10 05
Sexual abuse in women's soccer: they denounce a kinesiologist who invented clinical pictures to touch players

Ignacio Montano Guerrero is one of the names that, these days, is repeated insistently in the Public Ministry, after seven players decided to file a lawsuit against him in the prosecution for sexual abuse.

Montano, a kinesiologist in the female soccer branch of Palestino, one of the most important clubs in the category, enjoyed a certain fame in the field, a situation that allowed him to approach the soccer players and offer them treatments without much more in return than publicity.

Specifically, they were free sessions and gifts that he offered them through Instagram. This is how this sad story begins, in which the professional hid his true intentions among his treatments: to abuse them.

Natalia was one of his victims. That was the name she chose for the Mega report that revealed Montano's practices. In his words, the kinesiologist "failed me in every way."

"Palestino is a big club that gives professionalism to its players, so I never imagined that they would have problems like this," he explained.

And then, he detailed some of the subject's practices: "I had to be in underwear and hold the entire session. And then he always insisted that he had to do the exercises standing without the bib. I never agreed because it was super uncomfortable for me."

Abuso sexual en el fútbol femenino: denuncian a kinesiólogo que inventó cuadros clínicos para tocar a jugadoras

According to his account, Ignacio Montano even invented a false clinical picture in order to take advantage of the situation:

"We treated a supposed pubalgia that he had told me he had. Almost all the sessions were with gloves..., one was not, that's when I was alerted and stopped going. It was that he had to insert his fingers inside my vagina to feel a muscle there", confessed Natalia.

At all times, the kinesiologist from Palestino explained to her, to reassure her, that it was an innovative treatment. That other players on the campus had already tried it. Somehow, he ensured his success.

But Natalia was still making noise about the method.

Even more so when, on another occasion, Montano asked him to enter a tub with ice and then take off his underwear. When the soccer player refused, he says that the professional tried to kiss her, even struggling with her.

After going to the consultation of another kinesiologist, Natalia was only able to confirm that this injury, the alleged pubalgia, never existed. Embarrassed, hurt, she was silent for all this time.

Other cases

Denisse Silva was another of the victims who raised her voice during the report. There, she explained that Montano contacted her on Instagram, offering her free sessions in exchange for publicity. She, until then, was delighted.

But again the kinesiologist attacked:

"We were going to do a physical evaluation and he asked me to take my clothes off," Silva revealed. "I said, 'That's weird, I've never been asked by a kinesiologist to strip down to my underwear for a physical evaluation.'"

Then followed by a relaxing massage in which Montano took the opportunity to touch the soccer player's buttocks. It was only then that Denisse Silva fell. Months later, her suspicions were confirmed after finding a case against the Palestino professional.

Like Natalia and Denisse, there are five other players, a total of seven, who suffered harassment from Montano and, after a long silence, decided to report it. Some of them, it should be mentioned, are minors.

The modus operandi is repeated in several of the cases: sessions that he performed for free, where he asked them to stay in their underwear, and a false clinical picture, pubalgia, which he intended to treat by touching his genital area.

"In this case, a series of procedures have been carried out together with the victims in order to be able to make the pertinent procedural decisions," Yazmín Salech, chief prosecutor for Sexual Crimes, South Prosecutor's Office, told Mega.

Finally, the Minister of Sports, Cecilia Pérez, stated that "it is an obligation for all sports organizations to adopt this protocol, which is due to the need for sports to be a safe activity."