Photo: @kyliejenner
Coming home and getting rid of your bra is one of the greatest pleasures in life, comparable only to taking off your high heels after a Saturday party or eating a good tub of chocolate ice cream without regrets. But, what happens when it's time to be home? Now that we are confined and therefore we do not go out, the same idea assails us all, should I put on my bra?
The answer is it depends, but in general it is always advisable. And it is that the use of the bra, in addition to being a fashion accessory, is also related to health and beauty, since we all want a breast in its place and a beautiful neckline without wrinkles over time, right?
If you are a girl with a small chest, you can still afford not to wear it, but in women with more chests, a bra is a necessity for several reasons: it prevents back pain, freer movements and gravity does not end up doing of yours In addition, and it is also important, we must never forget the power of underwear to make us feel more beautiful and sexy, with which a correct choice of lingerie influences, for better or worse, our state of mind.
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The solution? We suggest wearing a comfortable bra during confinement (and for afterwards, too), that does its job but makes it look like you're not wearing anything. Soft fabric bras, without underwire or padding and with lace and elastic so that they hold at the same time that we are comfortable and beautiful. There are super cute options in most stores.
Now that we are going to be without going out for so long, it is a good time to organize our underwear drawer and divide the bras for each of activities at home, and it is not the same to throw yourself on the sofa to watch a series marathon, than to play sports or telework.
Okay, now that we've got more of an idea, check out the selection of comfortable bras below. Choose the one that best suits you!