09 04
Food to expire and discount coupons: the searches of Argentines to save today

In times of lean times, appealing to offers and discounts from stores is one of the strategies most used by consumers to save . But given the weakened pockets of today, what are the most demanded and for what products?

The impact of the pandemic and the current economic difficulties have changed the saving trends of Argentines. So much so that according to a Picodi.com survey, 92% of consumers bought more discounted products in the past year than they had before .

According to the study, among the categories of products most frequently purchased at a discount are: food, clothing and footwear; and appliances. Very rarely, housewares, cars (or parts), and jewelry are bought on sale.

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There are also some products for which Argentines are willing to wait until they are on sale. Above all, these are clothing and footwear (88%), household appliances (85%), services related to vacations and leisure (82%), household items (77%) and cosmetics and perfumes (77%).

In those categories, consumers are no longer willing to pay the regular price.

In the case of purchases that cannot be postponed, there are, of course, those of first necessity. Medicines (61% of respondents will not expect discounts), pet supplies (39%), underwear (35%) and children's items (32%). Books also fall into this group.

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The reasons to expect discounts are clear. Both women and men (62% and 55%, respectively) admitted that discounts can save a lot of money .

The second most popular answer is important to companies. Respondents said that discounts encourage brand awareness and in third place they highlighted that the initial prices are high .

As always, there are exceptions. 20% of women and 26% of men do not buy on sale because they think that good quality products are worth their original price . It also happens that 11% of women and 18% of men ignore discounts, since they never care about prices. A percentage of the population that is privileged.

In addition, a higher percentage of men than women said that the discounted products are of inferior quality or outdated (9% and 7%, respectively).

Some of this opinion is reflected in the options used. Food shelves with close expiration dates are the second most used as used regularly or from time to time by 34% of respondents.

It is only behind number one, the discount coupons that 15% of consumers use and that 32% use them only sometimes. In this case, there are 15% of respondents who know about coupons but do not use them and 38% who have never heard of this type of service.

And while e-commerce always shows signs of growth, applications for ordering unsold food, which have become popular in recent years, remain less well known (64% of those interviewed do not know what they are), as are cashback services (54%) and browser add-ons with offers (56%).

An interesting fact that emerges from the report is that Argentines sometimes buy products at a discount but then do not use them.

The top five categories of products that are thrown away or left on a shelf unused are:

It is also noteworthy that 40% of those surveyed think that the number of advertisements received for current discounts is acceptable. But 7% admit that it is overwhelming.

Consumers reported that they receive advertisements in the form of emails more frequently, on average 24 times each week. The other two spots on the podium are held by mobile app push notifications and browser push notifications (21 and 20 each week, respectively).

Less frequently have text messages (15 times a week) and the still valid brochures delivered to the mailbox (11 a week).