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How to prevent and cure vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis is one of the most common infections that affect the female genital system. It is a very common disorder among women of childbearing age and in many cases occurs several times throughout life. To give us an idea, almost 75% of women suffer from it at least once.

Vaginal yeast infection is not a dangerous disease, but it is quite annoying. Symptoms include itching and a burning sensation in the area.

What is vaginal candidiasis

It is a vaginal infection caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Vaginal candidiasis is often confused with vaginismus, but it has nothing to do with it since vaginismus is female sexual dysfunction, it is not any type of infection.

Main symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

It is very important for our health to keep the vagina healthy and cared for, but if despite everything we catch candidiasis, these are the symptoms that appear long after the fungus proliferates in the mucous membranes:

Normally, the week before menstruation, the symptoms worsen.

It should be noted that if you think you are suffering from these symptoms, you should take into consideration that you can infect your sexual partner, as it is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted by having sex. Normally in men the presence of the fungus Candida Albicans is asymptomatic, but sometimes inflammation and rash can appear on the skin of the glans, as well as intense burning.

Reasons why the fungus of Vaginal Candidiasis usually proliferates

Cómo evitar y curar la candidiasis vaginal

It is necessary to find out which are the main risk factors that favor the abnormal proliferation of the Candida Albicans fungus. They are the following:

vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy

Candida Albicans infections are very frequent when the woman is pregnant, due to the hormonal changes that occur, since these are reflected in changes in the composition of the mucosa that becomes more sugary and with a different pH. Within the stage of pregnancy, the second trimester is the most affected.

The treatment can be carried out with the prescription of numerous drugs that are completely safe even during pregnancy and, fortunately, the infection does not cause complications for the mother or the fetus.

Treatment of vaginal candidiasis

At the time we suspect that we may have infection by the candidiasis fungus, we must go to the doctor to make a diagnosis and verify our suspicions or not.

There are different treatments for candidiasis, depending on the severity of the infection, the doctor will decide which is the most appropriate. Normally when we go to the doctor, a sample of vaginal fluid will be taken and a culture will be performed to determine what is causing the infection. Treatment can be with vaginal suppositories or antifungal creams. In the event that infections occur recurrently, treatment is usually administered orally, although minor or moderate infections can also be treated with a single oral dose of medication.

How to prevent vaginal Candidiasis

To prevent vaginal candidiasis, it is essential to maintain partner relationships with contraceptives, where we will also avoid sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia. We must also take maximum care of intimate hygiene, preferably with specialized gels for the intimate area of ​​women. It is important to wash after intercourse and after urinating. Finally, it is also useful to wear cotton underwear, avoiding nylon and microfiber, as well as tight clothing.

It must also be taken into account that when women begin menopause, they are also prone to contracting this disease due to hormonal decline.

In case the infections are recurrent, nutrition and following a diet that limits the consumption of sugars, alcohol, milk and dairy products is important.

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