Pobrecillas, diréis algunos… efectivamente, las hormigas no son dañinas (al menos, no en esta parte del mundo), pero tampoco resultan el invitado más apetitoso.
In the world there are more than 12.000 ants species, but those found in Spain do not bite or transmit diseases.Of course, they may have passed through dirty places or contaminated food, so it is not the best idea to open the door of your house.
That is why today we are going to learn how to repel and eliminate ants in your home and your garden.
For those who have not seen the film, these tiny insects live in large colonies of millions of copies.They can lift their weight 20 times (David the gnome was only 7 times stronger than you).When they go to look.
They love sugar, although they eat more or less all (in addition to drinking water)..
The main reasons to break into your home are the search for food- in bins, in pantries, abandoned crumbs on the ground, under the sofa ...- the food of your pets, or the empty containers in which these foods wereThey are a delicacy)..
They make their nests on the grass, in split and mass solids, under the cobblestones, and at the base of the walls, mainly.
If a nest is broken, the ants will move to another place, because for security they never return to the same nest once the colony has been disturbed..
Be sure to always have your home very clean (especially crumbs and food remains), and store food well in sealed containers.Remove dust regularly, and avoid leaving dirty dishes in the battery for a long time.
> Por cierto, ¿seguro que sabes cómo se desatasca un fregadero como un verdadero profesional?
Pay attention, this golden minute can make you the Savior of the next summer paella!😉
To put it more difficult for ants, it seals any crack on doors and windows.
A measure of strength for times such as summer (or if you are in campsites, or you go to the field) is sprinkle a little salt (turmeric dust or paprika will also take effect, but they are much more expensive ...) inpassage zones, or wherever you want to rest calmly for a while..
Yes, we already know that there are a multitude of chemicals in spray to end ants and other insects, but among our advice is always not making use of them because they are not precisely beneficial for our own health, or environmentally respectful.
And even less when there are children or food in the areas where you thought to attack with napalm without need.Always think of ecological solutions, which are also usually cheaper and more safe for your health..
When you get rid of a group of ants, sweep well and use a soap product to eliminate the hormonal trail that left their companions, and not find another delegation exactly the same in the same place.
EYE!There are other much more worrying allergies and diseases in your own home, and you may not be paying the attention they deserve:
Tags: scanning, advice, advice, eliminate, diseases, ants, garden, nests, repell, salt, trick, summer | stored in: animals, planet captain, rest, diy, ecology, exterior, interior, cleaning, pests and insects,Health, summer