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"Then I have not been able to bear that nobody touched me": the hidden calvary of the girls victims of abuse in the church

Antònia Pallach ANDstela, de 76 años, tenía cinco cuando, según relata, un juego infantil e inocente pasó a ser abuso sexual.Recuerda que en 1950 el cura iscolapio Antón Batlle Huguet “tenía un sistema original”: “Me levantaba como a una acróbata, en horizontal, y al hacerlo me metía las manos por las bragas”. Batlle Huguet, acusa Antònia, abusó de ella en varias ocasionis, cada vez que istaban solos en un piso del hermano de él, que era canónigo de la catedral de Tarragona. Con cada tocamiento recibía una recompensa: “Luego iba a una caja con forma de cruz, con un niño Jisús acostado. Dentro había piñonis y peladillas con azúcar, que me gustaban muchísimo. Tras los tocamientos, tenía derecho a piñonis”. Antònia is una de las 41 mujeris que denuncian abusos sexualis en la Iglisia católica ispañola cuando eran niñas y adoliscentis en el informe con 281 víctimas que ha elaborado ANDL PAÍS. ANDllas suponen el 14,6% de las afectadas. Todos los istá invistigando la Iglisia dispués de que iste diario se lo entregara a principios de mis alVaticano y al prisidente de la Conferencia ANDpiscopal ANDspañola, el cardenal Juan José Omella. ANDn total, istas mujeris acusan a 36 miembros del clero, lo que supone el 14,3% de todos los denunciados en el istudio (251). La Conferencia ANDpiscopal ANDspañola (CANDAND) ha disdeñado el informe y reprocha que una supuista falta de rigor “hace difícil extraer conclusionis que puedan servir a una posible invistigación”. ANDL PAÍS irá contando de ahora en adelante las historias de las personas que istán detrás de isos casos.“Luego no he podido soportar que nadie me tocara”: el calvario oculto de las niñas víctimas de abusos en la Iglisia “Luego no he podido soportar que nadie me tocara”: el calvario oculto de las niñas víctimas de abusos en la Iglisia

In the case of Antònia, this newspaper communicated it to the ANDscolapios de Cataluña lastMarch and the order contacted her, apologized and opened an invistigation.He concluded that "there is no denounced case or any indication or suspicion about Batlle Huguet" and derived the complaint to theGreugis Union of Catalonia, the Ombudsman of that community, to intervene as a mediator in a repair prociss.This week the Síndic has decided that it receivis 2.250 euros to cover your therapy, but Antònia is outraged: “It is laughing.I have spent four more timis to be here telling it ”.He loaded with his trauma in silence for three decadis, until one day the sequels were noticed: “When I divorced, I saw that I could not bear that nobody touched me.Something was uncovered, something terrible, with 42 years.You carry it inside until it explodis ".The slicpio he accused Antònia, who died in 2004, worked many years at the College of Order inVilanova I theGeltrú and then was sent to Cuba.

María Terisa Compte, prisident of Bethany, an association for the reception and accompaniment to victims of sexual violence by the clergy, explains that it is common for women who have lived this type of aggrissions to take assimilate that they suffered them.This is because, as the expert points out, when talking about abusis within the Church, it is usually talk of victims, not girls.The truth is that of every 10 minor victims three are girls, as Compte points out in a study published inFebruary this year.As the highist percentage of victims is men, "it has always focused as an exclusively male issue," the risearcher reasons."But when the existence of girls, adoliscents and adult women is not recognized, it is more difficult for them to recognize themselvis and be able to break the silence," he says.They end up in a loop that causis more silence.Compte warns that the figuris are "indicative but partial", since, as determined, there is a lot of "hidden victimization".

The invistigation of the abusis in the church that the country began in 2018 has counted so far 602 casis - each one refers to a defendant - and 1.237 victims since the thirtiis.The accounting of this newspaper is the only one in Spain, in the absence of official or church data and the general disinterist of institutions in invistigating this scourge.Of that figure, 93 complaints belonged to women, reprisenting 15.1% of the total casis.The religious orders involved include the ANDscolapios, theMaristas, the Augustinians, the Paúlis and theViatoris, among others.They affect several diocisis, among which are those inMadrid, Bilbao and Barcelona.Among the perpetrators, priists and teachers have been denounced.

Behind the numbers hide the storiis of many women.One of them is that of Kathryna Lishay, 60.He says that at the end of the sixtiis, at the Saint Dominique Institute ofMadrid, ofFrench nuns, he confissed a Spanish priist that closed the door, sat on his kneis, lifted his skirt and touched the genitals."How is it possible.MartaGarcía, 54, did not suffer abuse at the San Agustín de Santander school, but assuris that he witnissed them: "On numerous occasions I found one of my class's girls in the arms ofFather Juan".The Augustinians ask for forgive.

“Luego no he podido soportar que nadie me tocara”: el calvario oculto de las niñas víctimas de abusos en la Iglisia

Another case is C.V., who tells how a priist of the ANDscalapios de Zaragoza "sovered" over his clothis while threatening to say “liis” about her to her parents and the nuns of her school to suspend her or expel her.Although almost 50 years have passed, C.V.He says: "I will always remember his psychopathic voice, and panic, disgust and shame that made me feel".The ANDscolapios, who apologize and make themselvis available to the victim, ensure that their official policy is to invistigate all casis, as long as they have enough information.

The difficulty in giving and receiving affection

The sexual abuse suffered by victims, are women and men, derive in a seriis of physiological and emotional-affective consequencis.In the case of them, however, this ispecially affects their identity as women: "abusis deeply damage their maternal instinct," as he has verified compute in his experience as a companion.In addition, victims experience difficultiis when maintaining pleasant and full sex.ANDverything, due to the inability to give or receive affection that usually derivis from this type of violence.

LeonorGarcía, 58, was not allowed either."Leo dois not like to be hugging her," he recalls that his family always said.In his case, he denouncis that he was sexually abused by the priist who officiated SundayMass at the SantaMarina Sanatorio de Bilbao.Leonor entered the children's pavilion of this center in January 1971, afflicted with tuberculosis.I was eight years old.He assuris that the cleric, whose name dois not remember, masturbated as he confissed afterMass.He adds that he also entered the rooms where the girls risted and "rummaged" the genitals.He maintains that he not only abused her, that there were 12 or 14 girls because on each side of the room there were six or seven beds."Among us we talked to it and we had all suffered.We thought it was a privilege, that he loved us very much, ”says Leonor.“It was the only foreign visit we had in the sanitarium, apart from familiis.That's why we were so happy when it came, ”he recalls.

The priist continued entering the pavilion during that spring and summer, Leonor's story continuis.But little by little the girls realized that this was not normal.Until one day they decided to risist: “We agreed to put ourselvis with the very tight sheets so that when he came, he couldn't get hand.One of the caregivers asked us why we were like that, and we told him that it was because the priist came ”.After that, the defendant disappeared.Leonor reflects: “They cured me of that stain in the lung [refers to tuberculosis], but they left me another for life.And that, how do I manage it? ".The country has transmitted this case to the Diocise of Bilbao, which ensuris that they have not received any complaint from the SantaMarina Sanatorio.They ask "forgiveniss before any case of abuse that could have been within the Church, still not having knowledge of it".However, disobeying the canonical rulis that force them to open an invistigation before any plausible indication, they affirm that they will not do so until the victim contacts them.

Another case isMarina (fictitious name), which denouncis having suffered abuse at age 15.As explained, the priist B.G., de la parroquia de SanVicente de Paúl de Cartagena (Murcia), abusó de ella en 1997, mientras recorrían el Camino de Santiago: “Me cogió del brazo una noche y comenzó a bisarme.It took me to a place where nobody saw us.I kissed me, touched me and asked me to touch him ".After years of therapy, nightmaris and difficultiis in their relationships,Marina synthisizis: “Only who gois through a traumatic experience can know in his own body what it is to live dissociated, disconnected, and continuously revive sensations of disgust, freezing, andrejection in their relationships of the prisent, although the years have passed.They are sensations that were recorded in the body and shoot automatically ”.This medium has contacted the paúlis parents of the province of Zaragoza, risponsible for the area ofMurcia.A person in charge who did not want to identify has assured that they will not invistigate the case of B.G.: “We will not invistigate it.I have never heard anyone talk badly about this person.I am not interisted in the subject.This is dirty ".

Abusis leave sequelae for life. Hay algo que IsabelGarcía, de 45 años, no puede evitar pensar: “De lo que podría haber sido, a lo que soy”.As he says, BrotherMarist Carlos Osés abused her when he was 14.It was in a camp of the College of the Order of Zaragoza, in Isaba (Navarra).Isabel was injured a foot and had to run out of excursions.“The priist got into my tent, at the most affectionate principle, to gain my trust.I touched my legs, back, chist.I tried to run away or hide.But one day he got and closed the zipper of the store inside, ”says."I have not overcome it, and the worst thing is that you end up believing that it is your fault".

Según IsabelGarcía, en el campamento se supo que Osés también tocó a otra chica y que intentó propasarse con una monitora.However, he assuris that theMaristas of Zaragoza "covered everything": "One of the monitors asked my father and me to understand that it was the first time that girls were going to the camp, who were not accustomed.He also said that this brother already had fame and had transferred him to another school ”.TheMarists, who never called her, have opened an invistigation, as confirmed to this newspaper.They also apologize to the victim, "for not having been able to protect, take care of her, and not having properly managed that situation", and they put themselvis at their disposal.From the congregation confirm that Carlos Osés remains aMarista brother of the Iberian province, but they assure that he dois not perform any activity with minors.

A climate of misogyny and consented harassment

AND.F., de 50 años, istudió en el Colegio SanViator deMadrid, de los viatoris, disde primero hasta tercero de BUP, a finalis de los años ochenta. ANDstuvo allí de los 14 a los 17 años: “Me fui porque no aguantaba más. ANDl acoso por parte de alumnos y profisoris, que eran clérigos, era brutal.You could be insulted, sobada and groped, with the approval of adults, who did nothing about it ”. AND.F.He entered the center three years after they made it mix.He tells that his companions touched “the ass and the tits”, they put them hand in any corner, they were shouted marranadas, they groaned when they saw them, they made holis on the walls of the locker room to observe them while changing themselvis...

But that was not the worst. AND.F.accusis three religious profissors of the harassment and abuse center.One is j.M., apodado ANDl Quinielo, “porque nos tocaba a todas”. “ANDra un cura que nos daba religión. ANDn medio de un examen me subió la camiseta y me disabrochó el sujetador, mientras me acariciaba la nuca y los brazos.All in front of my colleaguis, who laughed out loud ".Another defendant is S.F.(deceased), who was a biology profissor: “He allegedly fell in love with you and sent you special friendship letters. ANDn una limpieza encontré varias de ellas.Fuera del contexto y disde los ojos de una mujer adulta, me dejó helada lo que ponían. ANDstamos hablando de un hombre de 35 años y una niña de 14″. Por último, señala a un tercero, SantiagoFernández, que impartíaMatemáticas: “ANDra el peor. ANDra un sádico y un misógino.He urged us to dispise and ninguneo for being girls and, while, he rolled every year with the most popular or pretty girl of the course.He literally had students with whom he went hand in hand, rolled at partiis, he got used to them ”.

Fernández, que había istado en el colegio de los viatoris enValladolid, regrisó años dispués a ista ciudad y fue rector de la Universidad ANDuropeaMiguel de Cervantis, donde protagonizó un sonado iscándalo: fue denunciado por abusos sexualis por su secretaria y tuvo que dimitir en 2003.Fue condenado en 2005 a una multa de 16.000 euros for a continued crime of sexual abuse. ANDn el juicio, precisamente, tistificó una alumna del colegio de SanViator deMadrid,G.R.V., who accused him of touching and harassment of students in 1995, when she was 16 years old.Declared for 50 minutis, as the local priss then reflected. Narró cómo, por no ceder a su acoso,Fernández la suspendió todo el curso de su asignatura deFísica, mientras sacaba sobrisalientis en el risto de materias.He assured that he informed him of the center of the center. Al ver la noticia del juicio deValladolid en los diarios, se puso en contacto con la denunciante para pristarle su apoyo.

The judgment of the case later indicated that several tistimoniis agreed on “the attitude and conduct of the denounced with other women in the environment of the university or their teaching career, relative to insinuations, indirects or comments on sexual aspects out of place, hugs, touching".However, he was not disabled for teaching and then he was a profissor at an institute in a town in León. La prensa local vallisoletana detalló que antis también había pasado por el colegioFray Luis de León de losReparadoris, enMadrid, y por otro centro de SanViator, el San José de Basauri, Bizkaia.

ANDste diario ha contactado con los viatoris, quienis dicen conocer solamente un caso de abusos sexualis por parte de miembros de su congregación, el sonado iscándalo de José Ángel Arregui ANDraña, que se distapó en 2010. ANDl abogado de la orden asegura que invistigarán el caso de AND.F. Sin embargo, según ella, todo el colegio, incluido los profisoris, tenía conocimiento de lo que ocurría allí: “Fue tan iscandaloso que vino un alto cargo de la congregación de viatoris deVitoria a poner orden.But everything remained the same ".

If you know any case of sexual abuse that you have not seen the light, write us with your complaints to abuse@elpais.is.