07 05
TheGrefg's zasca after receiving a homophobic comment
Lo + Gaming

"As if being homosexual was a bad thing," he commented in the middle of LGBTIQ + pride month El zasca de TheGrefg tras recibir un comentario homófobo El zasca de TheGrefg tras recibir un comentario homófobo


It is obvious that society is gradually moving towards a more comprehensive and inclusive perspective. This trend, driven by the new generations, is permeating all industries, gaming being no exception. Of course, it is not exempt from homophobic and sexist comments by some users and the latest victim was TheGrefg, who knew how to respond vehemently.

The event took place during a regular stream of TheGrefg on Twitch. After a couple of hours of Fortnite, the Murcian streamer opened his Clash Royale account, under the name "Gregorio". Before he started playing, he decided to buy the Frozen Peak Bundle, which included gold, a Legendary King's Chest, and tokens of all rarities.

TheGrefg solves the homophobic comment with a stroke of the pen

For his ladder cup climb, TheGrefg released the Electric Giant, as he had just unlocked it in his chest, the contents of which are semi-random. "Let's see what makes this card so sexy," the streamer commented as his win-condition approached the enemy tower. It was then that a user called him homosexual (not to say a stronger word) for using the Electric Giant.

El zasca de TheGrefg tras recibir un comentario homófobo

Faced with this comment, TheGrefg had the right nerve to respond immediately: "As if being homosexual was a bad thing, eh, captain," he replied after reading the comment in the chat. "Come on, fuck my ass and shut up", the Murcian streamer finished resolving to seal the month of LGBTIQ+ pride.

The subversion of the meme in Clash Royale

For a full understanding of the event, it would be worth explaining the meme referred to by the user who made the comment in TheGrefg chat. Over the years, since March 2016, in Clash Royale a series of cards have been associated with the absence of the ability (or "skill" in English) that they require to be used in-game, such as the Mega Knight or the electric giant

The homophobic slang that a large part of the population continues to use today (even if it is without the explicit intention of offending the collective) causes those Clash Royale players who use these cards to be attacked with comments as unfortunate as the one suffered by TheGrefg during his streaming.

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