Escoger la ropa interior ideal para nuestra talla, peso y que además combine con nuestros gustos puede ser algo trabajoso.However, it could be simple and even fun if we know the right way to do it without complications.
Por eso, la fundadora y CEO de la marca de ropa interior sin costuras Sicurezza, Ileana Tapia nos dará algunos tips para poder comprar la ropa interior idónea para cada cuerpo y talla.However, he clarifies that the first thing you should consider is to feel comfortable, safe and empowered with what you decide to put on.
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La joven fundadora de Sicurezza, Ileana Tapia contó que uno de los objetivos de la empresa es empoderar a la mujer y acompañarla en su proceso de transformación personal.Apart from focusing on giving the greatest comfort to their clients.
“Our motto is‘ Live without seams ’, it is a new philosophy of life that promises pure well -being, freedom for a life without harm, without fear, without ties, without pressures.Our purpose is to help women and inspire them in their personal transformation.As a brand we are very committed to women.Our brand wants to guarantee comfort to achieve your security, ”he says excitedly, Ileana.
The businesswoman recalled that during the beginning of the pandemic they had to reduce their expenses to 80% and because their business was traditional (physical sale), they had to close their stores.However, nothing amilan and started from scratch with the virtual store.Her desire to get ahead helped her to create the "comfortable at home" campaign with what the company managed to refloat and grow.
“With the‘ Comfortable at home ’campaign we were able to reverse sales and even grow more than 150% of what was expected.Sicurezza could not only survive, which was complicated, but grow.We go from being five people to 30 in the company.I could say that pandemic was a positive blow to the company.We were able to open the Plaza Norte and Jockey Plaza store at the same time in November last year (they are also in Real Plaza Salaverry).We are proud and happy despite the crisis, ”says Tapia who urges to buy Peruvian products to generate employment and wealth through taxes."What better to buy in Peru and be proud to be part of that growth," he reflects.
Con base en su experiencia, Ileana Tapia, aconseja a las mujeres, que quieren emprender, hacerlo pese al miedo que esto genere."You must have confidence in yourself.Trust that you can face that project or that dream.Never is late to do it.It is better to start badly or start halfway than never start.Do not wait for it to be perfect, it starts, ”says the businesswoman very positive.