Ocurre que nuestro destino a veces nos pone una muleta y como un morlaco con hambre no puedes evitar embestirla. “¿Quieres venirte a Jerez y trabajar con el resto del equipo?”, preguntó burlón Alfonso de Orleans por teléfono, “no como un mirón más, sino limpiando coches, empujándolos, trabajando como uno más”. En ese momento comprendes que vas a convertirte en un personaje del cuadro. Vas a vivir en primera persona la Disneylandia de cualquier carrerista: no va a ser verlo, sino vivirlo.
For Racing Engineering it has not only been a complicated year but it has also been a very crazy year.So much so that in July they had to get the anoraks in Silverstone because they peeled cold, while in October there were almost thirty -five degrees at the time of racing;The whole team used bermuda and sweated as if they were curing in a Sevillian chickent gross in the middle of August.In spite of everything, not a complaint, not a bad gesture, or a lament.Only silent work, drink a lot of liquid under the surveillance of Carlos, the physio of the team, and control a digital clock with large red numbers that marks the beats of a handful of heart muscles that have to beat in unison.If you looked from above, they would seem like a small army.Everyone wears the same, they move together, they eat at the same time, they celebrate the victories and hurt the defeats.If they were dressed in camouflage, they could go through a command about to leave maneuvers.
The fortnight of Racing Engineering employees are a sample of the same thing you could find in a Formula 1 team, in fact it is one of its main mechanic hatcheries.Neither too young, nor too old.Some tattoo, almost all scales and fans of practicing some sport (at the headquarters of almost all teams there is a gym) technological watches in most of their wrists, and above all, deep lovers of their work accustomed to sacrifice.In this team, Racing Engineering, there is a curious Franco -Spanish combination.Almost all of its members are from these two countries, and although the Gauls speak all Spanish, they often take advantage of English with loose words or phrases inserted in conversations.Once again, future effort of speed, without Shakespeare you will stay at home, so Espabila if you dream of your pass.
King Felipe II, the master of an empire where the sun did not put on, would have been a huge car fan.The owner of almost the entire work of Jheronimus Van Aken was surrounded by his paintings in his last minutes of life, in search of ecstasy to such a work.Misunderstanding of the complex and fascination for their aesthetics just what we feel fans of car racing.
A weekend is like climbing a mountain.In the end you always get to the top (or get rid of it) but before you have to upload it.At first there is a base camp, quiet, cozy, and that space is the hotel, the place where there is always hot water and can rest with some peace of mind.Once you get out of your door, everything is uphill.The usual time that the rooster is saved is seven.Fast shower in shared room and breakfast in the feeder.At eight at the door, trip to the van circuit, and half an hour later, the box assembly chain is accessed.If there have been no problems the previous day, everything is scheduled to start working a couple of hours before jumping on track for the first time.
If there have been no problems the previous day, everything is scheduled to start working a couple of hours before jumping on track for the first time
Two mechanics are attended by each car, while the rest is responsible for other tasks such as going for the tires to the Pirelli tent and attending them, analyzing data, carrying out some small repair, conditioning the box or preparing the cars for the grill.José Manuel has had to load gasoline today.Although everything is done inside the garage where there are mechanics with normal clothes, or even visitors outside the competition, the operation has to be carried out with an igniphed monkey.The team has an agreement with Sparco and all the clothing, that of the curls, the pilots and the security, is contributed by the Italian firm.
French is the passport of gasoline.ELF refers to each circuit a container loaded with fifties of fifty liters but no longer turn over the deposits with a funnel as years ago but is done in another more digitized way.The Fuel Machine call has the shape and almost the size of a home washer.A hose that absorbs, weighs and counts the fuel that carries each drum, then downloaded it in the car deposits.Closer to your operator has a series of buttons to run both the load and the download, and a digital screen in which the parameters can be checked.Its capacity is eighty liters (about sixty -five kilos) and almost one hundred cars enter the tank.Sometimes you have to load the Fuel Machine twice per car and move it to the flanks of the cars thanks to some wheels that turn crazy.
The human atmosphere in a box is strange, almost married.The members of the training seem disgusted with each other.Nothing is further from reality.The explanation is that the energy of your brains, the task of your personalized central computer, is concentrated in two elements: eyes and hands.The rest is superfluous, inconsequential, hence the inexpressive, almost cold faces.The success of the set and above all, the pilot's life, depends on your capacity as an operator and with those things is not joked.There is no action-action but the mechanization of a series of very well learned tasks that must be executed with precision and diligence.You see them manipulate their tools and realize that with covered eyes they would be able to do exactly the same.The adrenaline that marks the clock and the closeness of the key hours of the day make hunger forget, the cold looks like robots.
Arnaud hits you on the shoulder, "you have to go for the tires, it is the time."Eight gum games await you vertically stacked in the Pirelli tent.To transport them you use a truck similar to those of butaners.The wheels weigh like the body of a gangster, but you discover the trick: you have to push them slightly forward so that they are swinging on the one below, and they get up where you are.At that time you put the bracing spoon below, and in the fall they return to you, turn your chrome gadget and you can already take them to the side of the trucks.
if my they are Can’t Do Nun Else He Know How To Clean A Damn Chickn Bone 😂😂😂
— haiyra Wed Feb 03 22:03:38 +0000 2021
Before delivering the tires to Pirelli, those who housed some life are cleaned with gravel, rubber chips and impurities
There, in the shade and glued to the ground, they reduce the temperature of the nitrogen inside a few degrees.They check one by one in the same order in which they do it to a street car and in the direction of the needles of a clock.It begins with the left rear, left front, right and back right.There are new and some used.The day before, before delivering them all to Pirelli after finishing training, which housed some life were cleaned with gravel, rubber chips and impurities.
As a general rule, when Formula 2 accompanies the F1, they do not have boxes.His paddock is away from the principal and need to build a true mobile workshop.With the help of a quad they drag a small cart caravan, very similar to those used by the recovers of the large surfaces.Metro platforms per meter and a half with wheels hooked on the motorcycle-of-four-patas in which they go up everything necessary.Air guns with their corresponding B plans in case they fail, compressed air hoses to turn them and their bottles that have previously had to fill with a compressor.
In the carts they upload spare spoilers, at least two, one per car.Fans for pilots, for brakes, and for engines.You see the lollipop of the stops, the cats to lift the cars, the helmets of the mechanics, a metal drawer of tools the size of the comfortable Ikea Malm.American ribbons of various colors are necessary to mark the stop area in the pitstap and measurement systems in accordance with the regulations.All this travels several times in a weekend, nothing can be left behind and everything is checked before each operation.If you plan to make a move shortly, call these, they are the best.
The mountaineers begin to attack the skirts of the promontory and the tension goes from less to more depending on the qualifin or the race.The morning progresses and the faces are tense, the feet move faster, and the radio channels are free less time.Hertzian talks are mere operability;The strategies are not thrown into the air but are kept in a good collection.
Alberto, usual in charge of the right rear wheel has suffered a pinching in a vertebra
Dos horas exactas antes de la primera prueba hay una reunión importante dentro de uno de los camiones, a puerta cerrada. El box no garantiza el grado de intimidad necesario. Imanol, director operativo, da instrucciones. No hay bromas, la camaradería se deja para otro momento y el encuentro muestra rigor y gravedad. Hay que estar pendientes porque si una de las bailarinas falla, el ballet se jode entero. Alberto, usual in charge of the right rear wheel has suffered a pinching in a vertebra durante los ensayos de pitstops de por la mañana.
In factory they are rehearsed two or three times a week, and on Friday a dozen of them are executed.The physio has been beating for an hour against the injured back and has provided relief but not the solution;He will have to find her in a hospital just around the races.In the briefing it is decided to replace the injured for fear that in full stop in boxes it is not that the wheel is stuck, but what is stuck is Alberto himself and with it everything else.With firm words but loaded with paternity, Imanol moves his pawns and the replaced accepts nodded and pronounces a slight "without problem."
By regulations in Formula 2 there are no thermal blankets and the task of keeping the rubber at an optimal temperature is entrusted unless you use an old dog trick.In Saturday's race they have to make a stop and change tires, but before assembling the grill they perform their almondruco trick, that which cannot be shared before departure."Do not tell this until after the race, Viru," requires the director of the Alfonso orchestra, one of the painters in the painting.The Bosco draws the brushes from him every Sunday, Felipe II impatient and your sweat.He already smells like paint.
To be continue.