14 02
Inmobiliaria Generalitat SA

By fate and grace of our Generalitat Valenciana we are socially becoming a real estate agency SA And that is why we are buying real estate at really important prices, although nobody informs us in detail of the fine print of those agreements that have already made us owners of the buildings of Correos de Castelló and Elx, we already have the one in Valencia closed and we are going after the headquarters in Alicante.

The agreement for the Post Office building, located in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento del Cap i Casal, is worth 24 million euros, not counting expenses. Just a few months ago, our Generalitat SA also announced the acquisition of the Palacio Tremolar, located next to the Palacio del Almirante, headquarters of the Ministry of Finance, for something like five million euros, to which must be added the costs of rehabilitation, endowment and conservation as a future official headquarters. They will fill them with pictures of the IVAM or San Pio V. It is what it touches. free

If we start to add up, what is certain is that we are losing a peak in the purchase of historic and state buildings at a time when we are not here to throw the house out the window, and even less, some will say, to lighten the coffers of the public communications company, which could well have been less of a collector given its desire to liquidate. Even so, I will not be the one who takes a position against the purchase of the historic Post Office buildings, built mainly in Spain in the first third of the 20th century and which are majestic and sumptuous as a sign of the power that postal and telegraphic communications began to being, thriving institutions and social evolution.

Nor will I say anything against the building built in Valencia by Miguel Ángel Navarro Pérez. It is a magnificent building. Therefore, it is undoubtedly good news, but at the same time we will have to be aware of what we put in the hands of our autonomy when we are unaware of its real use and state of conservation and only of its millionaire acquisition. Even more so, also not knowing what will happen in five years.

But even so, it must be admitted that the building is an emblematic piece, immense, a reflection of a buoyant society for decades, today in decline, but a key figure in our history and social, economic and architectural progress reality. At least we are not going to lose a building that could have been converted into a shopping center or even a luxury hotel, as has already happened with other mansions and historic buildings in our city full of franchises in old businesses currently in the hands of anonymous firms or investment funds.

What I do not like is that the autonomies become patrons of the state and of a heritage that was already public and, therefore, we have paid on several occasions: construction, use, maintenance and now purchase. As much as they want to sell us, these acquisitions between the same public administrations are still a way of helping the State when it comes to lightening maintenance costs of official headquarters that are in decline due to the advancement of technologies and that so-called planned obsolescence without any reconversion plans, a state hole that is already like a wayward brother in the family.

Our City Council has not lacked much to say that by the way, it keeps the old Treasury building located in Guillem de Castro, another citizen emblem of great importance and with an almost paradisiacal location. According to the City Council, there is money to stretch a bit, although it has not yet spoken of figures but of the more than ten million extras that it would need to update. We are investors, apparently.

This is not a reflection or the opening of a debate on the advisability or not of avoiding running out of historical properties, very well located and showcases of our historical reality. They are all worth it.

Otherwise we would consider it a real mistake. It would mean putting historic buildings in private hands, as we have already put banks that nonetheless ignore our elderly people and even soccer teams that belonged to this society but were thrown through the hatches of an almost sunken ship thanks to the innumerable ways that water enters through guilt of a provincial and nefarious management from the political point of view or denied to the evidence.

What should concern us at this point in our reality is to really know what we are going to do with all of them. That is the dilemma, the really worrying thing. Issues like these cannot be left in political hands. Today they buy and tomorrow they don't even remember.

We have enough examples of historical buildings acquired or managed by our public administrations that nobody knows what to do with them. And that is worrying. Therefore, we cannot and should not leave the use of these properties in political hands, which, like the case of Madrid, could end up being converted into mere administrative units for the use and enjoyment of politicians and officials, something that seems to end up happening with the rehabilitated monument historic Sant Vicent de la Roqueta where the saint has not yet appeared and vibrates with the metro and not with his spirit.

Since we have all paid for it, we are obliged to think about what we are going to do with them and not leave them in the hands of politicians and managers who pay but blindfold their immediate future. Even less to the taste of participatory budgets that still propose a vanity fair and underwear sale on Sundays or beads, so to the taste of this political class of sales and flea markets.

We have too many experiences and evidence of mistakes made. This is not a simple debate between sector experts. Rather, I would say that it is a social obligation, as happened with the Turia riverbed, which we have all assumed as an achievement over time, but on which we all have an opinion. These types of investments cross the meridian. It's not buying a flat. It is much more important. Any mistake can be a waste or turn into a disastrous investment. The Post Office or Treasury buildings are social and architectural emblems. They should not end up as administrative headquarters to fill with lucky officials, as happened with Tabacalera and other architectural banners. These politicians are not endowed with absolute wisdom. In addition, they are passing through but are capable of turning the main square of Valencia into a patriotic underwear stall.