Seguro que cuando haces una limpieza de la ropa que ya no usas, nunca te había pasado por la mente darle una limpia energéticamente para poder regalarla sin ese peso emocional o de energía negativa. Incluso si guardas ropa por alguna razón especial aunque no la uses, debes darle una cura para que no se acumule esa energía pesada que solo te hará la vida un poco imposible por acumular carga que no debes. Aquí te enseñamos a lograrlo con un pequeño ritual de purificación. Aplica para la ropay objetos o accesorios!
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For many to sound meaningless but the energy says a lot about the person, it does reflect an inner peace and a friendly vibrates it shows.Quite the opposite of a person who has loading that regret everywhere.Therefore, it is very important to learn to say goodbye to what you no longer use or what you want to get but really with the intention that it can serve someone, without the desire to want to hurt others with despite energy weight.
When cleaning a space, in this case your clothes or accessories, eliminate any kind of negative energy to replace it with a new positive energy.You will immediately notice how the atmosphere and weight of your clothes change.This does not mean that it is bad clothes, do not understand it, there are simply times that we are very loaded and that we are accumulating in our clothes, making people feel very heaviness or discomfort.Now imagine what the person who regals those clothes is loaded, far from doing a favor, you will only be condemning them to a favorable zero energy.
Take into account that for an energy -correct clean it is important to identify the right time to do it.Do not do it for doing so, starting from doing so when there is a full moon and new moon to attract more positive energy.Every time you buy new clothes, remember that for each new garment, you must go, after feeling uncomfortable using that garment, if you no longer make you feel good, thank you for what you did for you and renew.Also when you feel that you are having a bad streak of stress, luck or any emotion that instead of activating, keep your energy low.To turn the bad and continue!
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