10 04
Most women who get breast augmentation choose sizes 90 or 95

Nine out of ten women who undergo breast augmentation claim to have a size between 90C and 95B, in addition, 93% opt for round implants compared to 7% who ask for atomic ones, according to a study carried out at the Diego de León Clinics among 1,052 women who had breast augmentation surgery in recent months.

The age range oscillates between 20 and 35 years in 60% of the cases. And the main motivation for undergoing this surgical intervention, more than 90 percent of these women have recognized that their main reason has been to improve their self-esteem.

Likewise, many women look for a breast augmentation due to the lack of volume -innate absence or caused after sudden weight loss or specific stages such as the lactation period-; because they are affected by a mammary asymmetry in one or both breasts; or due to accidents and illnesses that have had an impact on the woman's self-esteem in some way.

The director of the Diego de León Clinics, Dr. Miguel de la Peña, points out that, currently, this type of surgical intervention leads the list of the most demanded cosmetic surgery operations in Spain, above liposuction and blepharoplasty.ANATOMIC ROUND VS

La mayoría de las mujeres que se aumentan el pecho eligen las tallas 90 o 95

93% of women who have opted for round implants want to achieve a higher bust and a more pronounced and striking neckline. As its own name indicates, the result of the shape, volume and contour are much more rounded. On the other hand, 7% of the women who demand anatomical implants, also known as pear, teardrop or water drop implants, want their chest to have a much more natural appearance, with which it is really difficult to detect that they have undergone surgery. a cosmetic surgery operation.

The operation usually lasts 90 minutes under local anesthesia and sedation, and recovery takes about a week. The most demanded technique in the intervention is the submammary technique, as it is the simplest and least invasive. The scar is hidden under the breast fold. The other techniques, less requested, are areolar and axillary. The areolar leaves hardly any trace on the line that separates the nipple and the breast, but it can cause a slight loss of sensitivity in the nipple. For its part, the axillary does not leave visible marks but is of a complex execution and less recommended.

At the end of the intervention, they point out, "women wear a post-surgical medical bra, which helps to hold the skin that has been or is being exposed to a special treatment. Its use is very important so that the postoperative period and its results are satisfactory. Your use is necessary during the month after surgery. It has an important role in the healing phase".

Regarding the prevention of possible adverse effects, the doctor recalls that it is important that patients are warned of possible contraindications through their surgeon, "especially in the cases of pregnant or lactating women and in those of patients minors".

In the same way, special care must be taken if the woman is a smoker and if she is an alcohol consumer. In addition, the rest of the common contraindications in other types of surgical interventions must be taken into account, such as coagulation disorders, systemic diseases, heart problems and infectious states in which, for example, an infected tooth can increase the risk of up to 70%. infection.