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9 things that women should know about their intimate health

There are many myths around intimate intimate health that have no scientific support and others that remain in the unknown for some women who do not dare to consult the doctor.

For this reason, American gynecologist Nicky Hjort revealed to the women's magazine Verily Mag, some things that consider that all women should know, but sometimes they fear asking.

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Know what are below.

1.There is no established amount of vaginal flow considered "normal"

While some women expel vaginal flow every day, in others it only appears when they are at certain times of the menstrual cycle.Nicky Hjort indicates that in healthy vaginas this liquid is usually transparent, or semi -transparent white and that as a rule a flow is not normal when something changes.For example, frequency or unusual quantity, etc..

Pregnancy, hormonal changes before ovulation or menopause can increase the presence of vaginal flow, says the doctor.

You must also worry, if you also notice changes in the smell or color of your flow.In this case, you must go to a doctor.Hjort emphasizes that it is even more urgent to visit the gynecologist if you suffer from irritation, pain or vaginal itching.

two.Not all granites in that area are equal

When you see granitos in your intimate area, it is easy for you to think about terrible things, such as you have a sexually transmitted disease or cancer.However, you must keep in mind that in that area there is delicate skin and many hairs, so the most common cause of bumps are the played hairs.

This occurs when a hair grows in the skin instead of abroad.The same, makes this place more prone to spinillas and sebaceous cysts, since they can develop from a damaged or infected hair follicle.

In addition, sweat or moisture can make things worse.For this reason, when you have this type of granites, avoid tight jeans and opt for more spacious and breathable clothes.

9 cosas que las mujeres deben saber sobre su salud íntima

Also, protuberances can be caused or worsened by shaving, tight clothing or lack of hygiene.

If you have them, the best thing you can do is let the skin hear alone, not to tighten the granites or put creams.If after one or two weeks the thing gets worse, visit a doctor.

3.Itching is not normal

The itching in the intimate area indicates that something is not right.While it is possible that sometimes it is only due to hair growth or sensitivity to some bath gel, when the burning or itching becomes intense, you must visit the gynecologist.

If you are sexually active, take exams to rule out STDs.If you do not have this type of pathology, itching may be due to bacterial imbalances or other causes.In that case, most likely they prescribe antibiotics.

If you took antibiotics and then the problem began, there is also the possibility of having fungi.And these drugs kill bad bacteria, but many times also good, creating the auspicious environment for fungal growth.If so, they could recommend an antimicotic.

4.Eye with strange smells

A change in the smell of your intimate zone may be due to hormonal changes or infections.Therefore, you must pay attention to the signs that your body gives.

If you perceive a bad smell, visit your gynecologist and see if you have other symptoms.It could be from a bacterial infection, through a sexually transmitted disease until nothing.

5.The guidelines on the Pap smear (PAP) are changing

Before gynecologists used to recommend taking the Pap smear each or two years.But from two01two, several medical groups such as the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advise doing it every three to five years.

The new recommendation is for women whose exam has yield normal results, and have not suffered major alterations in their lifestyles.

As explained in Verily Mag's magazine, experts fear that taking the Pap of more frequently throws more false positives and this leads to unnecessary interventions.

But if you have HPV (human papillomavirus) or you have had abnormal results in the exam, you cannot govern yourself for the new guidelines.In that case, they are likely to be asked to take the test every 6 months.

6.HPV not only contracts through sexual relations

Contrary to popular belief, HPV can spread through any type of sexual contact, not just intercourse.

"The human papillomavirus (HPV) is transmitted by skin to skin contact, when someone touches a wart or a part of the surrounding skin," said Alyssa Dweck, Gineco-Obstetra of New York and writer of several books,Who clarified that this virus has several strains, some of which can cause genital warts and others that cause precancerous lesions.

"The warts sometimes appear in other parts of the body in addition to the genitals, such as fingers," says Dweck.The expert said that while certain medications can be taken or use procedures to eliminate warts, the virus can still be in the system and reappear.

7.Normal symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (SPM) are annoying

Premenstrual syndrome affects around one in three women.It is a condition caused by hormonal changes before menstruation.It is usually characterized by symptoms such as swelling, humor changes, headache and acne.Some women experience less intense symptoms and some somewhat stronger.The general sensation of discomfort and anxiety in this period is normal.

Therefore, it is good that during those days you focus on relieving stress and carrying a balanced diet with whole grains, vegetables and fruits.Avoid excess salt, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and soft drinks.

Pre menstrual syndrome is not normal when your daily life is affected and you stop doing the things you commonly do for feeling bad.In that case, visit a doctor.

8.The loss of sexual desire is not always due to hormones

Many assume that low sexual desire is due only to hormonal fluctuations, but conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can also cause this effect.The same goes for anxiety, stress and fatigue, which can also affect.

Some drugs and problems in the couple can also decrease desire.

9.A good gynecologist will not judge you for your sexual activity

Good gynecologists do not judge their patients for having a lot or little sex.The doctor needs to know your level of activity and if you have casual sex, but not to judge you, but to make a better diagnosis.

"If we do not know the lifestyle of a patient, we cannot advise it properly," says Hjort, adding that it is important to know that an honest conversation is beneficial for the patient.

Hjort says that if you notice that your doctor judges you for your sexual activity, it is time for you to look for another professional.