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The most common mistakes we make when dressing

To avoid making mistakes when putting together an outfit, especially when you're in a hurry, the main key is to avoid “I don't know what to wear”, from the creators of “I don't have anything to go out”. But also, I will give you a series of recommendations that if you follow to the letter will lead you to the right thing, always.

Continuing with the construction of our style, I am going to detail some mistakes that we all make and that prevent us from directly communicating what your personal style is. Many times we make mistakes due to lack of time or not paying attention to minute details, which can help us express ourselves much better and will solve big day-to-day questions for us.

To begin with, it is important to tell them that mistakes are part of everyday life and that thanks to trying different clothes we are learning more about our body and what we like. Far from frustrating us, we have to feed on these mistakes so as not to make them again and thus make the task of getting dressed more agile.

These are the most common mistakes

Mixing is the key: night clothes with day clothes, men's and women's, house clothes can be comfortable and cute- Dividing clothes often leads us to stop using them for long periods of time and then maybe we even stop liking them.

The most common mistakes we make when time to get dressed

This is not a mistake for dressing, but for building your personal style. If we dress like the brand's catalogue, a large part of the contribution of our personality is lost in our outfits.

If we cannot see the entire outfit, it is likely that some of the garments are failing. To know if everything I wear is coordinated, it is optimal to have a complete visualization of the look. Bonus fact: stand up straight when you look at yourself! Posture is key, and in the mirror first.

We already talked last week about the importance of our capsule wardrobe. It is more fluid to dress when the base of the garments, for example pants or blazer, are correct. The rest will be resolved quickly with a cotton t-shirt and a pair of sneakers and even so my outfit will continue to look neat and versatile.

Less is more, especially when in doubt. If you dress in layers, the maximum number of garments will be 4; If you dress in colors, find that there is always a neutral one and combine up to 3.

Including underwear. Wearing very tight or very large clothes, which are uncomfortable for us, often prevents us from feeling confident about ourselves. The same happens with underwear, with which I advise you to be suitable for the clothes you are wearing, avoid showing them (if that is not the end), have bras for the night and others for the day, to be comfortable; and always in white, nude and black colors.

Impossible to get dressed quickly if the wardrobe is a mess. Seek to order by colors, by prints, always have accessories or handbags close by to be able to include them in the outfit of the day's look. Something that works for me is to hang assembled looks on hangers for when I don't know what to wear. Example: shirt + blazer or leather jacket + palazzo or sweater + covered. Do not add more than 3 garments per hanger and also avoid hanging two identical garments because you will surely not see them easily.

It is a simple step, it is about saving photos of people we like or have a similar style to ours in an images folder on the mobile phone. This exercise is quick and makes it easier for us to think when we fall asleep before a meeting.

I hope they can apply these tools and turn them into habits of order, they can train their eyes through people who influence them and they manage to feel identified with what they wear every day to go to work, meet with friends or simply to be at home .

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more recommendations, @nina.caram!