08 10
Transparencies from 50: Philippine Leroy Beaulieu teaches you how

Philippine Leroy Beaulieu, the 58 -year -old actress who plays Sylvie in Emily in Paris, has become one of the main style references of today.On this occasion, who gives life to one of the most elegant Parisians in the series, surprised in real life with a styling that stole the looks in the Parade of the AMI firm in Paris Fashion Week.Why?Because the artist wore a design in which transparencies prevailed, perhaps one of the most difficult and bold fashion resources to apply.But in the case of Leroy Beaulieu it reminded us that, well carried, they generate a daring and unique look.

It was a long dress with marked transparencies in green bottle tone.A design that in his case, carried without underwear and has combined with a long tailor -type coat and metallic sandals of fine strips.

Transparencias a partir de los 50: Philippine Leroy Beaulieu te enseña cómo

For those who do not dare to show off transparencies without underwear, carry it under another garment is an option, as well as choose some design that has transparencies only in details.To finish off his styling, Leroy Beaulieu added long earrings with rhinestones and a black minibols.Carmine manicure and straightened hair.As for the makeup, he took the ultra marked look and lips in nude.

With this bet Philippine Leroy Beaulieu confirms that it is one of our French muses.

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