The underwear is dirtier than we can imagine. Nobody really thinks that the panties or underpants that we take out of the clean clothes drawer could be full of microorganisms.
But so says a new study by UniMetrocamp | Wyden in Campinas de São Paulo, Brazil. The researchers also point out that new underwear can also harbor bacteria.
To reach this conclusion, they analyzed 52 pieces of underwear. They found that among newly purchased garments 85% showed bacterial growth. This happened even after washing.
Of the clothes already used, but disinfected, 92% were contaminated with microorganisms.
The researchers noted that contamination occurs from improper washing. At least that's the main reason. But by washing it properly we avoid contact with fungi and bacteria that can cause diseases.
– Avoid washing in cold water. It is recommended to wash it with hot water but below 40°C.
– Do not use the washing machine. In this way we can contaminate panties and underpants by having contact with other garments. It is best to disinfect your hand.
– To wash it we have to use neutral or coconut soap. You should always avoid common soap, softeners and bleach.
– Do not leave panties and underpants drying in the bathroom. This contributes to the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. The bathroom is a warm and humid place, clothes should be dried in a dry environment. It is best to hang it in the shade and somewhere ventilated.
In healthy people the microorganisms can cause itching or discharge. But in people with low immunity they can have much bigger health problems.