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End of the year: underwear and magical rituals for 2022

At this time, it is very common to wear color underwear or put a lighting in our home based on colored candles.

All this has a symbology, the symbology that gives color and that has a specific "call".

Blanco – Es el color de la paz, calma, pureza y armonía.

Verde – Color de la juventud, frescor, calma, esperanza, protección e salud.It is the color of construction and growth.

Coral / naranja – entusiasmo y deseo.

Rosado – Es un color delicado, que sugiere feminidad y afecto.For the New Year it means romance.Being a color linked to unconditional love and affection, it is a subtle color, awakens sensitivity and pure feelings, good to cultivate friendship, love and beauty.

Rojo – significa pasión y deseo, fuerza y dinamismo.It is a color that transfers life and agitation.

Fin de año: ropa interior y rituales mágicos para 2022

Amarillo – Energía, movimiento y alegría, significa plata.Stimulates action and achievements.

Morado / violeta – prosperidad, nobleza y respeto.Lila is for those who seek spirituality and intuition.It is the penetrating light and acts as a cauterizer, it is the color of transmutation, spirituality, switching and meditation.

Azul – tiene efecto calmante y relajante.It is a good color for those who intend to start a new business next year.It is related to the spiritual world, because it is cold, it is the color of reason, of the mentioned mind of emotions, of perception, will, clearness of action.It is soothing, tranquilizing, anesthetic and balanced color.

Azul marino - Combina racionalidad con espiritualidad, es puramente abstracto y mental, es el color de la organización, auto-confianza, de la firmeza y el liderazgo, purifica la mente.

Negro – color del misterio y fantasía.Means luxury and dignity.

Plata o gris - Es leve y calmante, produce sensación agradable.

And to prolong its meaning you can add everything we explain in the candle section.