23 09
The nation urges children to lead a healthy lifestyle

In the recently opened office for the management of the childhood obesity in the Maternal Child of Fernando de la Mora, specialists from the Non -Trans -Trans -Trans -Trans -Trans -Transary Disease Surveillance Directorate spoke about obesity, overweight and exclusive attention to children and adolescents with excessweight.

They explained that, with the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase in obesity and overweight in the population, mainly in children and adolescents, a situation they qualify, so it is essential to perform physical activities one hour to theday and improve nutritional habit.

La Nación Instan a que niños lleven un estilo de vida sano

The Ministry of Public Health enabled last Monday the Office of the Management of Infantic Obesity, at the Maternal Child Hospital of the city of Fernando de la Mora, where children and adolescents with excess of weight can exclusively attend.

In this regard, they revealed that, according to studies in 2019, 34% of minors suffered overweight, which represents 4 out of 10 minors;While, in adults, this figure increases to 6 out of 10, representing 58%.