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Tolosa intimate peace.“Mom is an‘ SUV ’but antiperonist, she doesn't like Cristina or Alberto.Dad is globetrotter and astrologer "

La entrevista sucede en las oficinas porteñas de su marido, el publicista Pepe Albistur (74), avenida Córdoba al 900. “Desde acá hizo todas las campañas, desde Luder-Bittel hasta Alberto-Cristina”, cuenta un asesor de prensa del Frente de Todos. Victoria Tolosa Paz (48) llega algunos minutos tarde a la cita. Se disculpa, dice que estaba “recorriendo el territorio” e invita a pasar a una sala de reuniones. Sin mediar preguntas, comienza una extensa reflexión sobre el rol de los medios y la responsabilidad (”irresponsabilidad”, dice) de algunos periodistas “al titular” o “al sacar frases de contexto”. Encendemos el grabador: “Hacer política y ser mujer en este país… se genera mucha violencia. Cuando veo las cosas que hacen los periodistas... no colaboran con la sociedad que queremos construir. No sé cómo ustedes se autoanalizan, pero muchas veces desfiguran la realidad, ¿viste? Ayer me decían ‘qué desubicado Feinmann (por Eduardo) que te tuiteó en Paseo Alcorta’. ¿Cuál es el problema de comprarte algo? Lo que van a lograr es que vaya a comprarme un rímel y alguien me tire un huevazo... No me parece que nos haga bien como sociedad. Insisto, ¿cuál es el objetivo?”, dispara.Tolosa Paz íntima. “Mamá es una ‘todoterreno’ pero antiperonista, no le gustan Cristina ni Alberto. Papá es trotamundos y astrólogo” Tolosa Paz íntima. “Mamá es una ‘todoterreno’ pero antiperonista, no le gustan Cristina ni Alberto. Papá es trotamundos y astrólogo”

-Aly, he wanted to contrast your purchase in the shopping with national and popular discourse.

-No, I think there is one thing to want to anger society with politics.Put salt and pepper.In addition, because they are a woman there is a greater fee...Because Santilli doesn't get him away from buying clothes and he surely does it.And it's very good!But they don't write it for that.In addition, Vidal never asked how he bought the department...And when asked, they cut it.

-After the viralization of the video that showed you shopping in a shopping, you said you were lucky to have married a rich man...

Then the door room door opens.As in a vaodevil, one of those "doors" comedies so popular in the 80s that demanded a watchmaking mechanism and expert actors, Albistur appears with the perfect shot: "Did they call me?I heard that they talked about a rich man, ”he says with a huge smile.Greet with a handshake and make ‘mutis for the forum’.Victoria Tolosa Paz takes up the word: "I did not say that" I was lucky, "I explained that it was no sin, I said I would continue to make my life and clarify that I can realize how I acquired all my goods.The house where I live I could not have bought it with my public employee salary, I have it because I married a man who has money, I said.I live in a very large house, I am not denying it, but it is not the product of my income because I worked in the state and my heritage is a house and a car, which is what any citizen can do if all his life talked in the state.Where I live is not a product of my heritage, but then they took it out of context, ”he concludes.

"Mom was an SUV, while Dad was a globetrotter"

Victoria Tolosa Paz grew in a middle -class middle class with paternal and maternal antagonistic figures.It defines his mother, Laura Figliozzi, as "an all -terrain woman" who had to face the raising of her four children in solitude, while to describe her father, Juan Honorio Tolosa Paz, rehearses a much more extensive explanation: "My dadIt was a special guy.He was from La Plata, a rugby player of the los, very outgoing and good boy, who hooked with Laurita, a real charm.They married very young, when she was 18 years old and he had just turned 20.They had three daughters in a row: Consuelo was born in 72, I arrived in 73 and Justina in 75.Four years later Juan, the only male, the smallest was born.My old man was always a globetrota...Sold modern clothes for women.Everything was sold because he was a charming.That funny and friendly facet of my father lasted until 79, when he left ".

-Where was your father?

-To Brazil.Six months after my brother Juan was born, my old man went to Buzios to build a inn with my uncles.He told my old woman "now I come, I'm going for summer" and stayed two years.We did not know about him, we only found out about my aunt who wrote to my grandmother and told him that he was fine.

-What was your mother's reaction?

Tolosa Paz íntima. “Mamá es una ‘todoterreno’ pero antiperonista, no le gustan Cristina ni Alberto. Papá es trotamundos y astrólogo”

-My old had to look for a job.Through my grandmother's friends, she entered the judiciary.She hung down and said nothing.After being two years of globetrotters in Brazil, Dad returned home.But he said he wasn't...Of course, imagine, return to an apartment, with a structure of order, with four boys, school schedules...He entered a state of ‘I want to escape from here’.I told my old woman that she felt locked in the department and bought a house in City Bell.But right away they separated.I was eight years old.

-Was it then when your father became an astrologer?

-Veine from Brazil with a very strong alcohol addiction.He separated from mom and entered Alcoholics Anonymous.Between 82 and 83 he had a period of tranquility: he stopped taking and married a woman from Buenos Aires.They were his best years, he was healed...But then he crawled.He always escaped!When he came to Buenos Aires, he studied with Eugenio Carutti, a very recognized astrologer founded by Casa Xi School.Until in 87 he went to Spain, where he finished forming.

-As, do you think in astrology?

-Yes, I love reading about astrology.I think that astrology that is based on self -knowledge is very good, what a seed I am to reaffirm myself ".That is astrology that I think helps people.It has nothing to do with astrology that we usually consume.My old man is dedicated to that, to make astrology letters for businessmen, politicians, countries and companies.

-Your father made your home chart?

-Yes, when I was 14 years old.I don't forget anymore: I drew it in my grandmother's house...I still keep letters written by my father anticipating things that were going to happen to me and finally they happened.What things?She told me that she was going to have an accident and I accidentally accidentally accidentally.He also says that I have the sun in the house X and that's why I have a very strong personality.My dad tells me that I'm not cancer.

-They are Cancerian are insecure.

-Of course, that's why.It tells me that I only have the sun and the sensitivity of cancer.According to him, who is an astrologer, not for me- they don't take me out of context- people can see much of Aries in me, I am very warrior and that is because I have the moon in Aries.But well that is the explanation he finds to the different personalities.

-How did your father go with the predictions?Did he have many successes?

-Well not so much.I would tell you that almost none (laughs)

-Well, he succeeded with your accident ...

-That, but hey ... 21 years ago I don't hit anything!

-I also anticipated the pandemic.

-Yes, the pandemic did anticipate it.

-He also said that Cristina was going to go.

-Yes, but he was there in a strong alcoholism process.I was in a bad time and when that happens, the axis loses, there is no longer so much scientist behind.I was in a very bad time, now it's better.

-All an advisor suggested that, in campaign, you talk less about your father or astrology?

-No never.Everyone in La Plata knows who my father is.They know that it has been fighting it 50 years ago against an addiction that is alcoholism.It's undeniable.I could not lie about my father because he is public, because he goes to the los, everyone knows him.To deny it would be like lying to society where I come and who my father is.I try to be who I am and tell where I come from, which does not mean that I govern my values or for those things.I do politics because I think it is a transformation tool and I believe in politics.My father does not believe in politics.

-Did you use therapy to cope with this situation?

-Yes, many years, and a lot helped me.Helped me understand my father and be able to accompany him.Today he is 72 years old and continues to fight her.I think that in my house we have been able, my sisters and I, to be who we are for a real powerful mother.In addition, I value that he never put tares at home or wanted to get away from him.

-Wet your family, you or your sisters, look like your dad?

-No, vice versa, we are the antithesis of that mirror.I could not have a glass of wine until after thirty years.Everything that was a game, vice or alcohol, generated rejection.I got married twenty, I looked for a home to get away from all that.

“Mom doesn't like Alberto, Cristina, or anyone from our party.Just me"

Victoria Tolosa Paz, like many other candidates, also got the crack at home.His mother feels a visceral rejection for Peronism in all its forms.Also for Kirchnerism."She is anti-Christina, Anti-Alberto," said more than once.However, even with all its differences, Victoria stands out every time you can the enormous admiration you feel for your mother."I was instilled in responsibility and duty to be.It was always difficult for him to arrive at the end of the month.In the electoral years I had more work, it was overtime, and that allowed us to have some improvement, make some change in the house.But he never ran to buy a car: the first one just bought it with Cristina Kirchner.It was a Volkswagen Suran ".

-What do your mother think about your candidacy for deputy?

-I tell me that the only one who believes my party is me.And the funniest thing is that my mother's friends, who are many antiperonist, say: "No, Victoria is different".That is to say that affection can more than anything.

-And how does she react to the criticisms you receive?

-She believes in me.He does not like Cristina or likes anything about Peronism, because it comes from a very antiperonist scheme, from a radical family.However, he never encouraged antiperonism in my house.Then, when he saw that with my sister Justina we began to hug Peronism, we discuss very much.She didn't like anything or Duhalde, or Chiche Duhalde, or Cristina, Nor Nestor...It was always negative.

"Pepe is a conquering Peronist"

Very young, at 20, repeating in some way the story of his mother, Victoria Tolosa Paz married Santiago Magliano, an industrial designer of City Bell, from Radical Family, 12 years older."The conclusion of therapy is that the absence of Father positively redidized men who take me many years," says everyone's front candidate with a smile.That first marriage, from which three children were born, lasted just over ten years.After a decade of singleness, through a friend, she met her new love.

-How did you meet Enrique Pepe Albistur?

-I met him on July 19, 2007, the day Cristina Kirchner launched the candidacy for president in La Plata.His cousin, María Albistur, who was a carp neighbor in a Pinamar spa, told me that he had someone to introduce me.He told me that he lived in San Isidro, who was 48 years old and seven children.When he told me like that, "seven children," I imagined a guy from Opus Dei, boring.I was 34 years old and I thought: "What to emboral what it proposes!".I told him no, that it seemed like a very boring plan.But she insisted: "No, forget.My cousin is the most ... and you are in politics, you have to know it ".I didn't want to know anything, I also had no idea who it was.

-But he was already media secretary, a position with a lot of impact on the press.

-When Maria tells me again "Pepe Albistur" the first thing that comes to mind is the image of the lid of News Magazine of 2005, which said "The Distributor", in which Pepe appears in a bathing suit takingSun in Cariló.I remember because I had bought that magazine...There I said "I don't know this guy in Pedo".I told my sister: "Do not come with these blessing, the guy lives in San Isidro and is about a hundred years old, I don't care".I took them caring.

-However, at some point you changed the idea.

-Yes, because Maria put on "fixed pinion" with the idea that he had to present us.Then, on July 19, 2007, after the launching ceremony - PEPE was a media secretary and also Cristina's campaign man.He made it perfect, because he sold it to me as a political picture.And since that day I never separated again, because all that I had imagined had nothing to do with Pepe.It was fun, he didn't seem to be the age he was, he was nice ... he was a conquering Peronist.

-I understand that Albistur lied with his age.

-I reality, the presenter lied to me: Pepe takes me 26 years.The same, I never felt that age difference.When I met him I thought "How old will he be?", Because I was great for my hair, but not for his way of being.

From a street vendor of underwear to chiche manzanera

Victoria Tolosa Paz recalls the precise moment in which he fell in love with Peronism.In the year 96, while studying the third year of economic.He was building a house in Villa Elisa (”with a lot of effort,” he details) and met his neighbor: who then held the position of Minister of Social Development in the province of Buenos Aires.“One day taking mate I tell him that I am looking for work and told me to go to the Ministry, which at that time was called Provincial Council of the Family and Human Development.They hired me in the administrative part.In the ‘97 campaign, we started making the census of the manzaneras.I toured the entire province, I went to the places of greatest poverty: Villa Palito, Villa Carcova...In those places he talked to people and there always appeared a story in which he was avoid.There I began to realize that the only thing that had happened in those homes and that I had left a mark was Peronism.Everything had to do with Perón and Evita ”, he says.

-What was your first job?

-It was a street vendor: I went for the ministries selling underwear, pajamas and stockings.I was 16 years old, they were the times of hyperinflation, we gathered money to go on vacation.I did it with my cousin.

On the end of the interview, which was delivered without conditions and with absolute generosity, Tolosa Paz takes the conversation at the beginning: to the role of journalists and the media.The theme, it seems, has become an obsession.We talk about one of his most criticized expressions of the campaign, when he said, on television, in a young debate program, that "in Peronism he always grained".

-The gentlemen who accompany you, press and campaign manager, did you make any reference about your way of speaking or what to say?I imagine that after the outburst about the sexual life of the Peronists, so to speak, something told you.

-No, they don't tell me anything because they know that we are all exposed to a journalism that title.In journalism, “the abecé” of communication has been broken, a powerful power in which context.That no longer exists."Tolosa Paz said such a thing" and they don't put you in what context you say it...I think that makes journalism badly and us as a society.It is not the same: "Tolosa Paz, speaking of young people, said that in Peronism it always garcha".I didn't talk about me.They put me as if I had talked about me.I can't explain the amount of things that have happened after that.What was the intention?I am a woman, I am in a stage of my life that I am not 75 years then the impact of the word on a young person, or relatively young, and...

-...And pretty, too.

-Ponele, if you want.But there is no innocence from journalism when he publishes those titles.The right thing would have been: "Tolosa Paz, in the framework of a young interview, dared to say such a thing".Because if I am a 70 -year -old woman and I see the head of Clarín who says "Tolosa Paz said this" I will surely think: "What does this girl say?This girl is crazy! ".Read like this...That word even impresses me!Because I say that in a jovial talk talking about the kids, not me.I never did an exhibition of what my private life is like.Then I wonder: Who is the organ that you audits you to say how we behave in the campaign?Capable they earn likes and that sells more.I have the feeling that there are things to correct, not because I want coverage, not because I want them to take care of me, but because we all have to be responsible.