Strapless, deportivo, triangulito, de algodón, de encaje, con aro o con relleno. No importa cuál sea el predilecto, la duda permanece en pie: ¿Qué tan seguido debería lavarse un sostén?
Carolina Aubele is a fashionable advisor and author of the book "Secrets of the dressing room", to prolong her life she recommends wash the bras when they are pink. “Es recomendable siempre lavarlos a mano, con jabón blanco, como hacían nuestras abuelas porque limpia bien, renueva el color y cuida los tejidos.The more delicate the textile, the more delicate the soap, ”he explains.
To prolong its duration, it is advisable to never put them in the washing machine. Primero, porque pueden dañarse con facilidad, desteñirse y estropearse en la primera lavada.Then, because they are delicate tissues that must be treated with love to last and do not spoil their metal parts.In addition, metal brooches could hook other delicate garments and tear them.
It is ideal to wash them once a week, by hand, with warm water and a neutral soap or a special detergent for delicate garments.Let stand approximately for 10 minutes and rub the areas of greatest rubbing with the body, such as the side of the rings and the subsequent closures. Una vez limpios, deben enjuagarse con agua tibia y escurrirlos delicadamente, sin exprimir.It is preferable that they take longer to dry than drain them since the glasses and rings can deform.
If, due to time or urgency, there will be no other option to use the washing machine, it is recommended to always put them in a protective network or rack and close the brooches from the back of the bodice as if they were going to use.