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Stylist tips: What should you take into account before buying some jeans

The famous phrase attributed to the legendary Yves Saint Laurent perfectly synthesizes the success of jeans as a basic transverse scope garment.Among the achievements of the Algerian dressmaker, the reinvention of the tuxedo for the woman or the fury for the Saharan jacket, however, its greatest lament was "not having invented the jeans".The Texans, present in the closet of mothers, daughters and even some grandmothers, is one of the few garments that manages to conquer all types of audiences and possibly for this reason, one of the best selling.But what to consider to find the perfect jeans pair?We talk to different experts so that in your next purchase you take the pair of ideal jeans.

1.The first, the quality of the fabric

Silvia Zamora, founder of the Cowgirls Made in Spain Lia Jeans brand, argues that the primary thing is the quality of the denim: "It is important that it be elastic in its fair measure, so that it fits perfectly to our figure and allows us to move us, without deforming with the washes.Cowboys are a garment of great use and it is important that they adapt to your figure, whatever the style that is.Today there is a perfect jean for each woman, thanks to the evolution of the tissues and the variety of models ".

2.Are they versatile?If you are not going to use them much, let them

The cowboy manufacturing process carries with it a high environmental impact.Your water footprint is between 2.000 and more than 3.000 liters of water for each pair of jeans, according to a study prepared by the Polytechnic University of Madrid with the support of the Botín Foundation and its Water Observatory.In addition, the Texos Finishing Phase can also be highly polluting.Therefore, when we buy some jeans, we must make sure that they will not end up stored in the closet until you forget them, we must bet on quality purchases and durable, but also versatile.In this sense, it is best to choose options that, in addition to being favoring, are easy to carry.The stylist María Parra points in this address: "For me it is essential that I can wear them every day, with Converse or Heels Sneakers.Therefore, I think that beyond trends, we must know what we look good and what we will use the most ".In addition, he clarifies, "it is essential that they have a good pattern, not all jeans are equal or all brands".

3.Two practical tricks if you are going to buy them online '

Consejos de estilista: qué debes tener en cuenta antes de comprar unos vaqueros

From Captain Denim, the Spanish firm specialized in sustainable jeans (produce in an Albacete factory and use tissues composed of recycled subjects that foster circularity and use new finishing technologies such as micronebulization (eco finish) and laser finish that allow theWater, energy and chemical savings), bet on a very practical trick when we get some jeans via web.Now that online consumption has shot (according to data developed by the Kantar market research company, it is expected that in 2021 three out of four people buy online), it is convenient to take into account how to hit with jeans if you do not goapprove."When someone calls us or writes to us on networks, we always ask him to take pants from his closet that he likes as he has left and compare it with the size in question.As for the pants that are used as a reference to collect the measures, it is preferable that you do not have many uses since, for example, if elastic jeans are measured that have been used a lot, it is likely that you have given itself and the size does notBe the right one, "Captain Denim experts advise.

Another easy way to avoid mistakes is to look at the composition of the garment."Usually, almost all jeans carry a percentage of Lycra, (not just the pitillo), with this I mean that there is more margin of hitting.Normally we are always between two sizes and either could be valid.It's not like before they were 100% cotton and for their rigidity you had to try them and it was more complicated."Either you entered them or not".Today and more at the time we are living, we are used to buying online to underwear, "they sentence from Lia Jeans.

- To each trend cowboy, his shoes: find the ideal express look

4.If we could only have jeans in the closet, why decide?

When answering this question there are two winners, depending on whether you want to enhance curves or bet on relaxed alternatives.Silvia Zamora, by Lia Jeans is Team Pitillo: "Pitillo pants is always winning horse, for any woman and at any time of the day.The Skinny Jean is the wardrobe and the base of infinite looks.In addition to feeling like a glove, they highlight your figure and this is the reason why you never want to take them away ".On the other hand, girls who prefer more baggy pernera.Because of their comfort, versatility and for their court, they are one of the roofs that best feel to most girls ".

The most powerful denim trends of the season

"Straight pants are very fashionable now and they are the ones that most favor.The high waist also helps with the optical effect to extend the figure.And if you want XXL legs, put on a shoe with a little heel as the Hailey Baldwin model usually does, "says the stylist María Parra on the most favoring jeans.Regarding the popular two -tone cowboys, one of the most promising successes of spring, Parra is not fully convinced: "I personally do not like the two tones in my pants, I think that effect does not visually help to stylizethat creates cuts avoiding the optical effect of monotonous verticality.This season the trend is the wash cowboy and the pastel tones that in spring want much more ".Now that you know the keys for your purchase to be a success, you just have to choose the ideal model and make your new jeans your wild card purchase of the next few years.