02 11
Sex videos filmed with hidden cameras are epidemic in South Korea

In the bathrooms of the stations of three, in the locker rooms of the gyms, on the walls of the hotels and the Night Clubs, in the shoes of some passers -by, targeted up or in a tiny hole in a bag that is carried in the bus.

Spies cameras are an epidemic in South Korea, but not to dethrone corrupt politicians, but to secretly record and distribute on the Internet videos with sexual content.

The victims are the women who shower, who urinate, alcoholic or drugged women, or worse those who violate one or more men;Women's underwear walking down the street;women who have consistent sex but ignore that they are being filmed as porn stars.This wide range of content circulates on platforms that close and reopened with other names.

Pornography in South Korea is a crime and is a business of 25 billion dollars, women, are seen as second category citizens and the Internet service that is the fastest in the world, this combination gave as results a phenomenon, the "Molka", which reached the global headlines because two K-Pop stars were arrested.But that, in reality, the growth of cell phones has been exploited and parallel.

Los videos sexuales filmados con cámaras ocultas son epidemia en Corea del Sur

As President Moon Jae-In acknowledged, this form of voyeurism "has become part of everyday life".Although he has sentences of up to five years in prison and fines of up to 30 million wones (26.400 dollars), the law has rarely applied with all its force, in general the crimes are left without punishment, and in the few processing, the fines are very low.

Tags: Corea del SurEspionajeSexoTecnologíaVOUYERISMO