Just a week ago I received the call from Daniela Marlene Pérez Torres, ex -wife of Rodrigo Abascal Olascoaga, son of the late Carlos Abascal Carranza, prominent member of the Catholic right of Mexico.Daniela accuses her of family violence and judicial harassment, influence traffic and pretending to snatch her four children, take her home, as well as put her in jail.There are even death threats.He wanted to expose his case to the media as a last resort, to defend himself from a family linked to the conspirator organization called El Yunque.Daniela concludes: “Today, I fear for my heritage, my life and that of my children.And I have decided that I no longer want to live on his knees ".He has reported in media how she was subjected to confinement, abuse and be beaten by this distinguished lawyer who enjoys great respect and recognition of the political class;Notary Public 183 and alleged member of the Secret Organization of Catholic Ultra -Right.
The abascial, ultraconservative family, cultivates a petrified Catholicism.Historians such as Édgar González Ruiz, in his book Los Abascal, points out that said conservatism has its epicenter in Salvador Abascal Infante, founder of Sinarchism, father of Carlos and grandfather of Rodrigo, an outstanding intransigent Catholic.Author of 20 reactionary content books and father of 12 children.The vetusto Salvador Abascal, complained that "the modern woman, she was the living demon incarnate," said that "it must be subject to the male because the sin committed by Eva must be atone for thus.".Reproached that "machismo was disappearing in Mexico".The misogyn line is inherited by his son Carlos Abascal Carranza to whom the anvil intends to beatify.Being Labor Secretary, during the Government of Vicente Fox, on March 8, 2001, on the occasion of International WomenWork outside the house is the responsibility of men.Feminist groups declared themselves offended and outraged as citizens and workers.They considered inconceivable that, in the 21st century, the Secretary of Labor was expressed as well.The case of the Aura book, was another shameful chapter, Carlos Abascal pressed for the dismissal of the teacher who had stopped reading her daughter Luz del Carmen, the "sacrilegious book of Carlos Fuentes", and closing the college of nuns Félix de nuns ofJesús Rougier.
The case of abuse and family harassment of Daniela Marlene Pérez Torres is worrying.Abascal family pressure is not an isolated case on the Mexican right.
I highlight some features of these families that morally feel higher than the rest of society.
How to Cut Delicata Squash in A Nonviolent Way?
— jack petersen Wed Nov 06 03:36:09 +0000 2019
1.Misoginia: fruit of a rigid education and a deplorable nineteenth -century conception of a numb and patriarchal Catholicism.The key to these antediluvian families is the submission of women who must carry “La Cruz” and is forced to perform a role of resigned martyrdom.
2.Double life, double moral.Pope Francis these days has strongly criticized those Catholics who lead a double life.They claim to be Catholics, he said, but then, they do not act as such."It's a scandal to say one thing and do another.That is a double life ... there are those who say: I am very Catholic, I always go to Mass, I belong to a pious association, I confess followed, but I do not pay my employees appropriate salaries, I explode the people, I do dirty business, whitishMy money, abuse people, I lead a double life ".Members of these prominent, Catholic and anvil families are held with merciful attitudes and poses who are incongruous in private life.It is one of the serious impostures of Catholic elites.We refer to the Maciel Martial pathogen;to the scandals of the Serrano Limón family (Provida family), that is, the thongs of Jorge Serrano and the accusations of pedophilia to his brother Francisco, religious Lasallista;the inconsistencies and infidelities of José Barroso Chávez, of the Mexican High Society, who was a lifetime president of the Red Cross and Malta Knight;Diego Fernández de Cevallos himself, who intends to give a chair of political morality, was the protagonist of a first tortuous marriage with Claudia Gutiérrez Navarrete.His example of refined religious principles was not reflected in the brutal beat.Nobody saves and who does not fall slips, true.But without yunquista mojiga, flagrant inconsistencies and an intolerable hypocrisy.In the case of Abascal Carranza, three children have divorced the bad with pleitazos in between.Is that the family model that they want to impose on Mexicans?
3.Power and influence peddling.Rodrigo Abascal Olascoaga abuses his links with the Judiciary and acts in a unfair and furry way.Rodrigo boasts of his Yunquistas political relations network that include the Franco Coppola Nuncio.The true god of anvil is money and power.Members use Catholic faith as an ideological justification for substantiating personal and clique earthly ambitions.It is a secular sect that pursues power and manipulates religious principles to achieve its claims purposes.
As a society we must be attentive and avoid abuses of the anvil to Daniela Pérez Torres, because he acts under power.