After having sex, the last thing we think about is washing our intimate area, but we want you to know that doing so is extremely important to avoid infections and diseases. Keep reading to discover the importance of properly sanitizing your intimate area after sex, you will be surprised.
Sara Twogood, M.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine ensures that there are many reasons why women should have an intimate hygiene routine after having sex.
And it is that if cleaning the intimate area becomes a habit after finishing each sexual act, women will be avoiding vaginal and urinary tract infections, which cause mild discomfort such as itching and irritation, to more serious ones such as pain and bleeding when urinating
The first thing you should do after having sex is to dry your vulva with a disposable tissue and remove the remains of fluids that have remained (flow, semen, sweat, lubricant, etc.). By doing so, you will be preventing the humidity in the area from promoting the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.
Surely you have heard that it is very It is important to go urinate after having sexual intercourse and the reason is the following: in this way you will be preventing, mainly, infections related to the urinary tract.
So within 45 minutes of finishing your date, make sure you go to the bathroom to pee even if you don't feel like it, this way your urine will wash away any bacteria that may have been exchanged at the time of intercourse.
After you've peed, it's time to do a light vulva wash. This must be done exclusively with water and neutral soap, without perfume. Remember that the vaginal pH is extremely delicate, so any alteration will cause vaginal infections. When you finish, make sure to dry your intimate area very well.
It is important to emphasize that this wash should only be done on the outside, that is, on your vulva, not on your vagina. Douching (washing inside the vagina) is not recommended as the vagina cleans itself thanks to its acidic environment and its natural secretions (discharge).
We know that some sexual encounters are unpredictable, but if you have the possibility and you know what will happen, bring a change of underwear and preferably cotton.
Wearing the underwear you were wearing before sexual intercourse can cause vaginal infections and vulvar irritation.
Calm down, everything may seem very complicated, it's just a matter of giving yourself 10 minutes after your passionate encounter to do this brief and quick vaginal cleansing routine. Remember that pleasure is not at odds with hygiene.
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