a plaster mold to his face, which became the face of the RCP dolls and the medical training team. "

10. "That slavery remains one of the most profitable businesses in the world."

11. "If you try to grab a brain in your natural state, you will fall apart. When you see scientists holding a brain, it is because they have used chemicals to harden it."

12. "The human body as raw material has a value. And the different parts of our body have different prices: although the corneas are small, they reach a high cost (£ 15,000 pounds, or about $ 22,450), while ourSkeleton is quoted for much less (£ 5,000, about $ 7,483) ".

13. "Malnutrition during early childhood (between 0 and 5 years) causes an irreversible loss of intellectual coefficient (11 to 20 points) and predisposes people to higher levels of violence. The prefrontal cortex does not develop the same. And if you lose that window of opportunity, there is no intervention that can help recover the gap. "

14. "A third of all people who suffer a hip fracture dies a year ... so, please put their families of the third age cushions."

15. "The liver can be broken with a single blow. The liver is the second most fragile organ of the human body."

16. And finally: "A tumor can have teeth and eyes."

—u/KaiBluePill16 Datos que te harán querer cancelar el Internet después de leerlos 16 Datos que te harán querer cancelar el Internet después de leerlos

16 Datos que te harán querer cancelar el Internet después de leerlos

They are called teratomas and occur more often in ovaries and testicles.However, they are very rare and can be benign, so there is no need to worry much about them.But they are quite unpleasant to see, so do a favor and use your imagination.


Note: The answers were edited for reasons for extension or clarity.

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This post was translated from English.