30 07
How to take care of the Christmas plant

To explain everything about how to take care of the Easter flower or Christmas plant, we start by talking about the most appropriate location, the light it needs and other related aspects.

The first thing you should consider for the care of the Christmas plant is that, although it can be outside, it is usually better inside.Try not to take it out to the outside in cold times and prevents you from contacting air currents, so better than you keep it away from windows that open regularly.To take care of poinsettia, Christmas plant or euphorbia pulcherrima, you should avoid air currents and proximity to radiators, stoves, etc.., or any heat source that can damage it.

The Christmas plant, poinsettia or Easter flow.Thus, if you want it to be healthy but keep the red tone, you will have to locate it in an area with environmental light but not with direct sunlight many hours in a row.This is how the Christmas plant gets red and here we tell you more on this issue of location with respect to light and the relationship with how to make poinsettia get red.

Cómo cuidar la planta de Navidad

You can take advantage of the fact that it is a decorative plant for Christmas and thus rejoice and set a stay like the living room or the entrance of your home.If you like decoration with plants, here we tell you how to decorate with plants at Christmas.