To scare the negative, you have to hang an aloe vera sheet at the entrance of the house and thus scare the bad energies.
Make noise scares the bad vibes so, when providing, singing strong, touching the horn or an instrument to free yourself from all negativity.Karaoke is allowed.
Throwing a glass of water, which is the symbol of tears, from the house out to eliminate penalties and negativity and will serve to clean the energy of the house.
Clean the house of bad energies sweeping with a broom from the door to the street.
Do not get angry or sleep before the arrival of the New Year since this can load the new year of sufferings and bad times.
To release clothes, since it is supposed to put on even a new garment in New Year will have a year full of "novelties".
Dressing white to receive the year helps away from diseases and for health you can also wear green underwear.
Get yellow underwear will attract good luck and joy.According to some beliefs, it must be placed upside down before twelve and then, when you can, turn it.
At twelve they must open all the doors of the house to let go of the old year and enter the new.
Giving elephant figures, pigs and sheep will bring good luck and economic prosperity.
Do not hang a new year calendar until January 1.If it was already done, turn it looking at the wall.Otherwise, it will bring bad luck.
Wearing red intimate clothes since the passion of this tone is the key.
Put a gold ring inside the champagne cup with which it will be provided to twelve.The cup should be taken with the right hand and the ring can only be removed once the entire content has been drunk.
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— jose ❄️🏳️🌈 Fri Dec 21 21:55:31 +0000 2018
For those who want to marry, you have to stand and sit twelve times in a chair, once for every bell.
If the plan is to find love in 2019, you must embrace an opposite person after twelve.
To strengthen a relationship at midnight you must exchange clothes between the members of the same since they would make sure they were united in the year.
Put a ticket - while the amount is higher, better - on the floor of the right foot shoe or hold it in hand the last minute of the year is a commitment to prosperity.
Eat a spoonful of lentils.The original rite says that it must be a whole dish, but with a tablespoon enough since it is a rite in favor of prosperity.
At twelve you have to light all the lights of the house so that the home attracts abundance and success all year.
Put 12 gold coins in a red wallet and have it on all night to attract money.
Filling a salt shaker is a symbol of abundance.
For good luck, eat twelve grapes (one in one), one for each bell and asking for a desire for each grape.
If what you want is to travel, grab a suitcase or backpack and turn the block or block with it on or get on a chair with the suitcase.
Stand up from a chair or a staircase at twelve will make next year go ascent and you have to get off the chair with your right foot to reinforce good luck.
Light a white candle and try to keep it on throughout the night of 31 is for good luck.
Write on paper the bad things present and, after midnight, burn it so that they do not repeat.
Decorate the house with spikes, which are a symbol of good fortune and peace.
Repeat aloud or mentally the phrase "I will be happy this year", just at midnight.
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