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Insecticides to control flying and creeping insect pests

Mosquitos, hormigas, garrapatas, pulgas, chinches, cucarachas... Hay muchos insectos que pueden colarse en tu hogar sin que te des cuenta y generar una plaga. Esto no solo conlleva el problema de que causa mala imagen y genera asco, sino que también puede ocasionar enfermedades, falta de higiene y reacciones alérgicas ante picaduras. Por ello, tener en casa un buen insecticida al que echar mano para acabar con todos esos bichos en cuanto aparezcan se antoja fundamental. Los insecticidas para controlar plagas de insectos voladores y rastreros en casa Los insecticidas para controlar plagas de insectos voladores y rastreros en casa

For example, the Protect Home Blattanex for domestic use and immediate action can come very well in that situation.It is specially designed for creeping insects and is sold in a 500 ml boat with application and atomizer cannula to be more effective and easy to use.For all this, and also taking into account the excellent valuations that its users give it, we have chosen it as the best insecticide within this comparison.But, if the pest problem is the plants of your garden or terrace, then the comporation axing ultra -political ax will come better.It is perfect to combat aphids, worms, beetles, pigs and grasshopper.In short, two very interesting options.But, as you will see below, there are many others worth mentioning.

The best, our choice: Protect Home insecticide

The best insecticide of the Protect Home brand according to the opinions of Amazon customers.It has 4.4 out of 5 average note and 66 % of 5 -star valuations.It is especially effective, as José Luis says, "for cockroaches and ants inside the home".However, quickly eliminates all types of creeping insects such as bed bugs, spiders, beetles or fleas.It is sold in spray format and in a 500 ml boat.According to Esther, "your application cannula makes it very easy to use.In addition, it is very persistent.With a couple of uses I have stopped the ant of ants I had at home ”.

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Second option: immediate action gel Protect home

Now we are going with the best anti -UCarcach gel of the Protect Home brand for Amazon customers."It is very durable and its action is immediately noticed" it tells us about him María del Rosario.In fact, it offers up to 4 weeks of protection and is valid for any kind of this insect.It is sold in syringes with the capacity to control pests in spaces of, maximum, 100 m2 thanks to acting as a bait.Jonathan adds, in this sense, that “I apply it under the kitchen furniture once a month.Since I do it, I have not seen a cockroach at home again ”.It has 3.8 out of 5 and 50 % of maximum scores.

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Third option: Insecticide Protect Home Total Protection Barrier

Another of the best insecticides of the Protect Home brand according to user comments on Amazon.Luce 3.9 out of 5 average note and 51 % 5 -star reviews.It is, as Cristóbal clarifies, of a "barrier insecticide, that is, not only kills the bugs, but also prevents them from entering home".It is useful for creeping and flying species, it can be applied indoors and exterior and, as Diana indicates, "it doesn't matter if it is pulverized on the curtains or the sofa since it does not stain textile fibers".It is sold in a 750 ml boat.

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Fourth option: Multipurpose Insecticide for Ornamental Protect Garden

“The aphids and caterpillars were a nightmare for my garden plants.I tried everything to end the pests, but I only managed to eliminate them completely with this product.It is very effective, practical and easy to use ".This opinion, signed by Monserrat, perfectly summarizes the usefulness of the best insecticide of the Protect Garden brand for Amazon consumers.It has been prepared from Deltametrina, a safe compound for human being and especially recommended for horticultural, ornamental and fruit crops outdoors.Its average note is 4.1 out of 5 and has 55 % maximum ratings.

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In addition, as Robert indicates, "it has a sprayer that facilitates its application and also ends with insect larvae".The manufacturer recommends not using it between November and February.In short, an insecticide for very versatile plants.

Fifth option: Ultra Multipurpose Insecticide

With 4.1 out of 5 and 51 % of maximum scores, this is the best compo brand insecticide for Amazon buyers.It is effective against worms, beetles, grasshoppers, pigs and aphids, among other creeping and usual insects in garden plants.Vanessa says of him that "it has a very durable effect and, thanks to its spray container, it applies very easily".Specifically, it is available in long -lasting boats of 750 ml capacity.

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Sixth option: Insecticide Total Protect Home Download

We cotinuu with which, according to the opinions of Amazon customers, it is the best total download insecticide of the Protect Home brand.Its 3.7 out of 5 and 54 % of 5 -star scores.Sara says of him that "it is sold in a pack savings of 3 units of 150 ml" and that "it is extremely effective.Of course, being of total download, some precautions must be taken ”.Specifically, it refers to the fact that the manufacturer advises to vacate the place of application for several hours to avoid poisoning because it is very powerful.It is especially recommended for difficult access places such as storage rooms, fads and false ceilings and to combat flying insects and trailers of all kinds.

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Seventh option: Aries antihormigas powders

The best insecticide of the ARIES brand according to Amazon users analysis, which give it 4 out of 5 and 65 % of maximum notes.Specifically, it is a "totally ecological and environmentally friendly" (Natalia) (Natalia) powder product to eliminate ants.It has been prepared from pyrethro extract, paraffin and lavender oil.It is marketed in 180 grams boats.

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How to choose an insecticides and what to take into account before buying one?

Los insecticidas para controlar plagas de insectos voladores y rastreros en casa

To find the offer in insecticides perfect for you you should previously consider all these purchase aspects:

  1. Modo de aplicación. Los insecticidas líquidos en spray son los recomendados para uso puntual, es decir, si no tienes plagas en casa pero de vez en cuando te encuentras una cucaracha o una polilla, por ejemplo. En cambio, los productos en gel y en polvo son más adecuados para hormigas y otros muchos insectos cuando ya aparecen en gran número.
  2. Tipo de insectos. Hay insecticidas para garrapatas, termitas, pulgas, chinches... Revisa la descripción del producto para elegir el adecuado respecto al problema que sufres.
  3. Toxicidad. El insecticida debe permanecer el menor tiempo posible en el ambiente y no afectar a los alimentos. Aún así, deberás mantener algunas medidas de seguridad.
  4. Para interior o exterior: Otro aspecto importante. Un insecticida para el jardín no es igual que uno para el hogar. Tenlo en cuenta.
  5. Precio del insecticida. Depends del tipo. Los más económicos en spray pueden costar entre 3 € y 10 €. Los más eficaces frente a plagas y para uso en agricultura o granjas pueden valer hasta 25 €.
  6. Mejores marcas de insecticidas. Protect Home, Compo y Massocide han sido los fabricantes mejor valorados dentro de esta comparativa.

What is an insecticide?

Insecticides are chemical compounds of organic or synthetic origin aimed at killing insects of all kinds.In fact, there are specifically designed for cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies or fleas, for example.They are used both in the domestic sphere and in that of agriculture, livestock or industry.Ideally, they have the following characteristics:

  1. Especificidad. Solo matan a los ejemplares de las especies para la que están diseñadas, pero no a las demás. Este es el motivo por el que existen, por ejemplo, insecticidas para avispas e insecticidas para hormigas.
  2. Baja toxicidad. Tanto para el ser humano como para el resto de la fauna. En este sentido, los mejores insecticidas no afectan en ningún caso a las abejas por ser fauna polinizadora y jugar un papel clave en el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas. Tampoco a las especies que habitan en agua dulce.
  3. Efectividad. El insecticida para el hogar o de uso profesional debe ser efectivo aplicando poca cantidad.
  4. Latente. Debe permanecer en el ambiente el tiempo suficiente para combatir la plaga. Sin embargo, no puede ser acumulable ni persistentes. Para ello, tiene que degradarse sin generar subproductos tóxicos.
  5. Precio reducido. El control de plagas es básico para la salud de los seres humanos. Por ello, debe haber insecticidas baratos muy efectivos.

For what do you use it?

Obviously, the best insecticides aim to control and eliminate insect pests in any interior or outdoor space.Many of them can cause serious damage to human and animal health.You just have to think about how mosquitoes generate malaria epidemics in many countries of the world or how tularemia tulapatics or Lyme disease in those beings that bite.

Los mejores repelentes de mosquitos para evitar picaduras indeseadas

But not only that, insects can also cause harmful effects on agricultural harvests and deterioration of the hygiene conditions of any space.For example, the usefulness of the recommended insecticides for cockroaches is not only to end these unpleasant beings for many of us, but also avoid that, when coming into contact with food, they infect it with salmonella bacteria (responsible for salmonellosis), of which they are carriers.

Cockroaches are also related to the transmission of diseases as serious as cholera, leprosy, polyomyelitis, dysentery and typhoid fever.Therefore, you have to take special care with them and combat any stretch of plague as soon as it is detected.

What do insecticides contain?

Depends.There are several types of insecticides based on their composition:

  1. Insecticidas organoclorados. Los más habituales eran los DDT. Fueron realmente efectivos a la hora de combatir a insectos voladores y, con ello, de controlar enfermedades como la malaria o la fiebre amarilla. Sin embargo, debido a su acumulación orgánica, hoy en día están prohibidos.
  2. Insecticidas carbamatos. Se han convertido en los más habituales dentro del hogar. El más conocido es la icaridina por su baja toxicidad, su alta capacidad repelente y su rapidez de acción.
  3. Insecticidas organofosforados. Son los más utilizados en la agricultura. El mejor ejemplo es el malatión. Tiene un potente efecto de choque y no genera casi residuos.
  4. Insecticidas piretroides. Pueden aplicarse directamente sobre la piel y servir como repelentes. Además, también son insecticidas para jardín ideales para proteger las plantas de plagas.
  5. Insecticidas IGR. Son los empleados para acabar con las larvas de los insectos antes de que nazcan.

Some insects generate resistance to certain insecticides and therefore there are different compounds

For their part, carbamates, organochlorines and organophosphate are organic insecticides since they have carbon in their composition.eye!They should not be confused with ecological insecticides, which are those elaborated exclusively from natural ingredients.

What types of insecticides can we get?

First, we must distinguish different types of insecticides based on the life phase in which the insect is located.We can differentiate between:

- Ovicides.They end the eggs deposited by the insect.

- Larvicidas.They kill the young (larvae) of insects.

- Adulticidas.Designed to eliminate adult specimens.

That said, it is also possible to differentiate according to the application method:

- Spray liquid insecticide.The most common.In fact, it is the best insecticide for flies and mosquitoes, although it can also be used for cockroaches and other creeping insects.It is recommended if you don't have a pest problem but, promptly, a bug enters home.

- Gel insecticide.Ideal for cockroaches.It is sold in syringes through which to apply drops in places of passage of these insects or in which they are suspected that they have nested.They are usually delayed action.The insect eats it and uses it to feed their peers, so very little amount is able to end a good number of specimens.

- Friegasuelos insecticide.It is recommended for ants.It is included in soil cleaning products and must be diluted in water.Grants the surface a repellent layer.

- Powder insecticide.It is not usually used in homes, but in farms and country houses.Works similar to gel.

- Painting insecticide.Also useful in places where animals live.It is a type of paint that includes ovicidal, larvicidal and adulticidal substances.It is one of the best insecticides for bed bugs, termites and chickens lice, for example.

- Electric insecticide.It is a device that hangs from the wall or roof.Its light, bright blue, attracts flying insects.When they approach, they emit an electric shock that fulminates them.It is an insecticide for mosquitoes, flies and moths mainly.

- Biological or natural insecticide.It is elaborated exclusively from natural plants.In fact, it usually does not kill insects, but repels them.It is generally made from extracts of basil, melisa and, above all, citronela.

- Insecticide oil.This is what we usually call cutaneous mosquito repellent.It applies to the skin and prevents us from picing us for a specific number of hours.It is usually an insecticide with pleasant aroma.

What are the effects of insecticides?

It doesn't matter if we talk about insecticides for spiders, bed bugs or for any other insect.The operation system of these products is based on the inhibition of vital enzymes of these beings, which translates into an immediate collapse of their motor activity and death.

Las mejores lámparas antimosquitos para que no te piquen

Generally, these inhibitory substances reach the insect organism of one or more in the following ways:

  1. Por ingestión. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de cualquier insecticida sistémico o del clásico gel anticucarachas. El producto actúa como cebo, el insecto se lo come y muere rápidamente. En especies que devoran a sus congéneres muertos, son muy eficaces.
  2. Por inhalación. Penetran en el insecto a través de sus tráqueas o cutículas, que son las vías de entrada de su sistema respiratorio. Es especialmente eficaz ante insectos voladores.
  3. Por contacto. Es la forma más versátil. El insecticida penetra a través de la cutícula del insecto para llegar a su sistema nervioso e inhibirlo.

Advantages and disadvantages

Buying insecticides for fleas, ticks or any other insect has unquestionable advantages:

- They degrade rapidly in the environment and do not generate toxicity for the human being.

- They do not leave food in food.

- Insects do not usually develop resistance to them.

- They act almost immediately.

- They can be used at any time.

Fast action, ease of use and effectiveness are essential characteristics to control insect pests at home

However, they also have some inconveniences:

- They are usually flammable.

- They can cause toxicity in pets.

- They require a constant application.

- They need to take precautions with children.

Precautions and recommendations when using insecticides

In order for the use of insecticide to be safe, you must follow the following tips:

- Read the application instructions specified in the boat and rojatabla follows.

- Apply only the necessary amount of insecticide.

- Never store the insecticide boat near a source of ignition (a gas boiler or a stove, for example).Nor do you put it in direct contact with sunlight.

- Keep the insecticide away from the reach of children.

- Do not apply the insecticide near your face or that of someone close.It can cause eye, cutaneous, nasal and oral irritation.

- In case of accidental ingestion, call immediately the emergency telephone (112).

- Wash the hands aware after using insecticide and, above all, before handling food.

- Do not use dust or gel insecticides if there are pets at home that can ingest them.

Can you make homemade insecticide?How?

Yes.You can make a natural insecticide from products you have in your pantry.The best known is garlic, which is especially useful as repellent and to combat pests in garden or terrace plants.To elaborate it, you will need:

- A garlic head with at least 6 teeth.

- half a liter of white vinegar.

- Half a liter of water.

- A little neutral pH soap.

- A pot with sprayer.

Then follow these indications to prepare it:

  1. Pela los ajos y tritúralos. Este es el ingrediente fundamental por su carácter repelente e insecticida.
  2. Pon, en una olla, el vinagre blanco y los ajos.
  3. Haz que hierva durante 5 minutos y deja que la mezcla repose 24 horas.
  4. Añade el agua y el jabón neutro. Esto favorecerá que el insecticida orgánico se adhiera mejor a las hojas de las plantas o a nuestra piel si lo usamos como repelente.
  5. Vierte la mezcla en un recipiente con pulverizador y úsalo con normalidad.

What are the best market insecticides?

Within this comparison of insecticides it has been clear to us that the following brands have the greatest confidence on the part of the users:

  1. Protect Home. Tiene un amplio catálogo de productos útiles para todo tipo de insectos que pueden colarse en casa. Hablamos de cucarachas, polillas, moscas, mosquitos y un larguísimo etcétera. Además, son insecticidas con una relación calidad-precio excepcional.
  2. Compo. Según las opiniones en insecticidas analizadas, esta marca elabora los mejores productos para el jardín, para el césped y para las plantas de terraza. Son muy efectivos para controlar plagas de arañas, pulgones, abejas y avispas.
  3. Massocide. Una de las mejores marcas de insecticidas para granjas y entornos profesionales e industriales. Sus productos en polvo son especialmente eficaces contra hormigas y cucarachas.

Now, you already have everything you need to buy the best insecticide for your home.Say goodbye to the annoying bugs that enter home or eat your plants!