11 09
How to take care of clothes to last longer

Una de las cosas por las que siempre ha abogado la asesora de imagen Carola Montenegro, cuando se discute sobre la duración de las prendas, es su composición. Para esta especialista, a la hora de comprar nuestra ropa resulta fundamental ver las etiquetas y revisar de qué esta hecha la prenda, ya que al preferir algodón, por ejemplo, por sobre elementos sintéticos, se asegura una mejor calidad y por ende, mayor duración. Es igualmente importante el cuidado que le brindamos a las prendas que adquirimos, pues si no ponemos atención al etiquetado y a las instrucciones de lavado, secado y planchado, podemos percudir incluso artículos de excelente calidad.Cómo cuidar la ropa para que dure más Cómo cuidar la ropa para que dure más

The latter is also affected by the Fast Fashion industry, as soon as the low prices of some products make consumers renew their closets periodically, so that the quality of the materials or care given to it gives tothese.But it turns out that, following the indications of the guide that appears in the labeling of the garment, this replacement should not be so often, because taking care of our clothes we will make it last for much longer.This guide delivers very important information, often ignored, as if the garment may or may not be introduced into the washing machine, what type of temperature requires, what drying methods and other warnings.

The washing machine for example, if you do not care carefully, can become the number one enemy of clothes, decreasing its useful life remarkably.Therefore, Carola always recommends separating garments by color, to avoid staining those clearer.On the other hand, it is important to look at the washing machine program and its type, since there are more delicate clothing options."Clearly, delicate or point clothes should wash them by hand, but generally, for practicality issues you can't always," he says.

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Cómo cuidar la ropa para que dure más

Water temperature is also a factor that should be considered, since very hot it can fade or affect more delicate garments, such as silk, cotton or lace.Warm water is ideal for thicker tissues such as jeans, dirty jackets or garments.Meanwhile, temperatures greater than 50 degrees, they are advised only to get stains.

“It should be noted that clothes should not be washed very often, necessarily.Many uses can be considered before throwing it to the basket of dirty clothes, because very continuous washes can damage the clothes, ”explains Carola.Moreover, another of its recommendations is that once the use of a garment is finished, if it is not stained or dirty, it is air before storing in the closet.On the other hand, the advisor points out that learning to hold clothes is also a key point, since one of the enemies in the drying process is the direct sun, which can cause color to be lost and “caresses” the fabrics.

When saving clothes due to seasonal change, it is recommended to do it in an aerated atmosphere and away from dust, such as bags with closures or those that can be closed in a vacuum. “En mis once años de experiencia he logrado observar que las personas generalmente no cuidan sus ropas, y ese porcentaje de aquellas que sí lo hacen, efectivamente compran menos porque les dura más.Not only does it have to do with fabrics or quality, but also with care, ”he concludes.


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