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In class I was rigid, but outside I blended in with the students: I'm not a normal teacher

The former teacher of the Colegio San Agustín who has been tried since Monday at the Provincial Court of Cádiz in Ceuta as the alleged perpetrator of up to eight alleged crimes of a sexual nature against minors has only accepted this Wednesday to answer questions from his lawyer. He has explained that after fifty years teaching, almost 30 at Colegio San Agustín, at 66 years of age he has seen between 20,000 and 25,000 students pass through his classrooms as a teacher. “For five years I have not been able to walk down Calle Real and they have turned me into a leper: I have seen my father suffer before he died from constant lynching”, he cried at the end of his statement.

ADB, who is close to 70 years old and jokes about having 'Peter Pan syndrome' and has spent the oral hearing sessions reading the Book of Psalms and with a rosary in his hands, has not agreed to submit to the questions or the Prosecutor's Office, which asks that he be sentenced to more than 40 years in prison, nor of the private prosecution (which requests almost 18 years in prison for him).

“I had a reputation for being one of the most rigid in class, but there has never been a complaint about me. Outside the classroom I spoke their same language, I blended in with them because I fit in very well, and the young people got used to going to my house because I gave private lessons first, then because above all the children of my friends who sometimes dragged others saw football with my father…”, has argued who has described himself as a teacher who “is not normal” and whose phrases have been “decontextualized” by removing them from the “non-interpretable emotions in which they were written”.

Gifts always for nothing

In relation to gifts, he has said that he has "always" made them and "for nothing", although the balance "of what I have given and received is very much in my favor". “The other day I took off my 120-euro slippers to give them to the most unfortunate guy who passed through El Valle; I have brought shipments of food to the immigrants who were in the Sarchal after the jump… ”, he has contextualized the “details” of him to the minors with other examples.

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At the request of his lawyer, he has denied that he has entered porn pages and has said that if he accessed the changing rooms it was because it was "a conflictive place" in which he had to "maintain order", which is in charge of "the nine or ten Physical Education teachers with the same instructions”. In addition, he has denied that he had a court of favorites beyond "the affinities that any person maintains."

“I have taught many of the witnesses who have passed through here, I have attended their baptisms, hence my expressions of affection, and their parents are aware of my relationship with their children: I do not regret not having closed my house because they have also helped me a lot, for example, to move my mother with cancer, they have treated me when I have been ill…”, he asserted before assuring that he does not pay to go to El Refectorio, “the only place I go” because it is owned by "two friends for 30 years" and where some young people "called from the bottle" visited him. Going to the Parador is not, in his opinion, an Asian luxury either (“you eat for 15 euros and spend the whole afternoon in the pool, although I couldn't sunbathe”).

Photos that he had because "I am very fond"

“On my mobile, computer and tablets I would have about 200,000 photos because I am very fond of it and the children used my phone as a joke, I would leave it for whatever they wanted and they would pass the photos around because then I didn't even know how to use the application” , has indicated without being questioned by his lawyer about the most controversial images that have been discussed at the Provincial Court this week, those of young people with little or no clothing.

As he has stated, there was never a "sexual" or "perverse" spirit in his dealings with minors and he has come to take off his jacket and shoes to visually test his cervical "pains and dizziness" that supposedly motivated him to receive massages from a great number of teenagers, actually "nothing sensual, but squeezing my delts for five minutes on top of my clothes or putting on the cream that was prescribed for me". “Once I have attended twins for a pull, but I don't think a massage is something…”, he has excused. “I have not been a beautician either”, he has warned when questioned about the waxing of “four or five young people” to avoid “burning with the cream”.

The defendant has lamented that a relationship with a woman, "the person I loved the most and left me more alone than one", was frustrated by cancer almost 20 years ago without being able to have the children he dreamed of, something that led to converting the Colegio San Agustín, the Brotherhood and El Refectorio into “my only life”.

Of the son of the woman who denounced him in November 2017, he has said that he is "one of the best" children with whom he has had dealings, a good person and a student. "One day in the laboratory they laughed at him for wearing imitation Moroccan slippers and I got mad, so I went to a friend in a store who left them for me at a price," she explained. “I did not take those photos of him in which he is naked, even if he says so, and I have no reproach to make: he deserves to do well in life because he has a lot of will and intelligence”, he has indicated.

Silence, only answer to the accusation

“What kind of messages did you send to your students?”, the public accusation about the content of your whatsapp with your “special” boys has questioned you in vain, reviewing the singularities of your unbridled interrelation with each one of them, to whom he alluded to in terms of a couple and with whom he reached a level of intimacy far removed from any conventionalism.

The defendant has only remained silent in response to the prosecutor Sheila Vilches, who has come across for an hour and 40 minutes (after she sat down) with an undaunted and silent pediment standing in the middle of the room. This is how he has left blank since he knows the twelve men between the ages of 18 and 33 who were his former students and since Monday they have testified as witnesses and possibly corrupted, if he taught them and what subjects, if he had full knowledge of their age and how he made friends with them in the center, in sports activities or in the Brotherhood of Las Penas.

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Also if he took advantage of the access that his profession gave him to know their mobile phone numbers, if he approached them with a libidinous spirit, if he sexually likes boys (teenagers or minors), if he gained their trust to obtain pornographic material, if he asked minors for photographs with little clothing "to obtain sexual satisfaction", if he managed to get them to undress before him with the excuse of giving them gifts...

Nor has he responded to the Public Prosecutor's Office if he gave or received massages with a libidinous spirit or if he shaved adolescents with the same desire, if he took minors out of class to take them to the laboratory and take pictures of them undressing, if he entered the changing rooms while the children were showering to see and photograph them, if he sought consent to have sex "for gifts or money".

Incisive questioning and answers

In relation to the complainant's son, he has been expressly asked without success about the visits he made to his home, if he asked or offered to take "sensual" photographs of him despite his reluctance on repeated occasions over the course of months and In the end, he got them, if he invited him “in crowds” of times to dinner or to buy him some slippers and even “a sexy thong”.

The accused has refused to see, among others, one of the videos included in the summary that, according to the prosecutor, shows a "embarrassed" minor refusing to participate in risque scenes and has also remained silent about what he understood by photos " better” when he had already obtained them in underwear or why he did not reject the reception of indecent images of minors and, instead, praised them in terms of 'maquinón', 'bull' and 'top model'.

“He got jealous because guys would rather be with their girlfriends than you? Did you take minors out of class to take them to the laboratory? Did you have early morning conversations of a sexual nature about the experiences of minors? Did he encourage them to go to hotels with him?” He has reviewed the hundreds of conversations accumulated by the accused with minors on WhatsApp, especially between 2016 and 2017.

“He led minors to normalize receiving gifts in exchange for doing things that you liked? Did you haggle with an adult about how much money you would give him based on how many videos he sent you masturbating? Did he ask that his talks be erased if you consider them normal or intended to obtain libidinous benefits? Could you explain to me the photos of totally naked children on trips or at home? Was he inspired by images of porn pages to place children? ”, Vilches has followed, who has recalled that he continued to be a direct teacher until the September exams of each course.

The private prosecution has limited itself to asking, equally unsuccessfully, if the accused visited the complainant's son at home, taking advantage of the mother's absence to try to have her removed, if he encouraged the young man to be pressured for the same purpose and if it is It is true that he even exhibited pornographic material at his home.