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Mother of the Good Shepherd, Christmas Solidarity with the home of the sisters of the flock of Maria • Cádiz Solidaria

La Hermandad Madre del Buen Pastor ha hecho entrega de lo recaudado en su campaña de Navidad “Pastores de la Ilusión” al Hogar de las Hermanas del Rebaño de María, el zurrón del Buen Pastor ha llegado repleto a su destino gracias a las múltiples donaciones recibidas.Madre del Buen Pastor, navidad solidaria con el Hogar de las Hermanas del Rebaño de María • Cádiz Solidaria Madre del Buen Pastor, navidad solidaria con el Hogar de las Hermanas del Rebaño de María • Cádiz Solidaria

Fruit of the solidarity campaign, the mother Brotherhood Mary Most Holy Pastor and San Francisco de Asís has given the tertiary Franciscan sisters of the flock of Maria coat of coat, underwear, Christmas and cleaning products so that they deliver it to all thehomeless people who attend in their social dining room on Costa Rica Street.

Similarly, the Christmas campaign of the Brotherhood has also met needs of people without resources from the Trille neighborhood in which the brotherhood sits and the minors guarded at home have been given a gift that the congregation has in thecited school.

Madre del Buen Pastor, navidad solidaria con el Hogar de las Hermanas del Rebaño de María • Cádiz Solidaria

From the Brotherhood, the infinite solidarity of as many as they heard the solidarity call of this campaign is appreciated and have overflowed all the forecasts, multiplying the initial forecasts and being able to meet not only the needs and heart of the homeless but also to families in the neighborhood.

As a success has described the older sister, on behalf of the entire Governing Board, the result of this campaign "Pastors of the Illusion".