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John Cena reveals the motive for his WWE dress

Sebastián Martínez

23 / 01 / 2020 at 09: 41

John Cena was interviewed last week by James Corden on the show 'the late late show'. During the interview, in which actress January Jones was present, she talked about her Hollywood career, revealed herself to be a fan of the BTS group, and mentioned the reason for her dress as a WWE superstar.

"if you look at my other options, I had only to choose underwear," Dena joked. "so I wanted to wear some kind of street clothes because my character was from a tough, aspiring rapper from West Newbury Street. Hard to do that in underwear. So I also wore sneakers while most guys wore leather boots to the calf or to the knee."

"I got to dress more or less in street clothes, and I chose jeans so I wouldn't have crotch problems. Imagine, I put on panties and in front of the world several times I'm trying to put my life at stake with a superstar I'm having a fight with, and everyone's looking at my parts. So, I thought Texans were a better choice. And look, they're back in fashion, so I resisted the passage of time!"

John Dena at WrestleMania 36

John Cena revela el motivo de su indumentaria en WWE

En 2019, John Cena sólo realizó dos apariciones en WWE y la última se produjo en WrestleMania bajo el personaje de 'Dr. of Thunganomics'. Sus próximos grandes proyectos cinematográficos son Fast & Furious 9 y Suicide Squad, como hemos mencionado anteriormente. La primera película supuestamente ya se ha grabado mientras que el rodaje de la segunda finalizará el 31 de enero. Esta última fecha podría indicarnos que el rumor sobre la aparición de John Dena at WrestleMania 36 es posible. Además, si está libre de fechas, en cuanto a rodajes se refiere, es muy probable que vuelva a subirse a ring para luchar.

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